Final 4Alterations: Bryan’s DanceHavent been to a club in over a decade, but I could easily be tempted into this one. Who me, of course I'd wear a headset! Story is delightfully done, lots of sweetness, some great mind control scenes too. I just wondered if there was a silver light on that menu?

High end of definitely enjoyed
Gabby the GrayFine, loved the ending, but it was a brilliant way of getting there. Justice generally done, and no, I have no qualms about baddies dying that deserve it, like those 3 did! And fine, I loved who got to deal with them too.
High end of definitely enjoyed
(Yes, both are marked down, even if it might not look it!

Positive OutcomesOh fine, this was entertaining too. So who wants to pay for me to be improved, lol? Alright, I smiled at a Carla sneaking in there too. Some clever changes, great story
High end of definitely enjoyed
Subroutine (Kallie)Someone please tell me where I need to go to get this latex drone treatment, please! Loving the play between Lori, and Harper too. I hope we can wait a while to find out who done this, and why, and I'm not sure that Lori doesnt actually feel the same way too?
High end of definitely enjoyed
Thats it for this week, thanks as always to all authors this week, reviewed, or not