Getting started againI Was BlackmailedIf it wasnt religion related, and incest, I could be absolutely loving this. Unfortunately both of those things are turn offs for me. I'm loving the tease from the sister, so almost inclined to get over that side of thing, but religion is a big turn off subject for me, though. Other than that, great story though
Definitely enjoyed
Is It Any Better?Any story with 'death and destruction' as a major element like this one, is always going to be a big turn off for me. But fine the concept is quite something, and if you like dark and sinister, you'll get far more from this than I did.
I'm going to go no rating, on tastes, but if you like dark, you'll want to read this.
Magical Girl SynIn answer to the author's query, I'd love to see more of Ruthie, but equally, as she says, if she feels the need, she'll demand it!

Its a great, slightly crazy story that I'm addicted to, what more can I say? Author is a good writer, I guess?
High end of definitely enjoyed
ParagraphsA novel way of writing a story I guess, and I could see why it was done, but fine, my arthritic wrists, and hands didnt enjoy all the extra scrolling involved because of that. Amusing piece of green fd though
Low end of definitely enjoyed (yes, first ever health markdown, lol)
Resistance 2I dont think the Quarantine Zone is going to last much longer, judging by events!

I'd love the body makeover, but I'd hate that sex drive, lol. Will Robert save the day, or eventually succumb as well, hmm?
Low end of definitely enjoyed
More to follow