Part 4Diversion TacticsOne of those weird things where I'd probably love being hypnotised like that, but at the same time, the humiliation factor is just a little bit too heavy for me? So though I find the concept hot, I end up feeling sorry for Chloe? Maybe its the whole audience thing, who knows?
Definitely enjoyed, definitely a compromise rating, that 'Mistress' might want to discuss with my mind?
Little Pink PillsFine, I'd love some of those pink pills at present, as I could sort out a couple of jerks annoying me in real life, with those. Then she can try the little silver pills on me, lol!

Poor April, she could really do with a pink pill, or two just at the present moment.

Really loving this so far.
High end of definitely enjoyed
Sorority Science ProjectAnother mixed feeling story. I love the concept of the Braindrain machine, but for all they're geeks, the guys arent seemingly likeable in the slightest! Some of the stuff is cleverly done, some I just hated.
So yes, again, I'll compromise. this time at low end of definitely enjoyed
Subliminal ToysStory is cleverly done, but yes, the incest factor is always a put off for me, though I guess step mother is slightly less so? At the same time, if any man fancied controlling me like her, I'd love it to be done, neat method. And I know, its step sister too, so...

Low end of definitely enjoyed
More later