Getting startedThe Bachelorette Party (mr. potestas)I might have the feeling the groom isnt going to be thrilled with events here!

Fine, Lucy's tongue, need to see it in action, lol. Entertaining enough 'hen party' type fun and games here, for sure
Definitely enjoyed
CrutchAs a known lover of Rom-MC, I'm loving this. The playoffs between the two of them, the general feelgood stuff within the M/s stuff, just love it. And the issue at the end, just loved it.
High end of definitely enjoyed
Doctor Hypno PerveStrange mix of good perve/naughty perve in here, for sure. Fine, just when I was ready to hate him, he'd do something nice, so... OK, the last scene, with nurse, and male patient, hilarious.
Definitely enjoyed
Femdom Mind Control Flash FictionFirst 2 I loved, last one less so, but anyway...Twenty one days, where I do I get that download, lol? Loved the way Sacrifice played out, though I was hoping for a different twist at the end, but never mind. Cant add in comment without spoiler, mind...
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Type Omega would probably be more amusing for gamer types
Torn on mark, going down to Definitely enjoyed, for reason in spoiler
Making Love to the CameraAnother where its hard to comment without spoiler as to what I would have liked it to be
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But other than that, it was pretty neatly done
High end of definitely enjoyed
More to follow