Part 4Art Appreciation (Jukebox)Wouldnt say no to a guided tour of that gallery myself!

I suspect he selects visitors a lot younger than me, mind! Deliciously paced, delightfully done, and if Gustav ever needs more mature women for his plans, tell him to give me a call!

A JB Gem!
High end of definitely enjoyed. More with an invite to the gallery!
BlizzardI'm going to be very sorry when the weather actually improves here! As much fun as ever, combined with some clever pondering on life stuff from Sam. I love feelgood stories, this is definitely one of those
High end of definitely enjoyed
Broad Cast Thoroughly enjoyed this too, becoming a bit of a habit this batch. All delightfully done, sadly I dont know of any neighbours with radios, or a desire for my less than sexy body, lol!

High end of definitely enjoyed
Police TakeoverAh well, there had to be one! Biggest issue is again with this author, the fact that its nigh impossible to read easily, in major need of an edit. The story was at least entertaining, as much as I could tell, if pretty straightforward stuff.
I'll give it high end of enjoyed, because the mc method is something I would enjoy done to me, so I'll be kind. Decent edit, probably definitely enjoyed, but without that...
The VoiceOh, and talking of mc methods I'd love used on me, here is another one! Oh fine, I did work out who 'the voice' was, but the brainwashing stuff was delightfully done. And yes, should she ever want a more mature slave to work her command on, tell her to give me a call!
High end of definitely enjoyed
Last 5 to follow