Getting startedFit to ServeOh god, I want one of those maid outfits, please! Not that any sane man would want me, but anyway... And yes, the dream transformation really is quite something.
High end of definitely enjoyed
PleasurelandThis needs a major edit, and a major edit after that. There might be a decent story hidden away in here, but its a challenge to find it. Its nothing very original, but might be OK, at least if cleaned up, and a job might be fun, if you're that way inclined. Warning, main character is 17, nothing awful sex wise yet, but just saying...
I'm going no rating, mainly because its hard to 'enjoy' anything with that many spelling, and grammar (its pretty much invisible) issues.
61 Days in River City Entertaining chaos is probably the best way to describe this. I just hope no one was really seriously hurt, long term, in the making of this, but I suspect they were. Mind, a couple at least seem near indestructible, anyway. As for the Robotunit16 riposte, no comment whatsoever!

High end of definitely enjoyed
Trials and TrancesGave this one more chance, but really cant get into it, probably because I have no idea about the whole gaming stuff, but anyway...
No rating, no interest
Yew and MeThis is building up quite nicely, even more so with where we leave things. Obviously the mention of a British base amuses me no end, I hope the staff are fine? Cant wait for the inevitable Lily/Karpova meet we're heading towards, and some interesting reveals, I'm sure
High end of definitely enjoyed
More tomorrow, I hope