Part 6, almost there!BygoneThe concept of each section was actually pretty good, but no one will be surprised to hear I hated how all 3 played out! I know, I like 'happy' endings' and these were just the opposite. But if you like depressing endings, you'll love these as everything else is nicely done.
No rating, I cant rating depressing endings easily, so not even trying!
Every Woman Has a PriceI think my price would be about 5 cents, if that high!

One of those I need to see more to really get an opinion on, but its got promise. I might need to sort out all the characters at some point too.
Low end of definitely enjoyed, a typical wait and see rating for me
Ms. M. and the PoetI know, its one of those stories where I should feel sorry for Amber, and all that, but I cant! She doesnt seem the likeable type, and Ms M, I just love her style, reminds me of how I'd behave in her place!

Fine, I do feel sorry for Eric, but I suspect he enjoyed it really. Oh fine, the ending goes a bit further than is really my thing, and yes, the humiliation factor is beyond my comfort zone, but all the same... I suspect she's have me dancing through the store in a chorus girl leotard, lol.
Compromise mark, low end of definitely enjoyed. Almost gave it a straight, and I'm sure Ms M could convince me to do so, with the right offer?
Tina Mesmerized and EnslavedSeeing I'm not meant to be naughty, and rude nowadays, especially to first time writers, I'm just going to say this did nothing for me, and needs a major edit. I guess if you like repetitive, nasty humiliation, but otherwise, just give a miss.
No rating, see above
Last 4 to go!