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Re: New Releases-February 2nd 2019
« Reply #25 on: February 04, 2019, 05:45:50 pm »
Getting a kick out of Blizzard now that there are clues the synopsis is coming to fruition.   It's shaping up to be the Hallmark Channel Holiday Movie, if Hallmark had grown-ass men banging hot coeds. 

Good stuff!

Thanks! To tip my hat to the greatest pirate ever, this has to be the second greatest comment I've ever received.

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Re: New Releases-February 2nd 2019
« Reply #26 on: February 04, 2019, 06:33:37 pm »
I don't recall a "twist" in the most recent installment of "College Undercover".  Great chapter, though, Carol has just about accepted her destiny.  And it's always very sexy when she programs other women.

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Re: New Releases-February 2nd 2019
« Reply #27 on: February 04, 2019, 07:06:08 pm »
And of course the work of Downing Street is always superb.

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Re: New Releases-February 2nd 2019
« Reply #28 on: February 05, 2019, 03:19:19 pm »
Betsy Visits River City

OK, What Billie can do with time, well, I'm stunned. She hid that one from me, and I created her! :laugh: I would say that Rotwang would probably have designed her a flying vehicle, as in Metropolis, to get round the travel issue. As to what Faye, and Betsy were getting up to with those dildos, I really dont want to know! :angel: As crazy, and entertaining as ever.
High end of definitely enjoyed

Thank you Merry. I'm sorry to see Billie didn't vouchsafe that information to you. Rest assured, this power is so marginal she'll never use it again. Flying vehicles won't work for the reasons mentioned either. And please don't call Faeryfaye Faye to her face. She doesn't like that.
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Offline Merry Brooks

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Re: New Releases-February 2nd 2019
« Reply #29 on: February 05, 2019, 04:13:17 pm »
Even more so, given I want that part in any production. Apologies sent to Faeryfaye accordingly :angel:

Part 3

Binding Rings

Kudos to any incest story which I can find sweet, but this one has pretty much made it. I guess mainly because he is trying to learn to give something back, as well as take, but it also might be the delightful pace at which events take place. I still cant really get into mother/son stuff, but all the same...
Low end of definitely enjoyed

But I Don’t Really Want This

Well I have to say that Will is now taking things beyond my personal comfort zone, so I didnt get much out of this chapter. Those more into humiliation will get far more, as its well written.
No rating as a get out, taste issues only

The Crystal’s Slave

Desperate need of a good edit here. Huge paragraphs, including conversations, which make it hard to work out who is who. Story would win no prizes for subtlety either, and not my thing.
No rating, see above

Diversion Tactics

Well, I feel sorry for the boyfriend, but otherwise...Good job I dont appeal to lesbian dominatrix hypnotists, maybe? :laugh: All nicely done, and good ending to finish too
Definitely enjoyed

Resistance 2

Enjoyed this offering far more, other than the incest. Story line was strong, and very cleverly played out once Meghan got out of the house, and what followed from there.
Definitely enjoyed

More on Thursday
« Last Edit: February 05, 2019, 04:55:22 pm by Merry Brooks »
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Offline mr potestas

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Re: New Releases-February 2nd 2019
« Reply #30 on: February 06, 2019, 10:00:43 pm »
Bimbo-Midas (mc mf ff md gr) (1 new chapter)  by Doctor MC, Mad Scientist
A leprechaun gives Jimmy a ring that turns any woman whom Jimmy touches into a bimbo.

This is still a fun read. What is interesting is how it's not really clicking yet. The gears are turning in Jimmy's head, but the puzzle just has not yet come together completely. Instead of being a frustration, I'm feeling more ponderous. How long would it take for even a MC writer to figure out that they are somehow rewriting people mentally and physically? Unless we're a real-life hypnotist, we might be just like Jimmy here. Something so fantastical could not possibly be happening, right? If it was, missing the obvious on the mechanisms might be likely. Technically, there is nothing normal about transforming someone physically and mentally like what is happening in this story! This is as fun as interesting.

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Re: New Releases-February 2nd 2019
« Reply #31 on: February 06, 2019, 10:17:16 pm »
There's a blizzard raging outside, so why not pass the time by playing a little Solitaire reading some great stories!  :)

Redsliver's Blizzard is first up, naturally. This story continues to be sexy and sweet and engaging... and now, perhaps a bit of looming sadness? Certainly Gene's not-so-much-of-a-dream appears to be having some real world consequences this week. And thanks for shoveling the front walk, Gene!

Over in Betsy Visits River City, our heroes face off against their toughest opponent yet: the local bureaucracy! I loved the interplay between the characters here, and it was nice to see the bimbos return. I really have grown fond of them.

I'm finally all caught up again on Magical Girl Syn, and this week's chapter did not disappoint. I'm really enjoying how our heroes are, in spite of all of the madness and the danger, still dedicated to the idea of getting to the bottom of things and putting an end to them. Morgan and Lawrence (and of course Syn) are great characters, and you can't help but root for them.

I haven't caught up with College Undercover, but Greyscribbler's The Voice is a wicked slow-burn brainwashing story. Nicely done.

Ok, back to reading...

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Re: New Releases-February 2nd 2019
« Reply #32 on: February 06, 2019, 10:27:05 pm »
Getting a kick out of Blizzard now that there are clues the synopsis is coming to fruition.   It's shaping up to be the Hallmark Channel Holiday Movie, if Hallmark had grown-ass men banging hot coeds. 

Good stuff!

After I've won the super-lottery prize and purchased the Hallmark network, this will be the first order of the day. And the second. And the...

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Re: New Releases-February 2nd 2019
« Reply #33 on: February 07, 2019, 12:33:07 am »
Bimbo-Midas (mc mf ff md gr) (1 new chapter)  by Doctor MC, Mad Scientist
A leprechaun gives Jimmy a ring that turns any woman whom Jimmy touches into a bimbo.

This is still a fun read. What is interesting is how it's not really clicking yet. The gears are turning in Jimmy's head, but the puzzle just has not yet come together completely. Instead of being a frustration, I'm feeling more ponderous. How long would it take for even a MC writer to figure out that they are somehow rewriting people mentally and physically? Unless we're a real-life hypnotist, we might be just like Jimmy here. Something so fantastical could not possibly be happening, right? If it was, missing the obvious on the mechanisms might be likely. Technically, there is nothing normal about transforming someone physically and mentally like what is happening in this story! This is as fun as interesting.

Jimmy's denial is getting big pieces broken off of it, but he still believes on some level that there is a "logical" explanation for all this. He's an engineer, so he believes in impersonal "rules of the universe" that govern everyone, all the time. Jimmy's philosophy simply does not dream that his girlfriend and two other women are changing just because of a conversation he had with two men, almost two weeks ago.

But Jimmy's denial won't last forever. Next week, he will get a clue.
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Offline Redsliver

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Re: New Releases-February 2nd 2019
« Reply #34 on: February 07, 2019, 03:43:27 am »
There's a blizzard raging outside, so why not pass the time by playing a little Solitaire reading some great stories!  :)

Redsliver's Blizzard is first up, naturally. This story continues to be sexy and sweet and engaging... and now, perhaps a bit of looming sadness? Certainly Gene's not-so-much-of-a-dream appears to be having some real world consequences this week. And thanks for shoveling the front walk, Gene!

Thanks! Why do only unhappy things loom? Oh, well at least the walk is shoveled. And good luck with the super-lottery, looking forward to optioning Blizzard.

Offline Merry Brooks

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Re: New Releases-February 2nd 2019
« Reply #35 on: February 07, 2019, 10:20:06 am »
Part 4

Art Appreciation (Jukebox)

Wouldnt say no to a guided tour of that gallery myself! :angel: I suspect he selects visitors a lot younger than me, mind! Deliciously paced, delightfully done, and if Gustav ever needs more mature women for his plans, tell him to give me a call! ;) A JB Gem!
High end of definitely enjoyed. More with an invite to the gallery!


I'm going to be very sorry when the weather actually improves here! As much fun as ever, combined with some clever pondering on life stuff from Sam. I love feelgood stories, this is definitely one of those
High end of definitely enjoyed

Broad Cast

Thoroughly enjoyed this too, becoming a bit of a habit this batch. All delightfully done, sadly I dont know of any neighbours with radios, or a desire for my less than sexy body, lol! :laugh:
High end of definitely enjoyed

Police Takeover

Ah well, there had to be one! Biggest issue is again with this author, the fact that its nigh impossible to read easily, in major need of an edit. The story was at least entertaining, as much as I could tell, if pretty straightforward stuff.
I'll give it high end of enjoyed, because the mc method is something I would enjoy done to me, so I'll be kind. Decent edit, probably definitely enjoyed, but without that... ::)

The Voice

Oh, and talking of mc methods I'd love used on me, here is another one! Oh fine, I did work out who 'the voice' was, but the brainwashing stuff was delightfully done. And yes, should she ever want a more mature slave to work her command on, tell her to give me a call!
High end of definitely enjoyed

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Offline Merry Brooks

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Re: New Releases-February 2nd 2019
« Reply #36 on: February 07, 2019, 04:31:42 pm »
Final 4 (I'd missed a bestiality tag)

Chapter 7

I've seen praise for this previously, just going to add my own little piece of it to the collection. I only wish I could write half as well. Fun story of the effects of subliminals in a school setting on both staff, and pupils. Go read!
High end of definitely enjoyed

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Part numbers are a total mess here, but thats a minor matter. Typical mixed bag, enjoyed the first 2, far less keen on the last one. Same formula as previously, so suspect you either love, or hate by now
Low end of definitely enjoyed

Living Dead Girl

Well, thats one hell of a place to leave events, I must say! :o Mad professor has been dealt with, but now, with our 3 young ladies...?
High end of definitely enjoyed

This Is Our Story

Thoroughly enjoying this tangled web of a story, that seemingly gets more tangled every week. How this all ends up, no idea, but I'm definitely looking forward to the ride
High end of definitely enjoyed

Thats it for this update, thanks as always to all authors involved, reviewed, or not
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Offline greyscribbler

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Re: New Releases-February 2nd 2019
« Reply #37 on: February 08, 2019, 03:38:44 pm »
The Voice

Oh, and talking of mc methods I'd love used on me, here is another one! Oh fine, I did work out who 'the voice' was, but the brainwashing stuff was delightfully done. And yes, should she ever want a more mature slave to work her command on, tell her to give me a call!
High end of definitely enjoyed

Last 5 to follow

Thanks Merry. Hopefully it kept you guessing for at least a little while. ;-)


Offline Merry Brooks

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Re: New Releases-February 2nd 2019
« Reply #38 on: February 08, 2019, 05:07:49 pm »
A little while, but not too long! :laugh:
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Offline mr potestas

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Re: New Releases-February 2nd 2019
« Reply #39 on: February 08, 2019, 10:00:46 pm »
Infiltration (Nadiencendia) (mc ff) (new)  by nadiencendia
When Jasmine meets her new roommate, Celeste, she just sees a typical Barbie girl; but she will soon discover that she is in fact something very different.

This was one of the authors that brought me into MC erotica. Even if I did not like all this author's offerings in the long run, they are always well written. Certainly intentional, this starts like nothing special, but quickly pulls the reader into the story. Before I even knew it, this became a surreal cross between Lovecraft and the distinct possibility of walking in on a roommate at an inopportune time. Especially when you don't really know your roommate yet, college or elsewhere, you could walk in on them watching porn, casually drying off from a shower, or who knows what! Can't say I've read all of this author's work, but this felt like a departure in some ways. The less than normal themes meshed quite well with the general weirdness of it all. Hopefully, we will get parts 2 and 3!

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Re: New Releases-February 2nd 2019
« Reply #40 on: February 08, 2019, 11:40:52 pm »
Cassandra’s Gift (mc mf ff md bd) (new)  by Twisted Journey
After a one night stand with a mysterious woman, a man receives mind-control powers, and begins to collect toys to play with.

Since I did read this one...

The Merry Brooks take would be "No Rating - personal taste" even without marking down for length. The writing's not terrible, though the ending needs a lot of work, but the main character's a bit of an asshole and, while cautious about STDs, is cavalier about people literally eating shit, which is a significantly bigger infection risk (admittedly not directly to himself) than unprotected sex. There's also a conveniently large sample of women who are into inflicting pain, and happy to take whatever they dish out. And then there's the treatment of the almost-ex girl-friend, who gets sentenced to daily torture for life.

So, yeah, 'pathic controller in a 'pathic world, means some serious personal taste issues for me.
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Re: New Releases-February 2nd 2019
« Reply #41 on: February 08, 2019, 11:45:09 pm »
I have to say that grey_shadow's post just made me want to dive off the deep end into Cassandra's Gift because it sounds demented af, even if it doesn't conform to my usual tastes.


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Re: New Releases-February 2nd 2019
« Reply #42 on: February 09, 2019, 04:15:05 pm »
Made me glad I never even gave it a try! :laugh:
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Re: New Releases-February 2nd 2019
« Reply #43 on: February 16, 2019, 11:38:52 am »
Dear Mr Potestas, thank you very much from your reading and from your encouragement! I am a great fan of your writing so it is amazing to read your opinion on my work. As you say, this is in fact a bit different from my usual stuff, particularly because it involces no foot fetish (although I may include one or two hints in the next chapters). I am not normally into "alien" stories, but this one seemed to stick with me. When I have the time, I will write and post part 2! Thanks again

Infiltration (Nadiencendia) (mc ff) (new)  by nadiencendia
When Jasmine meets her new roommate, Celeste, she just sees a typical Barbie girl; but she will soon discover that she is in fact something very different.

This was one of the authors that brought me into MC erotica. Even if I did not like all this author's offerings in the long run, they are always well written. Certainly intentional, this starts like nothing special, but quickly pulls the reader into the story. Before I even knew it, this became a surreal cross between Lovecraft and the distinct possibility of walking in on a roommate at an inopportune time. Especially when you don't really know your roommate yet, college or elsewhere, you could walk in on them watching porn, casually drying off from a shower, or who knows what! Can't say I've read all of this author's work, but this felt like a departure in some ways. The less than normal themes meshed quite well with the general weirdness of it all. Hopefully, we will get parts 2 and 3!