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New Releases - July 20 2019
« on: July 20, 2019, 10:07:21 am »
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Algorithm (mc ff mf fd md) (1 new chapter)  by Carefully Random
Tiffany’s friends discover the mind blanking capabilities of an audio visual sensory input algorithm.  It isn’t long before they want to know how powerful the algorithm can be, but they will need test subjects: willing or otherwise…

Article 13C-2;7.4 (mc mf fd ma) (new)  by Meleva
Even while bound by magic to uphold their contracts, two Librarians still manage to break dozens of rules. The question becomes, who’s going to punish who?

The Assassins (mc ff rb) (1 new chapter)  by Roboman127
Robberies, kidnappings and Assassinations are being done by strange shiny black PVC women.  Two women going to the bank have their lives changed forever.

Atonement (Half Shim) (mc ff ft gr la) (1 new chapter)  by Half Shim
Morgan is sent to the Farm to atone for her crimes.

The Bachelorette Party (mr. potestas) (mc ff) (new)  by mr. potestas
Linda’s friends throw her a bachelorette party unlike she ever imagined.

Blizzard (mc mf ff) (1 new chapter)  by Redsliver
When Gene treats a strange visitor to better hospitality than she thinks she’s worth, she overcompensates him with three beautiful co-ed princesses. Auditors have been notified of the discrepancy.

Bystander (mc ff) (new)  by MoldedMind
Fran is a helpless bystander to her best friend’s slow descent into sexual slavery.

Charmed (mc mf ff fd in) (new)  by Chrysostomon
Sue uses her magical charms to put her stuck-up sister in her place.

The Console Room (mc fd ft) (new)  by philmslim
In dim room, a young man rushes to complete his espionage for a mysterious female benefactor.

Crossings (mc mf fd ft) (1 new chapter)  by MɛtaBob
Memory and reason restored, a man mastering magic journeys to new destinations, encountering ever more irresistible women.

Crutch (mc mf md ma) (1 new chapter)  by CuyahogaKingKong
A college student wants to help a classmate who just knee surgery, and ends up hypnotizing her to be his slave.

The Crystal’s Slave (mc mf md) (2 new chapters)  by Dr. HypnoD
A man walks into a jewelry store to try out his special crystal. He gets some new toys, but what happens when the police take notice?

Desires (mc mf) (new)  by Chrysostomon
Cora and her mother Niamh struggle to feed the thing in the barn.

Doctor Hypno Perve (mc mf md) (new)  by hypno perve
A doctor enjoys compelling his patients to obey him.

Dreamers (mc mf ff md fd in) (new)  by Chrysostomon
A pair of twins discover they have the ability to enter people’s dreams and make them do things.

Editing Reality Book Two: Sultry Fantasies Unleashed (mc mf gr in) (1 new chapter)  by mypenname3000
Steve gets a phone app that lets him edit other people.

Emma and the Ultimate Scam Artist (mc ff rb ft) (1 new chapter)  by Roboman127
Four people try to scam an ancient scam artist.

Femdom Mind Control Flash Fiction (mc mf fd) (3 new chapters)  by S. B.
A collection of short writings focusing on various aspects of Femdom Mind Control.

The Further Adventures of Louis and Elle (mc mf fd) (1 new chapter)  by Argos
A continued look at the marriage of Elle and her hypnotically enslaved husband Louis.

Making Love to the Camera (mc mf md) (new)  by Jukebox
Tammi meets one of her Master’s friends online and lives out her fantasy of masturbating for a stranger.

Massaged By My Nerdy Brother (mc mf md in) (1 new chapter)  by BurroGirl18 and Pan
A few innocent massages with her brother goes too far.

Member Privileges (mc mf md fd gr) (1 new chapter)  by William Pratt
Young, married couple Oliver and Marissa keep in touch through online video chat site while Oliver travels on business. When their current site suddenly changes ownership, the new owners bring some peculiar new rules.

Mind-Control Panties (mc mf md in) (1 new chapter)  by mypenname3000
A mysterious figure adds special items to the inventory of trendy clothing stores—panties with special phrases written on them.

My Neighbor, Soon to Be Lover (mc mf fd) (1 new chapter)  by Miss Tique
A teen reprograms her older neighbour to become the lover she imagined him to be.

Rose of Forgetfulness (mc ff) (1 new chapter)  by Playright
Rose is extensively reprogrammed and set free by a mysterious organization. What are their diabolical plans for her?

Sleepy on Set (mc ff) (new)  by Sleepy Hypno
An actress struggling with a scene in which she is supposed to be asleep gets a little help doing just that from a mysterious visitor, Nyx.

Split Slave (mc ff ma bd ds hm) (1 new chapter)  by Skaetlett
Delta, a non-binary, kidnapped sex slave with a protective alternate personality, gets auctioned off to a multimillionaire who seems to have more in store than they’re ready for. Their Mistress thinks she knows everything about them and is wrong.

The Stepford Mistress (mc mf md) (new)  by wcw43921
Sharelle has an affair with a man who hypnotizes her to act like a submissive housewife.

Stop Watch (mc mf md in ts) (1 new chapter)  by Sidia
A power that is too good to be true becomes a corrupting influence on a man and leads him into temptations he’d never thought possible.

Vows (mc mf md) (new)  by Chrysostomon
John and Karen have their marriage offciated by Mr Mephysto.

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Re: New Releases - July 20 2019
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2019, 11:00:04 am »
Fuck. I swear I fixed the misspelling of Buenos Ares. Looks like I didn't commit.
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Re: New Releases - July 20 2019
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2019, 11:16:44 am »
Fuck. I swear I fixed the misspelling of Buenos Ares. Looks like I didn't commit.

Isn't that part of the song? Tomato, tomahto, Aires, Ares? 

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Re: New Releases - July 20 2019
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2019, 11:59:28 am »
The Stepford Mistress: What a fun ending! I laughed out loud. Loved it.

Algorithm: Another insanely hot chapter! I enjoy stories where characters struggle with that pull towards the dark side, the temptation to just give in and zap everyone's free will for good. So quick. So easy! Here, Tiffany tries to walk that fine line.
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Re: New Releases - July 20 2019
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2019, 12:43:01 pm »
Fuck. I swear I fixed the misspelling of Buenos Ares. Looks like I didn't commit.


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Re: New Releases - July 20 2019
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2019, 02:27:34 pm »
The Stepford Mistress: What a fun ending! I laughed out loud. Loved it.

Algorithm: Another insanely hot chapter! I enjoy stories where characters struggle with that pull towards the dark side, the temptation to just give in and zap everyone's free will for good. So quick. So easy! Here, Tiffany tries to walk that fine line.
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In regards to Algorithm, I think there's a bit of a plot hole. In an earlier chapter, she basically got the other person to tell her that she no longer had to obey her commands. I figured this meant
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Re: New Releases - July 20 2019
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2019, 02:51:06 pm »
The Stepford Mistress: What a fun ending! I laughed out loud. Loved it.

Algorithm: Another insanely hot chapter! I enjoy stories where characters struggle with that pull towards the dark side, the temptation to just give in and zap everyone's free will for good. So quick. So easy! Here, Tiffany tries to walk that fine line.
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(more to come)

In regards to Algorithm, I think there's a bit of a plot hole. In an earlier chapter, she basically got the other person to tell her that she no longer had to obey her commands. I figured this meant
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Thanks for reading, both of you! 😁

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Re: New Releases - July 20 2019
« Reply #7 on: July 20, 2019, 03:00:22 pm »
Crutch: Still thoroughly enjoying this sweet, sexy story. I'm ashamed to admit that I didn't get the Sea Witch reference until the third time I read it. (And yes, I read the story three times!). Also glad that the story toyed with, but ultimately avoided, my one Major Squick: pineapples on pizza.  ;)

Femdom Mind Control Flash Fiction:
“It seems you’re stupid,” the screen said to him, white letters dominating the center of the TV.

How many game developers would love to put that into their products, lol! Perhaps more than a few already have! Not that Trey cares much about that, or anything else, anymore.
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"Sacrifice" is the long-lost movie serial we never knew we needed. But we do!

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Offline Shadra

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Re: New Releases - July 20 2019
« Reply #8 on: July 20, 2019, 03:28:25 pm »
Hope everyone is staying cool this summer day. What better way to avoid the oppressive triple-digit heat than by staying inside and reading some nice stories?

Although... maybe erotic stories aren't the best choice for 'cooling down,' eh?

Seems like a short selection this week. Already had the chance to read two stories.

Algorithm continues to entice with fun drama between the cast of characters. And then leaves us at such an interesting cliffhanger. To be fair, I have no idea where the story may go from here, but I trust CR will continue to impress. Wonderful chapter, if I do say so myself. Pretty sure I'm saying that of my own free will, though I do seem to have a new fondness for sitting in chairs in front of screens...

Crutch certainly spices things up with this week's chapter. The interactions between the two characters are as enjoyable as ever, and I'm curious to see where the two go next. I feel I may be the minority when I say I actually like pineapple on pizza though... that's right. Fight me.

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Re: New Releases - July 20 2019
« Reply #9 on: July 20, 2019, 04:33:23 pm »
Given the short list this week, tonight I've focused on getting my You Tube 'watch later' list back down under 30. Was 32 at start of day, now down to 27! ::) My limit is meant to be 20! :angel:
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Re: New Releases - July 20 2019
« Reply #10 on: July 20, 2019, 04:57:08 pm »
Very nice to see Playrights Rose of Forgetfulness back on. This story is very complex and so interesting with a very layered plot and large cast of characters. Really good MC too.

This far in and I don't know the ultimate goal or who is really after it, driving the events going on. And I say that in a good way. Things are happening but the writer isn't letting us in on why or who yet. I think Rose is being used to subvert Catherine, the owner of the company, especially because of her remark in the last chapter when they were making love, "you need to think less."

But I'm not sure about that. All I know is Rose is being controlled here and so are others. But who is the real villain and who are the pawns?  Emily? Catherine? Isabel? Madelaine? Then you have Ellie and even further back Gwen, who may be help for Rose. So much fun there trying to unravel this sophisticated story.

Also enjoyed Chrysostomon's Desires. This was just a flat out wicked, dark story about a mother and daughter being used up by....something in the barn. It was creepy and fun and hot.

Moldminds Bystander was also enjoyable. Fran's college friend Maggie begins to change her attitude. Hmmmm....I wonder why?

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Re: New Releases - July 20 2019
« Reply #11 on: July 20, 2019, 05:20:35 pm »

Femdom Mind Control Flash Fiction:
“It seems you’re stupid,” the screen said to him, white letters dominating the center of the TV.

How many game developers would love to put that into their products, lol! Perhaps more than a few already have! Not that Trey cares much about that, or anything else, anymore.
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Funny to see you quote my favorite line from that particular piece. A little bit of humor before the darkness kicks in. I love the idea of hypnotic videogames, truth be told.

And long-lost movie serial, huh? Noted.

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Re: New Releases - July 20 2019
« Reply #12 on: July 20, 2019, 05:27:48 pm »
The narrator of "Crutch" is kind of a wuss.

Offline Shadra

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Re: New Releases - July 20 2019
« Reply #13 on: July 20, 2019, 06:56:21 pm »
The narrator of "Crutch" is kind of a wuss.

That's a matter of perspective. I'd say he's just caring, and don't see anything wrong with that.

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Re: New Releases - July 20 2019
« Reply #14 on: July 20, 2019, 07:24:46 pm »
The narrator of "Crutch" is kind of a wuss.

That's a matter of perspective. I'd say he's just caring, and don't see anything wrong with that.

Totally a matter of perspective. I can't fault CKK for writing a story that doesn't quite line up to my tastes as a reader. (I like my MD dark.) Crutch is too "sweet" to hit my kink/all-hot-and-bothered buttons, but I enjoy CKK's storytelling style, so I'm enjoying the ride. :)

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Re: New Releases - July 20 2019
« Reply #15 on: July 20, 2019, 07:49:15 pm »
Also enjoyed Chrysostomon's Desires. This was just a flat out wicked, dark story about a mother and daughter being used up by....something in the barn. It was creepy and fun and hot.

Unfortunately, I seem to wind up liking Chrystomon's ideas and synopses a lot better than the stories themselves, and this wound up being no exception.

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Re: New Releases - July 20 2019
« Reply #16 on: July 20, 2019, 07:53:22 pm »
Fuck. I swear I fixed the misspelling of Buenos Ares. Looks like I didn't commit.

Thank you.
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Re: New Releases - July 20 2019
« Reply #17 on: July 20, 2019, 09:12:17 pm »
Also enjoyed Chrysostomon's Desires. This was just a flat out wicked, dark story about a mother and daughter being used up by....something in the barn. It was creepy and fun and hot.

Unfortunately, I seem to wind up liking Chrystomon's ideas and synopses a lot better than the stories themselves, and this wound up being no exception.

Yeah, this has pretty much been my experience with Chrystomom's stories. I get all excited by the synopsis and tags and then am underwhelmed by the execution. Sometimes, I can look past execution of a story because the bare-bones content hits my hot buttons like whoah, but my hot buttons aren't making much of an appearance these days. Three to five years ago, I'd be singing Chrystomon's praises despite the execution. And in another few months, I might be if my hot buttons decide to perk up. (As of late they have been during the fall/winter/early-spring ugh season in my neck of the woods.)

So I'm keeping half an eye on Chrystomon's stories in the hopes that one hits my hot buttons just right. I really hope Chrystomon keeps writing.

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Re: New Releases - July 20 2019
« Reply #18 on: July 21, 2019, 03:45:33 am »
Same here.

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Re: New Releases - July 20 2019
« Reply #19 on: July 21, 2019, 06:01:00 am »
The narrator of "Crutch" is kind of a wuss.

Little bit, yeah.  He likes the power fantasy element of mc in part because paradoxically it gives him the freedom to be a bit of a sappy sentimental insecure non-alpha male.

I mean ordinarily he would be scared of Steff being disappointed in his physique, or thinking he was crazy to tell her he loves her already.  If he'd ever had the guts to try and get with a girl like her, he'd have ruined it with painfully bad efforts to be cool and confident.

Of course Steff is at least partly expecting to be used more than doted on.  What she wants is to have power taken away so she's free of the pressure to constantly be 111% perfect.

It's way different from the usual dynamic you see in MD, and I'm glad people are enjoying it.

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Re: New Releases - July 20 2019
« Reply #20 on: July 21, 2019, 07:57:00 am »
Well, I love my sweet rom-MC, so fine, I'm loving Crutch
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Re: New Releases - July 20 2019
« Reply #21 on: July 21, 2019, 08:26:35 am »
I dislike sweet-rom MC, so I dislike "Crutch"...also dislike the "mind controller with a conscience" sub-genre.  She calls him "Master" so he deliberately tweaks her so she does not call him Master?  Bleah.

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Re: New Releases - July 20 2019
« Reply #22 on: July 21, 2019, 08:54:23 am »
I dislike sweet-rom MC, so I dislike "Crutch"...also dislike the "mind controller with a conscience" sub-genre.  She calls him "Master" so he deliberately tweaks her so she does not call him Master?  Bleah.

How dare the controller want to have both a devoted sex slave and a friend?
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Re: New Releases - July 20 2019
« Reply #23 on: July 21, 2019, 09:54:22 am »
I dislike sweet-rom MC, so I dislike "Crutch"...also dislike the "mind controller with a conscience" sub-genre.  She calls him "Master" so he deliberately tweaks her so she does not call him Master?  Bleah.

Oh, yeah I can see how you would hate this then.  Don't bother with my other story In The Beginning.  No hard feelings or anything, just a matter of taste.

Oddly enough I totally see where you are coming from with "nice guy" mcer stories.  Most of the time they come off insincere and I wind up liking them way less than a straightforward predator.  I tried to make Tom show a sincere interest in Steff' s well being partly as a response to that sort of thing.

The Master thing was partly because I realized there wasn't enough outward difference between Steff before and after her slave trigger was used, at least for my tastes.  In universe, there are practical considerations.  After all it's only a matter of time until a situation where Steff thinks they're alone but someone can hear them comes up.  I played with ideas for such a situation, didn't like any of them much, so I just nipped it in the bud.

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Re: New Releases - July 20 2019
« Reply #24 on: July 21, 2019, 05:09:55 pm »
Getting started

The Bachelorette Party (mr. potestas)

I might have the feeling the groom isnt going to be thrilled with events here! :laugh: Fine, Lucy's tongue, need to see it in action, lol. Entertaining enough 'hen party' type fun and games here, for sure
Definitely enjoyed


As a known lover of Rom-MC, I'm loving this. The playoffs between the two of them, the general feelgood stuff within the M/s stuff, just love it. And the issue at the end, just loved it.
High end of definitely enjoyed

Doctor Hypno Perve

Strange mix of good perve/naughty perve in here, for sure. Fine, just when I was ready to hate him, he'd do something nice, so... OK, the last scene, with nurse, and male patient, hilarious.
Definitely enjoyed

Femdom Mind Control Flash Fiction

First 2 I loved, last one less so, but anyway...Twenty one days, where I do I get that download, lol? Loved the way Sacrifice played out, though I was hoping for a different twist at the end, but never mind. Cant add in comment without spoiler, mind...
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Type Omega would probably be more amusing for gamer types
Torn on mark, going down to Definitely enjoyed, for reason in spoiler

Making Love to the Camera

Another where its hard to comment without spoiler as to what I would have liked it to be
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But other than that, it was pretty neatly done
High end of definitely enjoyed

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