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Re: New Releases-March 2nd 2019
« Reply #25 on: March 06, 2019, 05:44:33 am »
I Have No Idea

Fine, I admire Mel's attitude, if not her pregnancy. Loved the whole scene around the suit, at the club too. Oh fine, if I can have a no pregnancy clause in my contract, playing cosplay on that island would be a lot of fun.
High end of definitely enjoyed

Yeah, I making the island positive, fun, and over the top was always important. The good news is, if you have a visit, the pregnancy thing was only for the executives, the girls and the guests weren't involved. Glad you liked it.

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Re: New Releases-March 2nd 2019
« Reply #26 on: March 06, 2019, 11:56:54 am »
Emilia’s Exorcism (mc mf ff md fd ma bd ex) (1 new chapter)  by malsagulo
A deal with a tech-savvy witch unexpectedly gives a cranky young librarian the ability to tap into the mind of an insatiable slut. Plain, anti-social Emilia soon experiences levels of pleasure beyond her wildest dreams, thanks to a magical link with party girl and whore-for-fun Katya. But can she maintain control—or will she be consumed entirely by the sensual new world she’s discovered?

Katya is quite an interesting character. Clearly a nymphomaniac, but also a woman of principal! Making sure to use a whole pack of condoms to get their money's worth and to see if she could has that much sex was quite the line. This all continue to contrast perfectly with the bland Emilia. In some ways, things are done quite ironically here. Emilia seems a shell of a woman, yet she is the one magically inhabiting the mysterious yet full of life Katya. It all means something. That is one of the mysteries that effortlessly helps move this narrative along. Plus, though technically unsurprising, the twist at the end of this chap made this story just that much more captivating.

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Re: New Releases-March 2nd 2019
« Reply #27 on: March 06, 2019, 12:22:47 pm »

The Acts — The Shutdown (mc mf md) (new)  by TheHandsThatLead
Three friends flee north to escape the acts during the government shutdown, will they find their freedom?

I liked this story a lot. I enjoyed it more than earlier stories by the author. That might have to do with my particular perverse tastes but it could also be that the author is improving in leaps and bounds.

You could say dark, evil cabal stuff appeals to me or you could say dark, evil cabal stuff really, really appeals to me. Also, the story is excellent in it's simplicity.

Thanks Svengli, I'd don't think I'm improving that much so I'm going to go with the fact this one appeals to your tastes more than my others ;)

Either way, I'm glad you enjoyed it.
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Re: New Releases-March 2nd 2019
« Reply #28 on: March 06, 2019, 01:43:25 pm »
Brain Freeze (mc ff) (new)  by Jukebox
During a power outage, Quiana is visited by a lesbian neighbor bearing homemade ice cream.

Nice story, as it was well written. Great story to read in cold weather. I could almost feel that hot sticky weather radiate off the paragraphs! Oh, sure, there were no real surprises here, but this did not seem written with surprise in mind. A literally hot mind control story with ice cream was all this needed to be. Nefarious? Maybe, but the little debate added dimension to the story. Besides, it was a hot day, and the neighbor did make ice cream!

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Re: New Releases-March 2nd 2019
« Reply #29 on: March 07, 2019, 01:42:19 am »
Bible Belt Redux (mc mf md in) (new)    por Pan
[iWhen Brodie flashes his ultra-religious sister, she is suddenly obsessed with his cock.

The story seems good, but I think it would be good to see how it develops in the next chapter. Although I do not think that this related neither in narrative nor in positions, it reminds me of Saint Sylvie's Academy.

And I think that some components of that story could help the consistency and differentiation in the next chapters.

(Mmn, I correct myself. This would be the reissue of another story: 'Biblie Belt')

Brain Freeze (mc ff) (new)    por Jukebox
During a power outage, Quiana is visited by a lesbian neighbor bearing homemade ice cream.

Wonderful! Fairly entertaining.

The Smell of the Greasepaint, the Roar of the Crowd (nuevo mc md md md ft) (new)    de Calico Jack
Mezmo the Clown recruits Cassie and her son to be assistants for a birthday party show.

I really like the premise of the clown, it is very well characterized. And the story is enjoyable, if you do not mind the following points:

* The 'cruel' character wins.
* The narrative extols this cruelty.
* School bullying.
* Constant theme of humiliation.

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« Last Edit: March 07, 2019, 02:35:20 am by Akisa »
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Re: New Releases-March 2nd 2019
« Reply #30 on: March 07, 2019, 08:20:53 am »
Part 4

Diversion Tactics

One of those weird things where I'd probably love being hypnotised like that, but at the same time, the humiliation factor is just a little bit too heavy for me? So though I find the concept hot, I end up feeling sorry for Chloe? Maybe its the whole audience thing, who knows?
Definitely enjoyed, definitely a compromise rating, that 'Mistress' might want to discuss with my mind? :laugh:

Little Pink Pills

Fine, I'd love some of those pink pills at present, as I could sort out a couple of jerks annoying me in real life, with those. Then she can try the little silver pills on me, lol! :P Poor April, she could really do with a pink pill, or two just at the present moment. :laugh: Really loving this so far.
High end of definitely enjoyed

Sorority Science Project

Another mixed feeling story. I love the concept of the Braindrain machine, but for all they're geeks, the guys arent seemingly likeable in the slightest! Some of the stuff is cleverly done, some I just hated.
So yes, again, I'll compromise. this time at low end of definitely enjoyed

Subliminal Toys

Story is cleverly done, but yes, the incest factor is always a put off for me, though I guess step mother is slightly less so? At the same time, if any man fancied controlling me like her, I'd love it to be done, neat method. And I know, its step sister too, so... ::)
Low end of definitely enjoyed

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Re: New Releases-March 2nd 2019
« Reply #31 on: March 07, 2019, 11:34:49 am »
Part 5

The Morning Route

He can provide me with some of those herbs, but only if I'm going to get milked properly, moo! I always enjoy it when you dont necessarily see the controller plotting, as in this one, but fine, it was fun. I did work out they were eating the 'dangerous' herb, but beyond all that, a good fun story.
High end of definitely enjoyed

The Smell of the Greasepaint, the Roar of the Crowd

Another where I loved the process, but hated all the undeserved humiliation stuff. If it wasnt for that, I would have really enjoyed this, but that was a big downer for me. But other than that, the clown mc makeover sounds fun.
Low end of definitely enjoyed, a real compromise mark. Probably a bit on the kind side, given the humiliation, but I'll go with that. Undeserved humiliation lovers are going to like this far more than me

This Is Our Story

Fine, I felt so sorry for Connor, and fine for Hailey too. I know he tried to break it gently, but...So fine, maybe I wasnt too sorry at what Heather did to him! :P Great story, and looking forward eagerly to find out how this plays out
High end of definitely enjoyed


Enjoying this one a lot too, though how much of that is the fact I'd like to be turned into a drone, but anyway... Will the inevitable happen, will Behlim save the day, who knows? Or will I be turned into a drone, and forced to give this really good marks, lol? Not that I'd mind, but... :laugh: Who will be next?
High end of definitely enjoyed

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Offline malsagulo

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Re: New Releases-March 2nd 2019
« Reply #32 on: March 07, 2019, 04:23:37 pm »
Plus, though technically unsurprising, the twist at the end of this chap made this story just that much more captivating.

Ah. Did you see it coming? Not that it matters, but I am always curious to see just how predictable my plots are.

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Re: New Releases-March 2nd 2019
« Reply #33 on: March 08, 2019, 11:13:04 am »
And now, those final 4...

Action Force: The Annachurian Candidate

I will say I have actually already the full 'script' of this elsewhere, and made suggestions about the Professor turning a more mature woman into a mindlessly obedient 'robot' for his harem, or otherwise, as I dont think I can play parts that young. So fine, the story is delicious, the brainwashing process sounds awesome, and something I'd definitely love used on me, acting, or for real! And yes, its captured its target perfectly, in more senses than one.
Low end of much enjoyed. Probably should have given it less, so the professor wants to capture, and convince me, but anyway... ;)

Following Her Dream

My big issue with this is Janet isnt likeable, but compared to Violet... ::) Its a cracking good game of chess, mind, though I do feel sorry for Rachel, all the same.
Definitely enjoyed

Help! I’m Trapped In A Romantic Visual Novel!

I've always wanted to experience the fully immersive VR thing, but maybe I'll pass on this game to do so? On the other hand, the method of brainwashing is quite delicious, so maybe I should? Certainly fascinated to see what the final outcome is here for Payton
High end of definitely enjoyed

The Triumphs of the Past

Maybe I should avoid any offers of car journey's with Max? :laugh: Have to say that the stop with Jane, when they are on their way back is very good. You'd almost think the car was controlling matters, lol? I love max's style of writing, but not sure if thats just because of the Britishness of the situation, or the fact he's also a really good writer. Combination of both, I'm sure.
High end of definitely enjoyed

Thats it for this update, thanks as always to all authors in this update, reviewed or not
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Offline Shadra

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Re: New Releases-March 2nd 2019
« Reply #34 on: March 08, 2019, 12:02:22 pm »
Following Her Dream

My big issue with this is Janet isnt likeable, but compared to Violet... ::) Its a cracking good game of chess, mind, though I do feel sorry for Rachel, all the same.
Definitely enjoyed

I find it interesting the different kind of responses I get for each character. I've had people rooting for Violet ever since she was introduced, as well as people seeming very relieved at the end of this recent chapter. I think the only unanimous opinions I get are people's sympathy for Rachel, and well... no one really talks about Snow =P

Im curious if you'd be willing to go into a bit more on your thoughts on Janet. I'd love to get your take on her, as I mostly have my own colored opinion, given I know where she goes in the next two chapters.

And of course, thanks for sticking with it =)
« Last Edit: March 08, 2019, 12:13:11 pm by Shadra »

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Re: New Releases-March 2nd 2019
« Reply #35 on: March 08, 2019, 04:49:43 pm »
I think the reason no one comments about Snow is that she's very much a side character, compared to the other 3. I do feel sorry for her too, but she's been around less than Rachel, so my sympathy level isnt quite as high.

I could feel sorry for Janet, in the sense that I find Violet's humiliation of her a total turn off. But equally, all her non enslavement coherent thoughts only seem to relate to taking control back, and revenge if it happens, so she's not endearing herself to me. She needs to redeem herself, for me to care. But yes, she dropped herself in my bad books early on, with doing the dirty on Rachel, so would be hard work to do that
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Re: New Releases-March 2nd 2019
« Reply #36 on: March 08, 2019, 07:03:38 pm »
I think Janet has realised that she made some real mistakes - not just security holes that let Violet usurp control, but things like not recognising or valuing Rachel's feelings. She's not in a position to redeem herself right now (at least not before the latest developments) but I'm optimistic that she will make better choices given teh opportunity.

And, yeah, Snow is being abused by Violet too, but not to the extent Janet and Rachel are, and we only see her in interactions with the other characters, rather than spending any time with her as POV, so sympathy for her is secondary to sympathy for the others. I wish her well, but I'm rooting for Janet, and if Janet pulls through, then Snow getting a better outcome is almost automatic.
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Re: New Releases-March 2nd 2019
« Reply #37 on: March 09, 2019, 09:48:04 am »
And now, those final 4...

Action Force: The Annachurian Candidate

I will say I have actually already the full 'script' of this elsewhere, and made suggestions about the Professor turning a more mature woman into a mindlessly obedient 'robot' for his harem, or otherwise, as I dont think I can play parts that young. So fine, the story is delicious, the brainwashing process sounds awesome, and something I'd definitely love used on me, acting, or for real! And yes, its captured its target perfectly, in more senses than one.
Low end of much enjoyed. Probably should have given it less, so the professor wants to capture, and convince me, but anyway... ;)

Wow! I know it might be silly to say that I'm really honored, but wow, I am really honored! I'm really glad that you enjoyed it.

I'll have Doctor Franz send the van for you immediately.  :)

Offline Shadra

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Re: New Releases-March 2nd 2019
« Reply #38 on: March 09, 2019, 12:35:39 pm »
Thank you for the responses. It's nice to get other opinions about the characters. Doing my best to untangle this messy knot of a chapter, and not take forever with it either, but I hope it ends up being both compelling and satisfying for everyone.

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Re: New Releases-March 2nd 2019
« Reply #39 on: March 09, 2019, 03:54:32 pm »
And now, those final 4...

Action Force: The Annachurian Candidate

I will say I have actually already the full 'script' of this elsewhere, and made suggestions about the Professor turning a more mature woman into a mindlessly obedient 'robot' for his harem, or otherwise, as I dont think I can play parts that young. So fine, the story is delicious, the brainwashing process sounds awesome, and something I'd definitely love used on me, acting, or for real! And yes, its captured its target perfectly, in more senses than one.
Low end of much enjoyed. Probably should have given it less, so the professor wants to capture, and convince me, but anyway... ;)

Wow! I know it might be silly to say that I'm really honored, but wow, I am really honored! I'm really glad that you enjoyed it.

I'll have Doctor Franz send the van for you immediately.  :)

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Re: New Releases-March 2nd 2019
« Reply #40 on: March 10, 2019, 05:57:51 pm »


A novel way of writing a story I guess, and I could see why it was done, but fine, my arthritic wrists, and hands didnt enjoy all the extra scrolling involved because of that. Amusing piece of green fd though
Low end of definitely enjoyed (yes, first ever health markdown, lol)

Sorry about your arthitis and that it affected your enjoyment of the tale. Earlier this year, I wrote a piece entitled Lines as a part of my 55 words challenge that explores this concept on a much smaller scale obviously and then expanded it on this one. Truth be told, I believe I was in an altered state of mind when I devised this one but can't prove it because the details are vague at best. Thank you for taking the time to read and I hope the extra scrolling didn't hurt too much.
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Re: New Releases-March 2nd 2019
« Reply #41 on: March 10, 2019, 06:00:30 pm »

S.B. delivers with a wonderful Choose-Your-Own-Mind-Control story in Paragraphs... except there's not much choosing going on here, is there?  :)

No, there really isn't as all paths lead the same way no matter what hence my description of it being a CYOA without the C. See the post above about how it came to be and thanks for the kind comment.
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