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Re: New Releases - Saturday, April 27th, 2019
« Reply #50 on: April 29, 2019, 03:39:45 pm »
61 Days in River City

And then to the very tangled web that is Betsy's other story. OK, Sonia and Vicky know how to make a drama out of a crisis, and leave it at that. Not sure they are completely clear yet! Oh fine, I was roaring with laughter at points where things maybe weren't going to plan for all.
High end of definitely enjoyed

Thanks Merry.
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Re: New Releases - Saturday, April 27th, 2019
« Reply #51 on: April 29, 2019, 03:48:53 pm »
Sorry. I didn't make that clear. Mine involves dragons only. I thought two, but maybe there are more? I don't know. Not yet. Don't worry if you don't know. I was just throwing it out there.

Anne McCaffrey's dragons mate on the wing - the female flies, pursued by male suitors, and when a male catches her, they entwine, and fall, needing to break apart before getting too low to recover, so the higher she flies before being caught, the better. She then lays a clutch of eggs a couple of months later, which hatch after another couple of months. Clutches range from around a dozen to maybe five dozen, but it's rare to have more than one queen egg, and not uncommon to have none. There are also non-queen females, but they're generally sterile (though they still rise to mate, helping keep the lesser males from getting too frustrated...)

I've also come across accounts of dragons who mate in the privacy of their lairs, laying a single egg, or occasionally having a live birth.

Then there are dragons with shape-changing abilities, who may or may not be fertile in their changed forms, and, if fertile, may or may not breed true.

The trouble is, "dragon" is used to apply to a range of different creatures, which have different natures, so you need to be more specific if you want a definite answer to a question about dragons...

Thanks grey_shadow for this detailed answer to my question. As I said, it's for a story that's just in my mind at the moment, but I wasn't thinking properly when I asked it. Of course there are many forms of dragons. I should've known that. I had Faeryfaye detail the many forms of vampires in 61 days and ask the same questions you do now.

As for mating on the wing and falling, I think I remember something like that from Silence of the Lambs. Didn't Hannibal compare Clarice to a bird (a gull?) that mates in a similar way and hope she (Clarise) was a high flier? The low fliers can't pull out and die by falling to earth.

I must look up Anne McCaffrey. Thanks for mentioning her.
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Offline Betsy

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Re: New Releases - Saturday, April 27th, 2019
« Reply #52 on: April 29, 2019, 03:53:57 pm »
Sorry. I didn't make that clear. Mine involves dragons only. I thought two, but maybe there are more? I don't know. Not yet. Don't worry if you don't know. I was just throwing it out there.

Can't speak for any established lore on this, but if you want to go the realistic route, you could always look into mating behaviors of animals such as birds, lizards, or crocs.

Anne McCaffrey's dragons mate on the wing - the female flies, pursued by male suitors, and when a male catches her, they entwine, and fall, needing to break apart before getting too low to recover, so the higher she flies before being caught, the better.

It's funny, I actually just learned the other day that bald eagles do this, at least something similar. More of a mating ritual than actually mating, but two eagles will grasp each other by their talons and tumble towards the ground, breaking away just before they hit. If they die, it means they weren't a good mate. Because logic?

Thanks Shadra. I will definiely take your advice and look up existing mating behaviours and try and meld them with the mythos.

As for the bald eagles, please see my post above.
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Offline Betsy

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Re: New Releases - Saturday, April 27th, 2019
« Reply #53 on: April 29, 2019, 03:58:51 pm »

 Do you know exactly how dragons mate?


A variation on the old hedgehog joke. Thanks. But it's going straight to my notes. I'm certain I can use it somehow.
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Offline Betsy

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Re: New Releases - Saturday, April 27th, 2019
« Reply #54 on: April 29, 2019, 04:02:04 pm »

 Do you know exactly how dragons mate?


You called?

On the subject of dragons, being inherently magical creatures I think would work to their advantage. Certain enlargement/shrinking magic in the right place can go a long way... >>

On a total side but related note, a PSA for any adventurous sole who happen to come across two dragons doing the deed... well, based on how long dragons live and how relatively few of them there are, you can imagine that they don’t get laid at ALL often. Sufficed to say the will suffer NO interruptions... you have been warned O_o

Point taken. I will ensure only the people I want to kill off aproach mating dragons.
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Offline Merry Brooks

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Re: New Releases - Saturday, April 27th, 2019
« Reply #55 on: April 29, 2019, 04:41:34 pm »
I've never been shy of name mentions, Betsy, and further disability issues arent in danger of changing that. So feel free to carry on using them

Part 3

The Ancient Room

Main advantage with this was that I had zero sympathy for Sarah, and anything that happened to her. Which of course, inevitably it does. The actual take down is very nicely done, and I like the way he doesnt take her seriously when it does.
Definitely enjoyed


What isnt there for me to like with this feelgood story? In truth, nothing. One of those stories where everybody deserves all that they wish for, though here, I'm not sure some know quite what that is!
High end of definitely enjoyed, great feelgood fun


I'd read plenty of praise for this before I got to it, so went in with high expectations, but it lives up to that, totally.Most definitely looking forward to more of this
High end of definitely enjoyed, leaving myself scope for more

Whatever Gets You Through The Night

The connection thing between Helen and Troy really is quite something. Oh, and will be good to see more of Mander, and Luc too. I get the feeling we're building to something much bigger here
High end of definitely enjoyed

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Re: New Releases - Saturday, April 27th, 2019
« Reply #56 on: April 29, 2019, 06:00:21 pm »
A Plethora of Heathers

No, Betsy, I wasn't split...  I enjoyed it so much that I want to read a lot more of it!
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Re: New Releases - Saturday, April 27th, 2019
« Reply #57 on: April 29, 2019, 07:02:09 pm »
Speaking of love, there's plenty in the air in the always-excellent Blizzard. This was Max's chapter in many ways, and I enjoyed the journey that she took Gene (and us!) on as the story progressed. It's not over yet, Gene!

Thanks! I'd say Max is my favorite because I loved writing this chapter, but Alex won't give up that spot.


What isnt there for me to like with this feelgood story? In truth, nothing. One of those stories where everybody deserves all that they wish for, though here, I'm not sure some know quite what that is!
High end of definitely enjoyed, great feelgood fun

Well there'll be a bit more declarative sex in the next chapter, but I'm glad you're liking it. I love writing Blizzard, just makes me feel better to write something so positive.

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Re: New Releases - Saturday, April 27th, 2019
« Reply #58 on: April 29, 2019, 08:15:05 pm »

 Do you know exactly how dragons mate?


You called?

On the subject of dragons, being inherently magical creatures I think would work to their advantage. Certain enlargement/shrinking magic in the right place can go a long way... >>

On a total side but related note, a PSA for any adventurous sole who happen to come across two dragons doing the deed... well, based on how long dragons live and how relatively few of them there are, you can imagine that they don’t get laid at ALL often. Sufficed to say the will suffer NO interruptions... you have been warned O_o

Point taken. I will ensure only the people I want to kill off aproach mating dragons.

It may depend how closely you approach - some dragons (including Anne McCaffrey's) have at least some psychic ability, and strong emotions tend to leak, and... well, people getting close to mating dragons tend to find that they are less interested in giant lizards, and much more interested in creatures their own species - or a closely enough related species...

You might even get someone with an imaginative bent, and a willingness to do whatever it takes to convince a dragon to co-operate, making arrangements to ensure people do get close to mating dragons in order to benefit from the side effects...
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Offline Merry Brooks

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Re: New Releases - Saturday, April 27th, 2019
« Reply #59 on: May 01, 2019, 12:52:23 pm »
And the final four


Well fine, I hope Tiffany can come up with something, because its not hard for me to hate Lucy intensely! Not that Tiffany doesnt deserve some punishment, but seriously... OK, fine, I'd still love to be completely reprogrammed by that device, but I'd prefer the tactic of leaving instructions as to what could be done to me. Robot? Flapper? Dancer? Hmm? ;) I loved Tiffany's planning, until the critical point, mind.
High end of definitely enjoyed. Mustnt upset Lucy! :laugh:

Following Her Dream

Fine, I feel so sorry for Bella, she's adorable! Just needs saying. Otherwise, the story is as strong as ever, but still hoping for a happy ending here, I must say. What that might be, well...?
High end of definitely enjoyed

It Runs in the Family

Yes, fair to say I quickly skimmed all the incest stuff. Some nice logic v control stuff going down here too. Tara reminds me of a Duracell Bunny, in truth.
Sorry, incest, lots of it. Best I can do is Low end of definitely enjoyed, and thats being kind due to the story line. Those without an incest squick would give more

Just Like Christmas

Fine, this I absolutely loved! Yes, I know its hypno, but its cute, sweet, and beautifully handled. Yes, Duchess could hypnotise me any time she wished too, if thats the end result!
High end of definitely enjoyed

Thats it for this week, thanks as always to all authors involved, reviewed or not

PS I would love to blame Algorithm for my new found interest in number stations, but not really fair. But if you ever find me including the Lincolnshire Poacher in a story, you know what was to blame! :P
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Offline Shadra

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Re: New Releases - Saturday, April 27th, 2019
« Reply #60 on: May 01, 2019, 01:26:57 pm »
Following Her Dream

Fine, I feel so sorry for Bella, she's adorable! Just needs saying. Otherwise, the story is as strong as ever, but still hoping for a happy ending here, I must say. What that might be, well...?
High end of definitely enjoyed

Thank you for the kind review, I'll be sure to give Bella a few extra pats on the head just for you. Happy or not, the ending will be here soon! I hope you find it satisfying  :)

Offline Betsy

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Re: New Releases - Saturday, April 27th, 2019
« Reply #61 on: May 01, 2019, 03:35:51 pm »
A Plethora of Heathers

No, Betsy, I wasn't split...  I enjoyed it so much that I want to read a lot more of it!

Thank you so much. I have a couple of ideas how to proceed, but it'll take a while.
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Offline Betsy

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Re: New Releases - Saturday, April 27th, 2019
« Reply #62 on: May 01, 2019, 03:43:29 pm »

 Do you know exactly how dragons mate?


You called?

On the subject of dragons, being inherently magical creatures I think would work to their advantage. Certain enlargement/shrinking magic in the right place can go a long way... >>

On a total side but related note, a PSA for any adventurous sole who happen to come across two dragons doing the deed... well, based on how long dragons live and how relatively few of them there are, you can imagine that they don’t get laid at ALL often. Sufficed to say the will suffer NO interruptions... you have been warned O_o

Point taken. I will ensure only the people I want to kill off aproach mating dragons.

It may depend how closely you approach - some dragons (including Anne McCaffrey's) have at least some psychic ability, and strong emotions tend to leak, and... well, people getting close to mating dragons tend to find that they are less interested in giant lizards, and much more interested in creatures their own species - or a closely enough related species...

You might even get someone with an imaginative bent, and a willingness to do whatever it takes to convince a dragon to co-operate, making arrangements to ensure people do get close to mating dragons in order to benefit from the side effects...

And there's the Heinlein interpretation where dragons can rub together the rocks they've swallowed to cause sparks which ignites the methane formed naturally through their digestive processes. This causes dragons to flame at both ends, which is something for male dragons to be wary of.

Thanks for your continued interest in this question and for your considered replies. I'm adding all these responses to my notes.
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Offline CuyahogaKingKong

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Re: New Releases - Saturday, April 27th, 2019
« Reply #63 on: May 01, 2019, 03:59:08 pm »
I've always liked the Chinese idea that dragons are originally fish.  If they live long enough and jump up a specific waterfall they are then upgraded to dragons.

Or something like that, been a long time since I read wherever I read that.

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Offline Betsy

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Re: New Releases - Saturday, April 27th, 2019
« Reply #64 on: May 01, 2019, 04:10:54 pm »
I've always liked the Chinese idea that dragons are originally fish.  If they live long enough and jump up a specific waterfall they are then upgraded to dragons.

Or something like that, been a long time since I read wherever I read that.

Thanks. That's new to me.
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Offline Carefully_Random

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Re: New Releases - Saturday, April 27th, 2019
« Reply #65 on: May 01, 2019, 07:43:07 pm »

Well fine, I hope Tiffany can come up with something, because its not hard for me to hate Lucy intensely! Not that Tiffany doesnt deserve some punishment, but seriously... OK, fine, I'd still love to be completely reprogrammed by that device, but I'd prefer the tactic of leaving instructions as to what could be done to me. Robot? Flapper? Dancer? Hmm? ;) I loved Tiffany's planning, until the critical point, mind.
High end of definitely enjoyed. Mustnt upset Lucy! :laugh:

Thanks Merry. Better not let Lucy hear you speak like that though, otherwise she's bound to do something cruel like give you two left feet and a compulsion to shake it only to gangster rap O_o

The Algorithm is perfect for creating robots, we just need someone who's watched to much Sci-fi to be at the helm, Trev would do it but he's busy cleaning out my attic..."

PS I would love to blame Algorithm for my new found interest in number stations, but not really fair. But if you ever find me including the Lincolnshire Poacher in a story, you know what was to blame! :P

Haha, the Algorithm works in strange ways.  I don't know if you're much into games but if you're getting into number stations you should check out "Oxenfree", it's really more of an interactive novel (except it's a game - what I mean is it's not something that requires fast reflexes or anything - point and click adventure, that's the genre...) with tonnes of dialogue and choice paths, but the setting is on an island with a disused military naval base, so lots of number stations as part of the story and gameplay.  What makes it simply fantastic and actually pretty suitable for mention here is
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  Seriously I don't know why I didn't start a discussion thread on it earlier...

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Re: New Releases - Saturday, April 27th, 2019
« Reply #66 on: May 01, 2019, 08:48:13 pm »
Shadra, fumanchu, CerebusOne, Tasha Grey, maeryx3, fascinated, and Merry- thank you for the kind words regarding "Hostel." I hope that you enjoy the rest of the story as well!

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Re: New Releases - Saturday, April 27th, 2019
« Reply #67 on: May 01, 2019, 08:58:23 pm »
Oh, I'd totally like to add in a few kind words about Hostel!  Really loved the first chapter, and what a tantalizing way to leave us all wanting more.  Knowing it's in the same universe, it makes me want to go and read Amnesiac, but I'm not the fastest reader so I'll tragically have to put Algorithm updates on hold for a few months :p

The other story I've started and not finished what's there yet is Paperback, and so far so good! The novel has such larger than life characters and the narrator's commentary really adds to the enjoyability of that - almost like it's saying "Yeah we know this is erotic mind control turned up to full but since it's fiction within fiction we can REALLY have fun with it ;)

Honestly wish I had time to read everything that comes out in a week, I'm sure I'm missing gems each time :/

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Re: New Releases - Saturday, April 27th, 2019
« Reply #68 on: May 02, 2019, 12:21:34 am »
B-Level (mc mf md) (1 new chapter)  by Pan
Libby and her roommate are assigned to B-Level, with all the perks that entails.

B-level! Very good story, I would love this story with a long-term project, type 'limits'. I like that the MC happens 'over' the main characters.

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Dear Bethany (mc mf) (new)  by Pan
Michael’s girlfriend takes a job with Oneiroi International, halfway across the country.

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Just Short of Sexy (mc mf md in) (1 new chapter)  by OneAndTwo
A series of short vignettes.

I did not read the last addition, this 27, but if the previous two, very very good. The narrative from the focus of the victim, who assimilates the situation, is very effective.

Watch and Learn (mc mf ff md in) (new)  by Quiet Hypnotist
Siblings might not always get along. But when Kailyn secretly steals a DVD from her brother’s room Nora is sure that goes too far. Yet one quick peek couldn’t hurt, right?

Not much physical action, but enough induction. If you like stories with an almost complete center in trance, this story is a very good option.
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Re: New Releases - Saturday, April 27th, 2019
« Reply #69 on: May 02, 2019, 05:33:17 am »
Thanks, Akisa! Glad you're enjoying them ^_^
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Re: New Releases - Saturday, April 27th, 2019
« Reply #70 on: May 02, 2019, 05:41:42 am »
Thank you Carefully Random for your kind words.  The difficulty in writing “Paperback” was maintaining two separate tones
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Offline Merry Brooks

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Re: New Releases - Saturday, April 27th, 2019
« Reply #71 on: May 02, 2019, 08:32:34 am »

Well fine, I hope Tiffany can come up with something, because its not hard for me to hate Lucy intensely! Not that Tiffany doesnt deserve some punishment, but seriously... OK, fine, I'd still love to be completely reprogrammed by that device, but I'd prefer the tactic of leaving instructions as to what could be done to me. Robot? Flapper? Dancer? Hmm? ;) I loved Tiffany's planning, until the critical point, mind.
High end of definitely enjoyed. Mustnt upset Lucy! :laugh:

Thanks Merry. Better not let Lucy hear you speak like that though, otherwise she's bound to do something cruel like give you two left feet and a compulsion to shake it only to gangster rap O_o

The Algorithm is perfect for creating robots, we just need someone who's watched to much Sci-fi to be at the helm, Trev would do it but he's busy cleaning out my attic..."

PS I would love to blame Algorithm for my new found interest in number stations, but not really fair. But if you ever find me including the Lincolnshire Poacher in a story, you know what was to blame! :P

Haha, the Algorithm works in strange ways.  I don't know if you're much into games but if you're getting into number stations you should check out "Oxenfree", it's really more of an interactive novel (except it's a game - what I mean is it's not something that requires fast reflexes or anything - point and click adventure, that's the genre...) with tonnes of dialogue and choice paths, but the setting is on an island with a disused military naval base, so lots of number stations as part of the story and gameplay.  What makes it simply fantastic and actually pretty suitable for mention here is
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  Seriously I don't know why I didn't start a discussion thread on it earlier...

Well, when Trev is finally free, just saying... ;)

I've no idea what set the You Tube search thing off onto suggesting number station stuff for me, but I find it all fascinating. I guess the reason I find the Lincolnshire Poacher one the most fascinating, is that it was a British station (hasnt broadcast since 2008), and the woman's voice is so classy, and I love the different tone for last number in each set. I suspect the broadcasts were all automated, but the thought of sitting at a microphone, reading out blocks of numbers like that appeals to the old actress in me totally!

For those intrigued as to what I mean
« Last Edit: May 03, 2019, 04:23:38 pm by Merry Brooks »
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Re: New Releases - Saturday, April 27th, 2019
« Reply #72 on: May 03, 2019, 03:42:27 pm »
Hostel (mc ff) (new)  by 321
Rebecca’s trip to Berlin takes an interesting turn.

This may be part of a larger stoyline I haven't been following, but this worked on its own, as promised. The horror film of the same name easily comes to mind. Of course, a "hostel" is pretty much just another name for a bed and breakfast not unlike Bates Motel :P The reverse psychology point is that this did not have to be some slasher story, but lodging is a pretty good framing for any travel-oriented story. As for the characters, they were fun and nicely crafted. Even if it didn't really grab me by the end, I enjoyed what I read.

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Re: New Releases - Saturday, April 27th, 2019
« Reply #73 on: May 03, 2019, 04:18:41 pm »
Hostel (mc ff) (new)  by 321
Rebecca’s trip to Berlin takes an interesting turn.

This may be part of a larger stoyline I haven't been following, but this worked on its own, as promised. The horror film of the same name easily comes to mind. Of course, a "hostel" is pretty much just another name for a bed and breakfast not unlike Bates Motel :P The reverse psychology point is that this did not have to be some slasher story, but lodging is a pretty good framing for any travel-oriented story. As for the characters, they were fun and nicely crafted. Even if it didn't really grab me by the end, I enjoyed what I read.

Its a prequel to Amnesiac, which if you havent read, is very much worth reading. Dont think we've got to the tie up point yet, I think this was more a set up piece than anything else. Fascinated to see where this continues
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Re: New Releases - Saturday, April 27th, 2019
« Reply #74 on: May 03, 2019, 05:16:39 pm »
I don't think it'd be any stretch for me to say it's probably the best story I've read, so I'd also highly recommend checking it out as well.