Girls Are Always Right (mc mf fd rb) (new) by Jukebox
Noah’s therapist comes up with an unconventional way to break through his deflection tactics.
Ouch, goddammit I had to register here just so I can say "ouch goddammit" over this story. I've liked the 'girl' storyline in the past, and I usually don't mind the preachiness in these because it usually works.
But this one, ouch goddammit.
At first I was like, this is gonna be a good one of this type of story, and it was. I like the formula, the recurring 'girl' character, I like the framework for the reversal, the slow seduction over the length of the story, I usually even come to enjoy the condenscension because it fits with the world of the story. Mostly I've liked these because of the 'extreme travel arc' the victim goes on. From extremely hostile, trapped, terrified, etc onwards to inevitable enthrallment. It's just been a great story device from the get-go.
The story grew hotter and even though Jukebox was plucking a raw nerve with the theme, I was onboard, because who really can't relate?
But then that world is shattered for me at the end when the 'girl' drops the line "
we're gonna put you on medication."

Oh hell no dude. I read these stories as an escape from -
that- world. Ouch, goddammit. It wasn't even done in that kind of 'fetish nurse' kind of way, it was in the "ambiguously benevolent 'girl'" theme that's used in other similar stories.
Supernatural alien technology sex robots who seduce the world one by one and nurture and care for their 'victims' to bring them to a better existence is awesome in theme, almost spiritual.
Somehow I always imagined them lifting people out of the rat-race of free will up into a sort of life of service that's its own medicine - even if it's a life of quasi enslavement to some aliens.
Using this archetype (or whatever you call it) to lure the mc victim into taking psych meds 'for his own good' was a horrifying twist of betrayal. The goddess/therapist figure here is supposed to save and yet enslave the victim, not play cheap social worker. Ouch, just do the protagonist a favor and kill him off instead. Maybe it's partly my personal baggage, but it was gut-wrenching to see the 'girl' character go there.
On the other hand, the protagonist was a prick, so part of me kind of thought it was fitting that he be shoved off into drug therapy instead of getting the genuine "benevolent enslavement" therapy of stories' past. I guess maybe the lesson here is "don't be that kind of a prick." but ouch, dammit.
Sorry for the geeky first post. I'm Thermo, btw. Pleased.
Fixed quote tag - grey_shadow>