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New Releases - August 17th, 2019
« on: August 17, 2019, 02:05:14 pm »
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Ashes (mc mf ff md) (1 new chapter)  by Blackie
The family raised him not to use his ability on those without the ability. The world isn’t supposed to know the family exists. Or families. When he uses it to defend himself and is seen without knowing who it was, his world turns upside down on him.

Atonement (Half Shim) (mc ff ft gr la) (1 new chapter)  by Half Shim
Morgan is sent to the Farm to atone for her crimes.

Binding Rings (mc mf md in) (1 new chapter)  by Sidia
A chance discovery changes a young man’s life—and not always for the better.

Black Reign (mc ff mf md sf) (new)  by Jukebox
When an accident strands Rhea in uncharted space, the only way for her to get back to civilization is to board a derelict spaceship filled with strange black ooze.

Dick Picture Perfect (mc mf ff) (1 new chapter)  by Redsliver
Will sends a dick pic to a girl, knowing that she would hate it. But it turns out that every woman who sees that picture needs more of it.

Ditched (mc ff) (new)  by Meleva
An art gallery is a strange place for a date, and an even stranger place to get ditched by one. She can’t really remember why she even agreed to come.

Dreamsongs (mc mf md) (new)  by Scalar Seventh
Poetic excerpts from the life of a hypnotee.

The Ecstasy Of Obedience — Book 1 (mc mf md) (new)  by Boscon
Mark, an attorney, discovers that his ex-girlfriend is trying to report the crimes of Mark’s client, Donn. He tips his client on her attempt to expose his crimes, and his client rewards his loyalty with two sex slaves. As Mark learns the rope on how to enjoy hypnotized sex slaves, he is contacted by a mysterious woman, who throws his life upside down…

Editing Reality Book Three: Naughty Fantasies Unleashed (mc mf gr in) (1 new chapter)  by mypenname3000
Steve gets a phone app that lets him edit other people.

The “Holy Fuck!” Bible — Moses and the Burning Pussy (mc mf fd) (new)  by S. B.
The story of Moses and the Burning Bush is what you think it is.

Intrepid Pawns (mc ff mf fd hm ds la) (1 new chapter)  by GigglingGoblin
To save their city, a band of knights sets out to track down a hive of honey-dripping Thriae fey. But can they work together long enough to resist the sweetest of temptations?

It Runs in the Family (mc ff in ma hm) (1 new chapter)  by Sammynona
Connie’s secretly in love with her best friend Tara. But also Tara’s older sister Jane. And their young mother Michelle too. It was always an impossible dream to make the Silva family into her own harem of lovers, until she found out that Tara’s grandmother was a hypnotist.

Kat and Mouse (mc ff mf fd md) (1 new chapter)  by SoVeryFascinated
Kat and Marisa love to play around with hypnosis. But their encounter with a mysterious music file is no game.

Listening to Jack (mc mf ff in ex hm gr) (1 new chapter)  by Mister Arioch
Emily’s brother gives her a special set of earphones to listen with.

Magic Cock (mc mm mf md in ds) (1 new chapter)  by SleepyTimeSlut
Doug’s coworker has a new tool to get exactly what he wants ... at work, and elsewhere. That’s going to change Doug’s life ... but will he even mind?

The Mask Becomes You (mc ff mf fd) (1 new chapter)  by Carefully Random
Two college students discover a strange mask that makes the words of the wearer irresistible. They soon discover that it’s even hard to resist using the mask, and that the wearer’s thoughts may no longer be their own...

Massaged By My Nerdy Brother (mc mf md in) (1 new chapter)  by BurroGirl18 and Pan
A few innocent massages with her brother go too far.

Meadowbrook Estates (mc mf md) (new)  by Captain Dunsel
The President of the Meadowbrook Estates Homeowner Association has special smoke detectors installed in all the dwellings that emit special low frequency sound waves that make people suggestible.

Mind-Control Panties (mc mf md in) (1 new chapter)  by mypenname3000
A mysterious figure adds special items to the inventory of trendy clothing stores—panties with special phrases written on them.

The Music Plays on in Her Mind (mc ma) (1 new chapter)  by CrystalWitch
Crystal is hypnotized by a collection of erotic stories.

My Neighbor, Soon to Be Lover (mc mf fd) (1 new chapter)  by Miss Tique
A teen reprograms her older neighbour to become the lover she imagined him to be.

The Need to Serve (mc mf ff md fd) (new)  by Betsy Leohtar
Various parties are affected by the significant presence of mind controlled slavery in the British Isles.

New Dogma (mc ff) (1 new chapter)  by Benign Rasputin
Katy, a conservative college student, meets a new friend.

The Perfect Whore (mc mf md hu) (new)  by S. B.
An uptight scientist involved in a strange experiment has her world turned upside down by limericks.

Quest for Tamsin (mc mf fd) (1 new chapter)  by Argos
An unexpected journey unearths more buried memories of Elle’s past, and shows Louis the door to a secret realm of pleasure and service.

Relaxation Therapy — Expanded Functions (mc mf md ds gr) (1 new chapter)  by Incubi
Testing out a new prototype expands Catherine’s horizons in ways she never would have expected.

Scenes from a Hotel (mc mf md fd) (new)  by notorioushypno
Several short, loosely connected stories about the guests and employees of a luxury hotel. The amenities are unparalleled, the service is impeccable, and the complimentary chocolates are irresistible. Don’t be alarmed if you see a green spiral on your television screen—that just means it’s working! Won’t you come and stay with us?

Spiraling Coils (mc ff) (new)  by GigglingGoblin
A fey sorceress finds herself caught up in the charms of a demonic serpentwoman—and wound up tight in a pair of beautiful swirling eyes.

They all became Slaves and Robots for the Robomaster (mc ff md rb) (1 new chapter)  by Roboman127
A hidden power converts a man into Roboman The Robomaster.

Tickle War (mc mf md) (new)  by Benign Rasputin
Kerry loves to tickle Jack, and there’s not much he can do about it, until he discovers that Kerry is a somnambulist.

The Tome (mr. potestas) (mc mf ma) (new)  by mr. potestas
Jackie moves into her new rural home with her husband, and finds something unexpected.

Under Control (Chrysostomon) (mc mf in) (new)  by Chrysostomon
Principal Bob goes to extra lengths to ensure that parents and children take care of each other.

Vera’s Revenge (mc ff rb ft) (new)  by Roboman127
Vera jealous of her girlfriend’s promiscuous ways reels her in with the help of a powerful German Mistress.

Whatever Gets You Through The Night (mc ma) (1 new chapter)  by T.MaskedWriter
A movie shoot in San Finzione is interrupted by a real-life murder.
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Offline Shadra

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Re: New Releases - August 17th, 2019
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2019, 05:02:40 pm »
So glad to see some of my favorite stories this update!

Starting with The Mask Becomes You, wow, what a roller coaster of a chapter. I'm not really sure what to say without spoiling anything... The chapter gave me a sense of suspense that is usually pretty rare. And have to add, the story had such a brilliant line that I loved so much:
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Except... maybe not. So many exciting possibilities to be had going forward, I can't wait to see what CR does next.

Kat and Mouse is quite a gem, such a wonderfully told and compelling story. I've heard good things about Gabby the Gray as well, so if this current story is anything to go by, I'll for sure have to check that other piece out. As for this one, it was some great detective work by all parties that lead up to a wonderful(ly frustrating) cliffhanger. I have little doubt this will go on to be a fantastic tale.

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Re: New Releases - August 17th, 2019
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2019, 11:12:28 pm »
Great to see 'Listening to Jack' back, and a cheerleader orgy/mass mind control pep rally is a hell of a way to return.  Thanks Mister Arioch!

Offline Merry Brooks

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Re: New Releases - August 17th, 2019
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2019, 11:58:27 am »
Getting started


Oh fine, that sounds like a fun dating experience. I cant say much more without spoiling, but yes, you want to go and read this.
High end of definitely enjoyed


Fly would definitely be my pick, but all 3 are well reading, I must say. Again, as is often the case with quick flash pieces, its hard to say much without spoilers, but again, these are well worth reading
High end of definitely enjoyed

The “Holy Fuck!” Bible — Moses and the Burning Pussy

I'm not a big fan of religion in stories, but fine, this is an interesting take of an fd kind on the Moses stories
Definitely enjoyed, mark down for nature, not quality

The Perfect Whore

Ooh, md from SB, a nice treat for me. Mind, she deserves all she gets, has to be said. Definitely a nice way to turn the tables, I must say. Great fun
High end of definitely enjoyed

The Tome (mr. potestas)

Must be careful where I move to, or maybe not? Ooh, the doorbell rings, tension mounts, but you need the book for that, ah well... Certainly an interesting teasing, thats for sure, but I suspect thats the idea with this, of course. So if you're happy to buy...
High end of definitely enjoyed

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Re: New Releases - August 17th, 2019
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2019, 01:15:03 pm »

The “Holy Fuck!” Bible — Moses and the Burning Pussy

I'm not a big fan of religion in stories, but fine, this is an interesting take of an fd kind on the Moses stories
Definitely enjoyed, mark down for nature, not quality

The Perfect Whore

Ooh, md from SB, a nice treat for me. Mind, she deserves all she gets, has to be said. Definitely a nice way to turn the tables, I must say. Great fun
High end of definitely enjoyed

Not a religious person myself which is why I tend away from such subjects but it was a request from a while back, I had already opened a precedent with the original take on Adam and Eve's story so... glad you still got some enjoyment out of it.

And yeah, MD and S.B. don't exactly rhyme for reasons you're more than familiar with. However, I know you do like it and I had a feeling you would find the inherent wackiness appealling. As it turns out, I wasn't wrong and I call that a plus.  :grin:

Thanks, dear.
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Offline CerebusOne

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Re: New Releases - August 17th, 2019
« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2019, 01:18:52 pm »
SoVeryFascinated's Kat and Mouse reached even new heights this week. What a great, intricate story. It lacks nothing. A complex, thriller plot, so very well developed characters you care about, all with strengths and weaknesses and true human foibles and introspection. And terrific mind control.

This chapter continues all that and more. This is one great story on every level. The writing and thought here is superb.

The villain of the peice, so carefully constructed by Fascinated for the reader so far, even as an anonymous watcher is finally revealed in this chapter and he is no disappointment. And the ending of this chapter! WOW. What a cliffhanger. What terror and tension for the reader rooting for this young couple.

Also liking Benign Rasputin's New Dogma about a college girl Katy who draws the attention of a fellow student, a punk girl. Looks like they are going to be......'friends'. Close ones. Good writing and characters, good setup and the early hotness factor so far is...very.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2019, 01:32:35 pm by CerebusOne »

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Re: New Releases - August 17th, 2019
« Reply #6 on: August 18, 2019, 02:33:13 pm »
Kat and Mouse is a leading contender for my favorite story of 2019. Every chapter so far has hit it straight out of the park. Amazing.

And yes, please check out Gabby the Gray while you're at it- also great!

Offline Mister Arioch

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Re: New Releases - August 17th, 2019
« Reply #7 on: August 18, 2019, 02:38:44 pm »
Kat and Mouse is a leading contender for my favorite story of 2019. Every chapter so far has hit it straight out of the park. Amazing.

And yes, please check out Gabby the Gray while you're at it- also great!

Agreed. Kat and Mouse is brilliant.

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Re: New Releases - August 17th, 2019
« Reply #8 on: August 18, 2019, 05:55:31 pm »

The Tome (mr. potestas)

Must be careful where I move to, or maybe not? Ooh, the doorbell rings, tension mounts, but you need the book for that, ah well... Certainly an interesting teasing, thats for sure, but I suspect thats the idea with this, of course. So if you're happy to buy...
High end of definitely enjoyed

I'm glad you definitely enjoyed the tease highly! It gets kinda wild in its own way. And don't worry, the final ebook is free. Who knows the exchange rates for souls anyway  ;)

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Re: New Releases - August 17th, 2019
« Reply #9 on: August 18, 2019, 07:48:48 pm »
Meleva's Ditched is the kind of dating experience I want to have, home runs that feel like strike outs, until a seductive voice from behind convinces me otherwise. A lovely, brief story of at date that went wrong in all the right ways. Love the kind of personality the hypnotist uses, and how she walks through her interpretation of the painting as blank as something else. Very playful and a joy to read.

S.B.'s Holy Fuck Bible is a nicely creative blasphemy I could easily get into. Love this take on the story, love how persuasive and diefied Litith acted with Mosey, heh. Biblical femdom seems to be a sinfully good idea so far; the clever wordplay and feverish things she made him see. Hoping there's a Delilah/Sampson version in there sometime.

Argos' Quest for Tamsin continues to interest, especially with a magic twist that gets both Elle and Louis involved almost equally this time. Always wondered if Louis' creativity would come back to bite him someday, and maybe that's where this is going. The similarities in the hypnotists was subtly, wonderfully crafted. Can't wait to see what the next chapter brings.

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Re: New Releases - August 17th, 2019
« Reply #10 on: August 18, 2019, 09:41:19 pm »

Fly would definitely be my pick, but all 3 are well reading, I must say. Again, as is often the case with quick flash pieces, its hard to say much without spoilers, but again, these are well worth reading
High end of definitely enjoyed

Thanks kindly. Poetry isn't my usual, so I've been a bit nervous about them. The encouragement is greatly appreciated.

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Re: New Releases - August 17th, 2019
« Reply #11 on: August 18, 2019, 10:17:53 pm »
Thanks to everyone who had kind words about "Kat and Mouse." I really like how this story turned out, and I'm glad you do too.

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Re: New Releases - August 17th, 2019
« Reply #12 on: August 19, 2019, 04:19:07 pm »
Thanks to everyone who had kind words about "Kat and Mouse." I really like how this story turned out, and I'm glad you do too.

I think it's my favorite story right now and I can't wait to see what happens to Kat now ;)

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Re: New Releases - August 17th, 2019
« Reply #13 on: August 19, 2019, 04:55:12 pm »
Part 2

Dick Picture Perfect

A tale of 2 halves for me. First half didnt do much for me, but fine, the second half more than made up for it with the amusing events going down.
Definitely enjoyed

It Runs in the Family

A very neat, and clever turn of events here too. Lets just say the girlfriends issues were solved in the most sweet, and then most hilarious ways. How Connie gets out of this, no idea
High end of definitely enjoyed

The Music Plays on in Her Mind

Sadly, capital punishment stuff, and transgender stuff (I know, I help with LGBT issues, but in these stories...) are things I can happily live without, and both occur here. Story still intrigues me, just that this chapter had a couple of issues that dont excite me, thats all.
Low end of definitely enjoyed

Relaxation Therapy — Expanded Functions

And this is getting a fascination with a subject thats a turn off for me, obesity. I love the technology, but all the overeating stuff, total turnoff for me, sorry.
I'll compromise, low end of definitely enjoyed

Tickle War

Cant say tickling is a big thing for me, but fine, the way it all plays out is pretty cute, and yes, she does get her punishment of sorts? Certainly nicely told
Definitely enjoyed

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Re: New Releases - August 17th, 2019
« Reply #14 on: August 19, 2019, 06:51:35 pm »
Thanks for the review Merry, don’t worry the weight gain is a one off commission, I did wonder over posting it here. I am midway through writing the third one and there is no WG this time just lots of fun with the chair.

In the meantime I hope you will enjoy my next story.
See you in dreams, Incubi.

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Re: New Releases - August 17th, 2019
« Reply #15 on: August 20, 2019, 04:22:39 am »
Thanks to everyone who had kind words about "Kat and Mouse." I really like how this story turned out, and I'm glad you do too.

I haven't been an active reader for quite a while but occasionally dip my toes back in - it's stories like this that make me glad I do. If the quality remains high and the story comes to a good conclusion (without stretching out too long) I could easily see it joining the Unicode Smith classics in my favourites list.

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Re: New Releases - August 17th, 2019
« Reply #16 on: August 20, 2019, 07:41:34 am »
Dick Picture Perfect

A tale of 2 halves for me. First half didnt do much for me, but fine, the second half more than made up for it with the amusing events going down.
Definitely enjoyed

Thank you! Always happy to see you've enjoyed it!

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Re: New Releases - August 17th, 2019
« Reply #17 on: August 20, 2019, 06:15:41 pm »

S.B.'s Holy Fuck Bible is a nicely creative blasphemy I could easily get into. Love this take on the story, love how persuasive and diefied Litith acted with Mosey, heh. Biblical femdom seems to be a sinfully good idea so far; the clever wordplay and feverish things she made him see. Hoping there's a Delilah/Sampson version in there sometime.

Thanks. I guess we can now add simply blasphemous to the list of meanings of S.B. then. I'll try to keep that last mention in mind should I ever add more "chapters" to this Kinky Book.
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Re: New Releases - August 17th, 2019
« Reply #18 on: August 21, 2019, 04:52:53 pm »
Batch 3

Atonement (Half Shim)

I wouldnt want the pregnancy stuff, but seriously, otherwise this place sounds like heaven to me. The story is well told, the characters are great, and as for the process, well...
High end of definitely enjoyed

Black Reign

Sorry, but given the author, this really should have been a purple ooze, lol. Its JB, its a story that pushes my buttons, what more can I say. Oh, its as well written as ever, I guess?
High end of definitely enjoyed

The Need to Serve

The dental thing with the mermaid, total turn off for me. As for where Stephanie is hiding, well, her friend Rotwang might be able to give clues, lol? :P My favourite section was the Eve/Reece one, if she cares? Rest was good, but one huge turn off, so as a compromise,
Definitely enjoyed

Whatever Gets You Through The Night

Liked the reprise scene, I must say. Rest is pretty good too, in truth, some nice detective work going on by various people here
High end of definitely enjoyed

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Re: New Releases - August 17th, 2019
« Reply #19 on: August 21, 2019, 05:50:54 pm »
Another fantastic chapter of The Mask Becomes You as it becomes clear that the Mask isn’t the only one interested in determining who is ultimately in control here. There’s a hint of “we were the real monsters” here and I loved every second of it. Just when you think you’ve got this story settled out, CR throws another curveball and it’s a whole new ballgame!

Offline Merry Brooks

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Re: New Releases - August 17th, 2019
« Reply #20 on: August 22, 2019, 04:44:46 pm »
Last group

Kat and Mouse

Well, it will be interesting to see which mind controller wins out here, assuming Kat is still up to doing so shortly. This story continues to delight, and really looking forward to seeing more soon.
High end of definitely enjoyed

Meadowbrook Estates

Lets just say I took about a quarter of this before bailing. Lets be diplomatic, not my thing in at least a couple of ways. Wont say more, as I cant cope with grumpy authors any more, as I found out a few weeks ago
No rating obviously

Scenes from a Hotel

And then we go from the ridiculous to the sublime, I loved this. Only question is do I want to be staff, visitor, or a visitor transformed into staff? Any number of short pieces here, and in truth, enjoyed them all greatly. And yes, most of them I'd love to be involved in
Low end of much enjoyed, where do I make a booking, or job application?

Spiraling Coils

Oh fine, I enjoyed Bobbi(n) as a character a lot. I might have loved for her to have got a slightly different ending, but otherwise. Rest of story was very good, but she appealed to me,just saying
Definitely enjoyed, marked down for length factor

Thats it for this week, thanks as always to all authors, reviewed or otherwise. Until next week...
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Re: New Releases - August 17th, 2019
« Reply #21 on: August 23, 2019, 07:03:07 am »
Starting with The Mask Becomes You, wow, what a roller coaster of a chapter. I'm not really sure what to say without spoiling anything... The chapter gave me a sense of suspense that is usually pretty rare. And have to add, the story had such a brilliant line that I loved so much:
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Except... maybe not. So many exciting possibilities to be had going forward, I can't wait to see what CR does next.

Another fantastic chapter of The Mask Becomes You as it becomes clear that the Mask isn’t the only one interested in determining who is ultimately in control here. There’s a hint of “we were the real monsters” here and I loved every second of it. Just when you think you’ve got this story settled out, CR throws another curveball and it’s a whole new ballgame!

Thsnks, both! :grin: It had been a lot of fun writing so far, and I’m almost sad that I’m coming up to the last few chapters now. Hopefully one or two more gripping twists to go.

Special shout out to Shadra, who has been doing a phenomenal job editing both this story and Algorithm over the last couple months. I’m pretty certain the average reader will have noted a vast decrease in typos and the odd confusing sentence that my mind likes to conjure. Really, can’t thank you enough. :)

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Re: New Releases - August 17th, 2019
« Reply #22 on: August 23, 2019, 04:15:59 pm »
Thsnks, both! :grin: It had been a lot of fun writing so far, and I’m almost sad that I’m coming up to the last few chapters now. Hopefully one or two more gripping twists to go.

Special shout out to Shadra, who has been doing a phenomenal job editing both this story and Algorithm over the last couple months. I’m pretty certain the average reader will have noted a vast decrease in typos and the odd confusing sentence that my mind likes to conjure. Really, can’t thank you enough. :)

No, the story must never end! Thank you, though. It's been an honor to work with you. I'm just glad you find some value in my input =D

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Re: New Releases - August 17th, 2019
« Reply #23 on: August 23, 2019, 04:50:42 pm »
The Need to Serve

The dental thing with the mermaid, total turn off for me. As for where Stephanie is hiding, well, her friend Rotwang might be able to give clues, lol? :P My favourite section was the Eve/Reece one, if she cares? Rest was good, but one huge turn off, so as a compromise,
Definitely enjoyed

Thanks for sticking through it, Merry. Sorry about the teeth but perhaps you'll see things differently next chapter.
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Re: New Releases - August 17th, 2019
« Reply #24 on: August 23, 2019, 05:18:45 pm »
I'll let you know after I've seen the next chapter! :laugh:
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