Author Topic: New Releases-Saturday June 15th 2019  (Read 34243 times)

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Re: New Releases-Saturday June 15th 2019
« Reply #25 on: June 19, 2019, 01:10:55 pm »
Part 3

Advanced Cognition

Oh please, can this AI be redesigned to help disabled mature ladies move around easier? And yes, fine, I'd love to do it inside that mech too. But I'd settle for one of those injections used on me, for sure. So please, Visis...? Even without that I was loving the play between Ira, and Liv, though I suspect that might be gone now they are both just wetware, but who knows? Yes, this pushed all my buttons very nicely indeed
High end of definitely enjoyed

Contracted: Antigone Stein

OK, I quickly pulled out of this before the desire to use a pair of blunt scissors on a part of the authors anatomy got too tempting. Fine, she's awful, but he's no better, and some of the things he did raised my ire, mainly matters of pure decency, not some of the other changes which she probably deserved. I only got as far as halfway before I was considering castration, but I doubt it improved given his style in such stories
No rating, obviously

Deep Undercover

There are a couple of authors whose 'productions' I would love to be an actress in (if I was 35-40 years younger), and 321 is definitely one of them. Which part I would love in this, no idea, but I want one! The story is brilliant, no idea who is actually in control here, nothing would surprise me, including Tara in truth, but she would be a big price. But yes, I'd love a session (or four) of Avery's brainwashing machine, but currently I'm a bit old for him. This is a great spy story, lots of twists, just go read.
High end of definitely enjoyed


See the above 321 story for initial sentiments, other than obviously its Alice I want to thoroughly brainwash me in here. Love the twist, and how she handles it, that is just wonderful. Again (sadly) I have a bit of an age issue for the 'being brainwashed' roles, shame. Why couldnt I have stayed there when I visited (East) Berlin? Fine, that was the early 80's, but I was young then, so...? Another story you really should be reading
High end of definitely enjoyed

Untold Stories

Seriously, this is hilarious, just go read! I could have done without one item of 'violence', but that gets settled, so... Other than that, this is an absolute gem between the 2 'ladies' here, and the stuff between the 2 Whites, between herself, plus the chats with the dwarves, brilliant. Go read, and laugh
High end of definitely enjoyed

Seriously, any of the 4 ranked could have got low end of much enjoyed, but I didnt want to choose, and equally I didnt want to hand out 4 of them. But if any of those authors wants to consider that given, deal! Shame about number 5, but anyway...

Last 4 to follow
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Offline CuyahogaKingKong

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Re: New Releases-Saturday June 15th 2019
« Reply #26 on: June 19, 2019, 04:14:42 pm »
As an avid mechwarrior, I really wanted to like Advanced Cognition, but the total destruction of the fun characters into mere wetware was just a bummer.  I know a lot of people are into the whole dehumanization thing so it's just a case of me not being the target audience.

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Re: New Releases-Saturday June 15th 2019
« Reply #27 on: June 20, 2019, 05:39:48 pm »
61 Days in River City

Entertaining chaos is probably the best way to describe this. I just hope no one was really seriously hurt, long term, in the making of this, but I suspect they were. Mind, a couple at least seem near indestructible, anyway. As for the Robotunit16 riposte, no comment whatsoever! :P
High end of definitely enjoyed

Thanks Merry. I'm sure no one was hurt, long term. In fact you'll see Omega Girl up and about in the next chapter, which I hope you enjoy as well. As for RobotUnit16, well, sorry about that, but she was a tad too powerful and was interfering with the story.
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Offline Merry Brooks

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Re: New Releases-Saturday June 15th 2019
« Reply #28 on: June 21, 2019, 08:29:12 am »
Maybe you should have sent me some of her strength, I could certainly do with it at present
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Offline Merry Brooks

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Re: New Releases-Saturday June 15th 2019
« Reply #29 on: June 21, 2019, 12:35:33 pm »
And so to complete

Asking For Trouble

Oh fine, this would have been funny without a Merry, and a Colleen, but with them, absolutely hilarious :laugh: And yes, I'd love to try some orgasms like those, and happily wear said maid's outfit. But fine, Colleen, as the bossy one, right on the mark! ::) It lives up to the title, and if Jo hasnt read this already, she really ought to! As has already been said, I would love to see more of this, for sure. I suspect if punishment is handy out, Merry will either end up thinking she's a wild flapper, or a robot! :laugh:
Low end of much enjoyed, the names just clinched it.

Chocolate Milk (me-chan)

Sorry, missed for me, though green fd lovers would get far more than me. Neither of main characters appealed to me, and the racial emphasis stuff is a turn off for me too.
No rating, taste issues


What is it with Alice's, and control at present? :laugh: I know, I should feel sorry for Christine, and all that, but I suppose if you're young, and pretty (unlike me), then being a stripper, and pole dancer makes for a fun job? I loved the build, and the added extras in this chapter, I must admit.
High end of definitely enjoyed

Questions and Answers II

Whats the point in trying to sort out my brain issues if the world is coming to an end, anyway? :laugh: I'm glad Devon couldnt get her plan to work, anyway. Oh goodness, Venus is welcome to motherhood, just saying! ::) Another great, if slightly depressing story
High end of definitely enjoyed

Thats it for this week, thanks as always to all authors this week, reviewed or otherwise
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Offline softi

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Re: New Releases-Saturday June 15th 2019
« Reply #30 on: June 21, 2019, 01:41:29 pm »
Asking For Trouble

Oh fine, this would have been funny without a Merry, and a Colleen, but with them, absolutely hilarious :laugh: And yes, I'd love to try some orgasms like those, and happily wear said maid's outfit. But fine, Colleen, as the bossy one, right on the mark! ::) It lives up to the title, and if Jo hasnt read this already, she really ought to! As has already been said, I would love to see more of this, for sure. I suspect if punishment is handy out, Merry will either end up thinking she's a wild flapper, or a robot! :laugh:
Low end of much enjoyed, the names just clinched it.

Thanks, Merry! That's a great rating, w00t w00t!

We'll see what happens to Merry (in the story, as opposed to the reviewer). It's not set in stone yet, so I might be influenced... :)

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Re: New Releases-Saturday June 15th 2019
« Reply #31 on: June 21, 2019, 02:30:18 pm »
Properly Handled (mc mf ff md fd in) (1 new chapter)  by Extantelan
A brother and sister grow closer over a shared love of mind control and other various kinks and perversions.

Exhibitionism and voyeurism are both a pretty hot and a strong indictment of people now. Google and porn sites are almost too revealing about society! While this story had exhibitionistic elements from the start, it was more than nice to see them so overt here. That narrative choice helped to further highlight how the characters have changed, or more precisely, how they have removed or changed their masks in the outside world. This was all given that exclamation point by Kacy just wanting to be hypnotized now. Can't wait to see where this goes next!

Offline greyscribbler

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Re: New Releases-Saturday June 15th 2019
« Reply #32 on: June 22, 2019, 06:04:04 pm »

What is it with Alice's, and control at present? :laugh: I know, I should feel sorry for Christine, and all that, but I suppose if you're young, and pretty (unlike me), then being a stripper, and pole dancer makes for a fun job? I loved the build, and the added extras in this chapter, I must admit.
High end of definitely enjoyed

Thanks Merry, glad you liked it.  Christine is definitely having fun in her new career.


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Re: New Releases-Saturday June 15th 2019
« Reply #33 on: June 22, 2019, 06:07:25 pm »

Exposed: Greyscribbler and his sex worker mind control/transformation stories have long made them one of my must read authors. This is again a new and interesting approach to this sex worker MC/TF scenario. Can't wait for more.

Thanks ErebusAether.  I'm glad you enjoyed. It is a genre I like writing.  For now this is the end of Christine's story.  Though we may see her again, as I have an idea or two for her co-worker Tania.


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Re: New Releases-Saturday June 15th 2019
« Reply #34 on: June 22, 2019, 06:09:53 pm »

All I can say is that Christine had better hope there's never an unannounced workplace fire drill.  :grin:

A nice slow burn of a story, now with flames! We start to see the story behind the story of Christine's sudden new choices (or lack thereof) regarding workplace attire. Who knows how long she stays in trance or what exactly is being programmed into her mind while she's there? Oh well, she's a smart girl. She'll work it out...

Thanks 321.  I think by now Christine is pretty practiced at quick changes :-). 

I'm very much enjoying Hostel.


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Re: New Releases-Saturday June 15th 2019
« Reply #35 on: June 23, 2019, 04:52:02 am »

Untold Stories

Seriously, this is hilarious, just go read! I could have done without one item of 'violence', but that gets settled, so... Other than that, this is an absolute gem between the 2 'ladies' here, and the stuff between the 2 Whites, between herself, plus the chats with the dwarves, brilliant. Go read, and laugh
High end of definitely enjoyed

Thanks again. It's certainly one of the wackiest things I've ever written. Although I think I went overboard on some segments, I'm pleased to know the whole sequence was enjoyed.
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Offline ExtantElan

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Re: New Releases-Saturday June 15th 2019
« Reply #36 on: June 23, 2019, 06:14:24 pm »
Properly Handled (mc mf ff md fd in) (1 new chapter)  by Extantelan
A brother and sister grow closer over a shared love of mind control and other various kinks and perversions.

Exhibitionism and voyeurism are both a pretty hot and a strong indictment of people now. Google and porn sites are almost too revealing about society! While this story had exhibitionistic elements from the start, it was more than nice to see them so overt here. That narrative choice helped to further highlight how the characters have changed, or more precisely, how they have removed or changed their masks in the outside world. This was all given that exclamation point by Kacy just wanting to be hypnotized now. Can't wait to see where this goes next!


I know it was a slow build but I am glad you've found the wait to be worth it. :)

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Re: New Releases-Saturday June 15th 2019
« Reply #37 on: July 01, 2019, 01:55:31 pm »

Here's hoping that S.B. can find the time to work through more fairy tales in the future. Untold Stories is sexy, hilarious, and perfectly tongue-in-cheek. Loved it.

Thank you. Pleased my silly endeavors are appreciated. This part was even wackier than the first. Possible future renditions of other tales will be as well.

Speaking of that, Untold Stories - Alice has just seen its intoductory act elsewhere but you'll have to wait a while to find out why the fuck she wants to divorce The White Rabbit.  ::)  :grin:
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