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New Releases-April 6th 2019
« on: April 06, 2019, 12:46:44 pm »
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The Adventures of Sultry Girl (mc mf ff md fd cb) (2 new chapters)  by CrystalWitch
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Mahop BioLabs produces docile, sexy little playthings from housewives and soccer moms. How do they do that?

And... Freeze (mc fd ds ex) (new)  by NickelModelTales
Two beautiful identical twins win an opportunity to pose at Beverly Hills’ most exclusive lingerie boutique, a mysterious, alluring store only known as “Entranced.”

Binding Rings (mc mf md in) (1 new chapter)  by Sidia
A chance discovery changes a young man’s life—and not always for the better.

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But I Don’t Really Want This (mc mf md fd gr hm) (1 new chapter)  by Pomelo
Will and Nicole find their relationship changing again in at first subtle and then not-so-subtle ways.

College Undercover (mc mf md) (1 new chapter)  by Greyscribbler
Carol goes undercover to find out what happened to missing college girls.

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Re: New Releases-April 6th 2019
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2019, 01:43:21 pm »
The update to It Runs in the Family started out hilarious. Then got hot. Then got extremely hot. Then ended with hilarity. Can't wait for more.

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Re: New Releases-April 6th 2019
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2019, 01:51:50 pm »
"College Undercover" comes to an end.  Pretty close to the ending that a lot of us saw coming, but just because something is predictable doesn't mean that it isn't good.  The scene with the last victim was particularly sexy.  I wonder if Carol would consider turning her daughter or Janice's daughters into whores...I guess we'll never know. 

Anyway, sexy ending to a sexy story.  I found the title drop at the end amusing, since it always amused me to think about how this door stopper story was called "College Undercover" despite the fact that Carol was undercover for, I forget, like three paragraphs max in the first chapter.

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Re: New Releases-April 6th 2019
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2019, 01:56:13 pm »
I was puzzled by a passage from "Binding Rings".

And then of course there was the unexpected encounter with both his aunt and his mother on the couch. Remembering how they had interacted together with him still managed to make him uncomfortably hard.

I don't remember this happening.  And maybe I'm mistaken but I've been eagerly waiting for the moment when aunt and mom finally got together with the protagonist--which happened at the end of this installment and was very sexy. 

In other topics I'm puzzled by the scene with the teacher.  She doesn't have rings, does she?  Is the protagonist just strangely compelling without MC powers or is something else going on?

Anyway, another good installment.

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Re: New Releases-April 6th 2019
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2019, 02:26:05 pm »
Is College Undercover worth getting into? The set-up and setting seem right up my alley, but the fist chapter didnt grab me and, (as hypocritical as this is to say as someone with a fetish for brainwashing women for sex), i didnt like the cruelty in training the first girl in chapter one with the water. Is it more like that, or does it steer back to actual depictions of brainwashing and hypnosis?

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Re: New Releases-April 6th 2019
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2019, 02:29:18 pm »
@Hypnospects: I actually opened this thread to exactly answer that question!

Ultimately, College Undercover was too dark for me. It's incredibly-written, hot from start to finish, but the ending is as cruel as the start was. It signals its tone loud and clear, and it's wormed its evil way into my head, but for me it's not a recommend if you don't enjoy the first chapter.
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Re: New Releases-April 6th 2019
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2019, 03:37:16 pm »
Is College Undercover worth getting into? The set-up and setting seem right up my alley, but the fist chapter didnt grab me and, (as hypocritical as this is to say as someone with a fetish for brainwashing women for sex), i didnt like the cruelty in training the first girl in chapter one with the water. Is it more like that, or does it steer back to actual depictions of brainwashing and hypnosis?

One thing I can tell you is that after that opening chapter there are no more depictions of withholding food and water as a means of forcing a victim to say the words.  In fact, almost all of the rest of the story is Carol and Janice trying to fight the words in their heads.  The cruel ending that Pan refers to--well ok, it's cruel, but withholding food and water isn't part of the method.

Actually I think the cruelest chapter was a couple of chapters before that when Carol looked up Janice after the first big time skip.  That was cruel, but in a different way.

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Re: New Releases-April 6th 2019
« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2019, 04:07:35 pm »
"College Undercover" comes to an end.  Pretty close to the ending that a lot of us saw coming, but just because something is predictable doesn't mean that it isn't good.  The scene with the last victim was particularly sexy.  I wonder if Carol would consider turning her daughter or Janice's daughters into whores...I guess we'll never know. 

Anyway, sexy ending to a sexy story.  I found the title drop at the end amusing, since it always amused me to think about how this door stopper story was called "College Undercover" despite the fact that Carol was undercover for, I forget, like three paragraphs max in the first chapter.

A time jump to the 1990s. Because the 90s are big again! Hooray! Or maybe not... I suddenly feel quite a bit older...  :grin:

For a story that
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"College Undercover" really knew how to throw out some hot, sexy scenes. I wonder if there will be a sequel set in the modern era?

I also enjoyed that

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Re: New Releases-April 6th 2019
« Reply #8 on: April 06, 2019, 04:31:13 pm »
I'll have to get around to that story one of these days, if only to test the waters with that first chapter.

The Mask Becomes You continues to be an enjoyable read that I am still so happy to have back. Some wonderful fun moments in there, aside from that one disappointing scene. (You know the one, CR  >:D)

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Re: New Releases-April 6th 2019
« Reply #9 on: April 06, 2019, 04:47:01 pm »
I wonder if there will be a sequel set in the modern era?

Dunno.  If you ask me one of the darkest parts in the story was the brief reference near the end when Carol thinks about what might happen after she can't cover up the wrinkles.  If she's past 40 in the 1990s she's got to be in the neighborhood of 65 now and maybe we won't want to read about how Carol is interpreting "I love it when men use me sexually" when she's on Social Security.

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Re: New Releases-April 6th 2019
« Reply #10 on: April 06, 2019, 05:34:13 pm »
I wonder if there will be a sequel set in the modern era?

Dunno.  If you ask me one of the darkest parts in the story was the brief reference near the end when Carol thinks about what might happen after she can't cover up the wrinkles.  If she's past 40 in the 1990s she's got to be in the neighborhood of 65 now and maybe we won't want to read about how Carol is interpreting "I love it when men use me sexually" when she's on Social Security.

I'll write some more soon, but just one thing for now. Carole will never be on Social Security.  Her companies make too much money for her to need that.


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Re: New Releases-April 6th 2019
« Reply #11 on: April 06, 2019, 06:01:52 pm »
Had to work today and tomorrow so no time at all to go through all these stories or comment.

So I gotta keep this short on what I have.

College Undercover
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Kallies' Dreams was terrific. That chapter was hot as hell with what happened between Snow, Violet and Janet. Wow. And a terrific battle going on between good Janet and bad all the while. Love the double layer there Shadra. And of course the cliff hanger end to make us want more.

Scalar Sevenths Laser Tag Party is a very subtle interesting story. Very sophisticated and nuanced tale I like it a lot and it gets better and better as it goes along. I wonder how this one will end up because I have no idea. It could get really dark, or not. Lots of factors in the story that could decide that. And it keeps getting hotter and hotter as it progresses. And I like that too.

You can see Scalar put a ton of time and thought in this story and shows all the way. Great job.

The Retainer by The Hand That Leads was a really fun throwback to some of the stories I read here years ago. Two young girls, friends, with a future get involved with the wrong company and wrong person. Future changed! And what a twisty, wicked ending. Loved it! Another hot story too.

Sorry about the others but like I said, just no time this weekend cuz I don't have one.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2019, 10:13:49 pm by CerebusOne »

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Re: New Releases-April 6th 2019
« Reply #12 on: April 06, 2019, 06:24:41 pm »
Tone aside (which is 100% a personal preference thing) the only fly in the ointment that is College Undercover is
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Again, though - an otherwise flawless story. Amazing writing.
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Re: New Releases-April 6th 2019
« Reply #13 on: April 06, 2019, 06:44:47 pm »
The Retainer by The Hand That Leads was a really fun throwback to some of the stories I read here years ago. Two young girls, friend, with a future get involved with the wrong company and wrong person. Future changed! And what a twisty, wicked ending. Loved it! Another hot story too.

Thanks, glad you liked it.
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Re: New Releases-April 6th 2019
« Reply #14 on: April 06, 2019, 07:34:31 pm »
I wonder if there will be a sequel set in the modern era?

Dunno.  If you ask me one of the darkest parts in the story was the brief reference near the end when Carol thinks about what might happen after she can't cover up the wrinkles.  If she's past 40 in the 1990s she's got to be in the neighborhood of 65 now and maybe we won't want to read about how Carol is interpreting "I love it when men use me sexually" when she's on Social Security.

I'll write some more soon, but just one thing for now. Carole will never be on Social Security.  Her companies make too much money for her to need that.


She won't be on Social Security but she'll draw it just like everyone else who's reported taxable income does.  I was only making a point about what would surely be a very dark epilogue once Carol ages past the whoring years.  Dunno, maybe she can give BJs in the rest home.

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Re: New Releases-April 6th 2019
« Reply #15 on: April 06, 2019, 07:40:09 pm »
As for whether it's realistic for Carol to want to be an informant, I dunno, she was a policewoman before she got the words, and she did have that still in the back of her head even as the words came to dominate her, so it seemed realistic enough to me that she became an informant as an outlet for that part of herself.

If you want to nitpick the story I'd say nitpick the part that I annoyed Greyscribbler about a while back, namely, the idea that Wainwright would allow her to commit criminal acts (whoring).  That just wouldn't happen; no cop would allow that as part of an investigation.  It would have been more logical for Carol the policewoman to lie to Wainwright and tell him that she had a whore as the confidential informant when in fact she was the informant.

But that's just a nitpick about a great story with a great ending.  Really did end on an exceptionally sexy high note IMHO.

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Re: New Releases-April 6th 2019
« Reply #16 on: April 06, 2019, 08:10:00 pm »
As for whether it's realistic for Carol to want to be an informant, I dunno, she was a policewoman before she got the words, and she did have that still in the back of her head even as the words came to dominate her, so it seemed realistic enough to me that she became an informant as an outlet for that part of herself.

Oh yeah I expressed it poorly - it made total sense to me that she'd become an informant.

I just didn't buy that it would hold equal footing in her head with the mind control, enough that it basically defined her for the 'new' chapters (most everything that wasn't posted the first time through).
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Re: New Releases-April 6th 2019
« Reply #17 on: April 06, 2019, 08:15:36 pm »
I dunno. I loved College Undercover, don’t get me wrong, but I feel like the time skip happened one chapter too soon. I would have much rather seen Ellen break than hear about it after the fact, and the cliffhanger at the end of the previous chapter was basically left unresolved. It was initially disorienting, and a bit disappointing. That said, Carol breaking Kelly was really hot, and I do like where she ended up. Just not the sudden rush to get us there.

As always I am heavily biased, but I continue to love Hot Blood. This week’s chapter really made me squirm with the whole “thoughts in your cock” thing.


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Re: New Releases-April 6th 2019
« Reply #18 on: April 06, 2019, 08:21:48 pm »
I just noticed Properly Handled has two chapter ones. Not sure if typo, or if we're restarting the numbering for each character.
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Re: New Releases-April 6th 2019
« Reply #19 on: April 06, 2019, 09:52:19 pm »
I dunno. I loved College Undercover, don’t get me wrong, but I feel like the time skip happened one chapter too soon. I would have much rather seen Ellen break than hear about it after the fact, and the cliffhanger at the end of the previous chapter was basically left unresolved. It was initially disorienting, and a bit disappointing. That said, Carol breaking Kelly was really hot, and I do like where she ended up. Just not the sudden rush to get us there.

That's true!  Actually I was surprised that Ellen's processing was described after the fact.  But I thought the scene with the new girl was just as effective.

I hope these posts aren't sounding too negative as I really did enjoy "College Undercover".

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Re: New Releases-April 6th 2019
« Reply #20 on: April 06, 2019, 10:00:19 pm »
I just noticed Properly Handled has two chapter ones. Not sure if typo, or if we're restarting the numbering for each character.

I can't say. All I know is I submitted them at the same time but separated, in large part, because I did not feel confident enough to weave alternating points of view within the same chapter. Its more practice for me, though this will allow me to combine the two if I feel comfortable enough and the entire narrative will still be in the same place, if I ever go that route. Do people usually do it differently?

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Re: New Releases-April 6th 2019
« Reply #21 on: April 06, 2019, 10:26:49 pm »
Seeing the end to College Undercover is kind of sad.  If this was a show on netflix, I'd watch it again.

The ending was perfect, imo, since Carol/Stephanie is so entranced with how good it is to be a whore.  That being the case, it only makes sense that she'd want to help other girls experience the joy, too.

I thought GS might incorporate Patrick's daughter.  The way he handled it was genius, though I would have loved to see her turned into a whore rather than hearing about it years after the fact.  Of course, the way the story ends, there's plenty of room for Ellen's story to continue the saga.  Will Ellen become the new madam, or will she be "condemned" to always be the subordinate?  Will Patrick ever find out what was done to his girl?  What was the transformation like?  Has the new process made the change more seamless and accepted?  How do the new whores incorporate turning tricks with their day jobs?

Greyscribbler did a great job with the tale and we're all the better for it.  Sad that it's over, but there's hope that well see more in the years to come.

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Re: New Releases-April 6th 2019
« Reply #22 on: April 07, 2019, 08:36:43 am »
That chapter was hot as hell with what happened between Snow, Violet and Janet. Wow. And a terrific battle going on between good Janet and bad all the while. Love the double layer there Shadra. And of course the cliff hanger end to make us want more.

Thank you! Gotta have the cliffhanger, otherwise why else would someone want to continue reading!? =P

I had some writing feedback before I started this chapter that I tried to incorporate. Was told that I was using adverbs way too often in every chapter. Looked it up, and sure enough a lot of writers hate adverbs with a passion. Did my best to go through and clean it up. Put in more time and effort editing/revising this chapter than any other. Would love to get some feedback on how it is, quality-wise. I've always said I never intend or expect to be a masterful writer, but if anyone has any tips or suggestions on how I can improve, I'd appreciate it.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2019, 08:45:44 pm by Shadra »

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Re: New Releases-April 6th 2019
« Reply #23 on: April 07, 2019, 09:59:23 am »
Getting started

Aftermarket (Fugue)

Fine, one magic question got me reading this, as to how the process was done. Sadly, in this chapter at least, I got no info on that front, great shame. So in that sense, this chapter had little but intrigue, and too much humiliation for my tastes. But fine, I'm intrigued as to how the process is done, just to see how much I fancy it done to me!
Given I dont rate for intrigue (which would be high), but for what I've read, I'm going to be non committal, no rating. But yes, I could be convinced? ;)


I love the way Jenny manages to work a fascinating chess match type situation into her stories, and this has definitely got these going very nicely. I also know with her that the winner may not be the obvious one, which also adds to the fun. She's a great writer, you should be reading this
High end of definitely enjoyed

Losers Can’t Be Choosers

Fine, Gail more than thoroughly deserved it, but still, ouch! Mind, ouch for what Angela did to herself too. Still reckon Jonah's release might be a fun moment, mind. And yes, of course I want to (eventually) know that Clarissa is fine, lol. Great stuff as ever, if a little violent
Definitely enjoyed. Too much pain handed out for high end from me, even if some is deserved. :angel:

A Plethora of Heathers

Oh please, dear. Heaven Tanner Carpenter, and now a 60 year old with Osteoporosis? Starts singing Killing Me Softly with her song! :P Fine, I'm looking forward to finding out whats in store for Heaven, first Robot transformation experiment wouldnt surprise me, nor would making a modern woman think she was a literal 20's Flapper! This is the usual funny, well written, comedic chaos I expect from Betsy, in truth. Mainly through her writing, partly because I've met her too!
High end of definitely enjoyed. Could easily have given more, but lets see what she has planned for Heaven first. Oh, and the poor 60 year old with major back issues too! :P

This Job Bites

Oh please, if I'm ever fit enough to go to work again (questionable), I'd love a job here! Too old for Alan I'm sure, but if he ever wants some vintage blood... ;) Also loved the twists and turns here, great stuff. Just a shame I'm not the next project!
High end of definitely enjoyed. Considered more, and happy to discuss with Alan if he wishes? ;)

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Re: New Releases-April 6th 2019
« Reply #24 on: April 07, 2019, 03:15:53 pm »

I love the way Jenny manages to work a fascinating chess match type situation into her stories, and this has definitely got these going very nicely. I also know with her that the winner may not be the obvious one, which also adds to the fun. She's a great writer, you should be reading this
High end of definitely enjoyed

Aww, thank you! I do enjoy that kind of struggle, battle of wits type situation between controller and controlled. I just wish I could have one IRL--I turn out to be WAY too eager to go under to do much resisting, lol.


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