And the final fourAlgorithmWell fine, I hope Tiffany can come up with something, because its not hard for me to hate Lucy intensely! Not that Tiffany doesnt deserve some punishment, but seriously... OK, fine, I'd still love to be completely reprogrammed by that device, but I'd prefer the tactic of leaving instructions as to what could be done to me. Robot? Flapper? Dancer? Hmm?

I loved Tiffany's planning, until the critical point, mind.
High end of definitely enjoyed. Mustnt upset Lucy!
Following Her DreamFine, I feel so sorry for Bella, she's adorable! Just needs saying. Otherwise, the story is as strong as ever, but still hoping for a happy ending here, I must say. What that might be, well...?
High end of definitely enjoyed
It Runs in the FamilyYes, fair to say I quickly skimmed all the incest stuff. Some nice logic v control stuff going down here too. Tara reminds me of a Duracell Bunny, in truth.
Sorry, incest, lots of it. Best I can do is Low end of definitely enjoyed, and thats being kind due to the story line. Those without an incest squick would give more
Just Like ChristmasFine, this I absolutely loved! Yes, I know its hypno, but its cute, sweet, and beautifully handled. Yes, Duchess could hypnotise me any time she wished too, if thats the end result!
High end of definitely enjoyed
Thats it for this week, thanks as always to all authors involved, reviewed or notPS I would love to blame Algorithm for my new found interest in number stations, but not really fair. But if you ever find me including the Lincolnshire Poacher in a story, you know what was to blame!