Part 5Club LustBrook? Johnson? Oh my darling author, it might be coincidence, but I'm flattered! Fine, would be more apt as submissive surnames, but anyway... In truth, even without that, I'd have loved this. One great ingredient, the 'victims' only get to remember events for the night, until the next time at least, I approve. Hopefully the club owners have taken precautions on the pregnancy front, because if they have, this could get really good marks, just saying. I think I'm safe, too old (and lacking looks) to be an attractive target (and no money), though my lack of sex interest would clearly qualify me, lol. So if the club has an elderly gentleman, who wants a woman who wont exhaust him too much, give me a pill, or drink, lol.
High end of definitely enjoyed. Promise of no pregnancy (and kinky clothing), maybe more?
ElrayaWent with this because of the demon thing, but fine, she's a bit harsh on the humiliation front for my tastes. But if it wasnt for that, would have got better marks. Yes, its well told, and cleverly done, but...
Definitely enjoyed
Eternal Slave Two green fd's in a row, I know!

But this promised humour, and provided it. I'm the sort of pervert who would love to find a man wanting to buy her satin ball gowns, so if he's still free? I might have to learn the Domme stuff, or be mind controlled into it, which would be far more fun! Leather, latex, why not?

Its delightfully done, and after that closing line, cant wait to see what happens next!
High end of definitely enjoyed
Jezz and Edge 2 — Disco is a Dish Best Served Cold Yes, given the assistance this author gives me, it might be easy to be biased towards his stuff. No, I dont need to be, and he probably wouldnt like it if I was.

I love Jezz and Edge, they are 2 characters that play beautifully off each other. The fight scene, especially the closing line from 'Mr Garage' is an absolutely delight. Oh, the Disco scene is pure delight, and I've been promised, via the author that Edge says it will be simple to get the device working again, and set somewhere in late 20's, or early 30's, just for me. He says he may even bring me back to the present, at some point, though no rush! Jazz is a Dish best served with illicit Gin, darlings!

Low end of much enjoyed. Genuine!
Lucky CloverI wonder if Patricia came from Tralee? Garden folk will get that joke at least! This is very very good, with a lovely moral, and slightly surprising ending too. Mind, she was lucky, so... Great Frasier related piece.
High end of definitely enjoyed
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