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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 11th 2019
« Reply #50 on: May 15, 2019, 11:58:29 am »
I'm still not sure how I feel about Reality Schism.  On the one hand it's got a lot of things I dislike: a crass main character with tastes for disproportionate body parts, total indifference to the subjects as people, and a way overpowered mechanism of control.  But it's got a neat way of focusing on unforeseen ripple effects and enough self-awareness that I think the unlikability of the controller is intentional, not the result of shallow thinking on the writers part.

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 11th 2019
« Reply #51 on: May 15, 2019, 04:50:21 pm »
Part 3

Alpha Male’s Paradise

Well, lets just say the ending finished it off for me, and not in a good way, but equally, not surprised by it. Had a few amusing moments, but fine, most of it wasnt my scene, but even before 39, I wouldnt have been good looking enough for him, anyway! :laugh: Those who like all powerful stuff would get more from it than me.
Low end of definitely enjoyed, as a compromise, and thats probably kind, given the ending

Amnesia Service

Can I sign up for this service, pretty please? Bonus, I have less to make them forget too, now! :laugh: Loved the build here, and the dreadfully corny word plays, sorry, I'm a sucker for them! Good, fun read
High end of definitely enjoyed

The Reality Schism

I know its about stretching reality, but sometimes you can take it too far, and this one does. Chaos at the end leaves it in an interesting spot, mind
High end of enjoyed

Stop Watch

Looks like this is reaching the point where I go yuck, and bail out, in all honesty. Shame really, because the concept is being handled well, but fine, father/daughter incest, no, just no!
Going to go no rating, as I find it impossible to compromise under the circumstances, and thats the easy bail out. Incest fans, you'll continue to enjoy as well written stuff

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 11th 2019
« Reply #52 on: May 17, 2019, 10:04:04 am »
Probably the last two for this week, but here goes:

Waspish was... interesting. I didn't understand the title until near the end. I applaud the topic, despite the horrific nature of what occurs. Ultimately just didn't really do much for me other than the concept being interesting. Certainly unexpected, to say the least.

And then Revenge Of The Nerd. People that like MC to be quick and all-powerful may like this. There were some moments in the MC that I enjoyed. That aside, with how many characters were in the story, and the brevity of the scenes, it was nigh impossible to get connected to anyone for any kind of emotional payoff. I don't quite understand why Karen did what she did at the beginning, other than as a plot device for later. Despite some enjoyment from some of the scenes, story was mostly a miss from me.

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 11th 2019
« Reply #53 on: May 17, 2019, 11:38:22 am »
Part 4

The Girl With the Big Tits

Another story with a big gaps, but again, not much back read. You should know the system by now, a new follow up chapter, to an old piece, suitable time gap. Yes, both sides of the story worked pretty well for me, though I dont ever remember working for that company! :laugh: It is fun, and I wouldnt mind 'acting' any of these roles in truth.
High end of definitely enjoyed

Mother Serena’s Mission

Very cleverly done, and definitely not the standard way of dealing with a demoness, for sure. In truth, apart from the smacking stuff, loved this all the way through. As for the moment Mimi decided to be naughty, I wonder if that was planned, or accidental?
High end of definitely enjoyed

Tendrils in my Mind

Well I'm glad I skimmed this to the end, because it did improve it for my tastes. Cant say too much as a spoiler, but yes, the jerk most definitely doesnt end up as cool as he was most of the story. Still going to have mark down for events before that point, on tastes grounds
Low end of definitely enjoyed

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Another excellent chapter here, and wonderfully paced events. Would I like to be in Soraya's place, you bet I would! The play between her, and Hera is absolutely delightful before the inevitable happens
High end of definitely enjoyed

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 11th 2019
« Reply #54 on: May 17, 2019, 11:55:12 am »
First up, I'd like to talk about Level Ten. What a fantastic, short chapter. Quick read, and really set the story going for the next few chapters. Loved the exchanges between brother and sister, though I do have to ask, was there a line that was cut out? Maybe I missed something, but I couldn't for the life of me figure out why he asked if Lisa was feeling hungry, and why she was so excited when she realized she wasn't. Even went back a ways, but if the answer is in there, it's eluding me. Regardless, quite enjoyable, and look forward to chapter two!

You aren't missing anything! I messed up - I changed the justification for the MC from "dieting" to "studying", and despite going through it three times, STILL missed a reference to the old version.

Will fix when the next chapter goes up!
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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 11th 2019
« Reply #55 on: May 17, 2019, 02:51:12 pm »
Properly Handled (mc mf ff md fd in) (2 new chapters)  by Extantelan
A brother and sister grow closer over a shared love of mind control and other various kinks and perversions.

As had been the case for the last couple updates, things are moving forward. It's especially remarkable how things flipped between Bobbi and Budda, yet perhaps not at all. Between the lines, well, perspectives, we are slowly coming to understand who these characters are. The apparent trio here certainly seems perfect for each other, but there are apparent barriers they all had to break through, whether that be a mask or understanding what was behind that mask. Or perhaps they twisted each other and themselves to be not quite what any of them expected. We will surely know the full truth soon enough.

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 11th 2019
« Reply #56 on: May 17, 2019, 02:58:53 pm »
Mother Serena’s Mission

Very cleverly done, and definitely not the standard way of dealing with a demoness, for sure. In truth, apart from the smacking stuff, loved this all the way through. As for the moment Mimi decided to be naughty, I wonder if that was planned, or accidental?
High end of definitely enjoyed

I'm glad you enjoyed my story! I don't think Mimi's naughtiness was anticipated, no : p. It caught Serana quite off guard!

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 11th 2019
« Reply #57 on: May 17, 2019, 04:21:19 pm »
Properly Handled (mc mf ff md fd in) (2 new chapters)  by Extantelan
A brother and sister grow closer over a shared love of mind control and other various kinks and perversions.

As had been the case for the last couple updates, things are moving forward. It's especially remarkable how things flipped between Bobbi and Budda, yet perhaps not at all. Between the lines, well, perspectives, we are slowly coming to understand who these characters are. The apparent trio here certainly seems perfect for each other, but there are apparent barriers they all had to break through, whether that be a mask or understanding what was behind that mask. Or perhaps they twisted each other and themselves to be not quite what any of them expected. We will surely know the full truth soon enough.

Again, thank you for the continued support. I will say I hated breaking my word to you that Bubba would never hurt his sister, but it had to be done to progress the story. Also I have finally started to play around with different PoV's to offer divergent views on how their attraction began (I should say, who was at fault, but no one looks at it that way) if there are differences in their stories, well just attribute it to that.  Again, I appreciate the input.

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 11th 2019
« Reply #58 on: May 17, 2019, 05:54:39 pm »
Waspish was... interesting. I didn't understand the title until near the end. I applaud the topic, despite the horrific nature of what occurs. Ultimately just didn't really do much for me other than the concept being interesting. Certainly unexpected, to say the least.

I got a kick out of it, actually ... in chapter 1 of my Were-Tigress I tease the possibility of something like the titular character in Waspish, and do so again in the chapter that I hope gets released here tomorrow, but I haven't written anything like that character before and hadn't planned to (though hadn't ruled it out). Bravo to the author on that point, at least, as well as the title's cleverness ... a nice brief uncomplicated sensual build-up to
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, though a bunch of typos could use cleanup.
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Offline Carefully_Random

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 11th 2019
« Reply #59 on: May 17, 2019, 08:26:09 pm »
I wish I had more time to read, as there are so many good looking stories here.  Alas, balancing my own writing and everything else ain't the easiest.  Of what I did read though:

Amnesia Service (mc ff) (new)  by HypnoticHarlequin
Beth is surprised when a girl turns up at her door declaring herself to be from an “Amnesia Service”.
Love this idea, though it's such a tease that we never find out what Beth wanted to forget in the first place!  Not sure she planned on how far the "service" has gone, but she sure seems to enjoy it.  I think I would sign up for such a service.  Or perhaps I already have... Hmmm...

Following Her Dream (mc ff) (1 new chapter)  by Shadra
Janet takes the necessary steps towards obtaining her dream girl.
And so Janet rounds out her story in style.  She's come a long long way... This wasn't the dream that she followed in the first place, but I think she ended up with something beyond her wildest imaginations.  I particularly like how she won't let anything or anyone get in the way of her dream now it's firmly in her grasp.  She is now a careful and considerate controller, she knows that making vast changes in someone can lead to choas, so the control is subtle and therefore much more effective.  And what a fun epilogue as well, with a few question marks all around.  Sequel possible? I'd say definitely, but I'm in no rush, as I want to see what Shadra has in store for us next :)

Incubus (mc mf ff md) (1 new chapter)  by Jennifer Kohl
Christina summons a demon, who has the ability to grant her greatest desire.
Omph! Really hot chapter here.  Be careful with those demons... They may be irresistible sex monsters but... well... they're irresistible sex monsters...  Very eager to know what happens next.

Paperback (mc mf ff ft) (1 new chapter)  by eviltwinmordred
An impressionable teenager finds an old mind-control fetish novel in a used book store.

Now this is developing nicely, a balanced helping of heat, development, and intrigue. So many questions to be answered, and what fun to be had along the way.  My one concern is that I worry that it may make people think that us MC enthusiasts are all evil brainwashers waiting to happen.  I mean, the blond I hypnotized last week might have agreed with that if I hadn't programmed such objections out of her, but still!

Waspish (mc mf fd) (new)  by Chrysostomon
A truck driver gets extra attention from the staff when he stays at a Greek motel.

Brought to my attention by Shadra... This one was an interesting enough idea, though poorly executed for me.  The initial scene setting was actually pretty good, but everything felt so rushed and flavorless after that.  There were so many instances where we could slow down and savor the moments, the character's reactions to the increasingly bizarre circumstance thrust upon him.  I imagine the ending is pretty squick for some, be warned, but the content wasn't a problem for me, but it was described in such a dull manner.  I'd just like to see this much more fleshed out.  The foundation is there for a really good story, but for me it would need some expansion.

That's all I managed, but there are others that I wish I had time for.  I'm especially eyeing you up, Thursby Manor and Laser Tag Party....

An extra mention for In the Beginning and Uplink, I have started reading both, and am interested enough to read more - not hitting my buttons fully yet but the writing of each is solid and I feel the bits that will resonate with me most may yet be to come.

And extra extra mention for Writer345 of Yew and Me: this looked like a story I would enjoy.  Alas, upon reading your introduction, I wanted to go and read Yew first, as I wanted to be more familiar with the world I was visiting.  That was great, and I finally started on your story today so am only a tiny bit in, and am intrigued so far.  Will see if I can get caught up for the next installment coming out!

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 11th 2019
« Reply #60 on: May 17, 2019, 09:50:57 pm »
Thanks for the kind words about Incubus, Merry Brooks and Carefully_Random!


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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 11th 2019
« Reply #61 on: May 17, 2019, 11:15:22 pm »
Thanks to Carefully-Random.  The last two chapters will be up next week, and I will love to hear your thoughts.
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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 11th 2019
« Reply #62 on: May 18, 2019, 02:29:26 am »
Virtual Scott makes his first appearance on the EMCSA in seven years with "The Emperor Has No Clothes", which is quite good.

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 11th 2019
« Reply #63 on: May 18, 2019, 05:07:57 pm »
And finally, we get there

Following Her Dream

OK, this ticked all boxes for me. Janet and Rachel, Snow and Violet, and just enough resistance to all 4 together to make it fun. Seriously, all very cleverly done, and lovely the way it played out
By 50 words on the word count, I can do this, low end of much enjoyed

Laser Tag Party

Finding out who comes out on top sounds like a fun time

No, not a clue who has at this point, but it was great entertainment getting to that point. And yes, I'd love to do that whole blind queen set up, I must say, now that would be fun! Enjoying the play off between the characters, and the way they interact
Mark down for length, obviously, so low end of definitely enjoyed

Thursby Manor

Yes, I know its lengthy, but seriously, if you havent read this yet, go do so, its brilliant. I had heard praise for this, but was definitely as good as expectations.
High end of definitely enjoyed. Yes, I was tempted to give it low end of much enjoyed, and sort of ignore the mark down rule, but I'm good. :angel: But yes, an invite to a party (too old, not pretty enough) and I'd give more

Why Did Freud Abandon Hypnotism, Anyway?

In truth, I'm already a big fan of the author, if not the size of the updates :laugh: This is brilliantly done, works for the desired era, and has a delightful moral, and sweet ending. Now if I knew that Sally, and Johnny lived happily ever after, well...?
Definitely enjoyed, post length markdown

Thats it for this update, thanks as always to all authors involved, but especially one. The new update review will hopefully have less health issues on my part :angel:
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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 11th 2019
« Reply #64 on: May 18, 2019, 07:39:39 pm »
You aren't missing anything! I messed up - I changed the justification for the MC from "dieting" to "studying", and despite going through it three times, STILL missed a reference to the old version.

Will fix when the next chapter goes up!

Glad to see the mystery solved!

Following Her Dream

OK, this ticked all boxes for me. Janet and Rachel, Snow and Violet, and just enough resistance to all 4 together to make it fun. Seriously, all very cleverly done, and lovely the way it played out
By 50 words on the word count, I can do this, low end of much enjoyed

Bit of a longer response in the dedicated thread, but wanted to mention something here. While I never intentionally wrote it to be under 10k, I do have to say it was weighing on my mind while doing so! Mostly because the chapter was already pretty long, and the epilogue I added was a last minute addition. I had no intention to add that until I was doing a final review of the chapter, and I was so glad that it didn't push the story over!

Thank you to yourself and Carefully Random for the pleasant reviews here!

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 11th 2019
« Reply #65 on: May 19, 2019, 01:21:50 am »
Very much enjoyed the first 75% or so of "Tendrils of My Mind".  Haaaaated the ending.

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 11th 2019
« Reply #66 on: May 20, 2019, 12:20:34 pm »

Hierarchy of Needs (mc mf md in ex) (1 new chapter)  by Pan
Behind a small door in Jacob’s house, there’s four filing cabinets—one for each member of his family.

I enjoyed the mechanism in this, Pan. Quite clever.

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 11th 2019
« Reply #67 on: May 20, 2019, 02:09:34 pm »

Hierarchy of Needs (mc mf md in ex) (1 new chapter)  by Pan
Behind a small door in Jacob’s house, there’s four filing cabinets—one for each member of his family.

I enjoyed the mechanism in this, Pan. Quite clever.

Thanks, Blackie! It got in my head and I knew I had to write it.
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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 11th 2019
« Reply #68 on: May 25, 2019, 01:12:34 pm »
Very strong installment of "Binding Rings".  Quite excellent.