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New Releases - July 13 2019
« on: July 13, 2019, 01:01:22 pm »
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Amazons (mc ff) (new)  by Chrysostomon
Amazons raid a village, and enslave all the female inhabitants.

AnimeCon Harem (mc ma ft) (1 new chapter)  by FortySixtyFour
After getting dumped by his girlfriend, Brian attends an anime convention with a special amulet.

Ashes (mc mf ff md) (2 new chapters)  by Blackie
The family raised him not to use his ability on those without the ability. The world isn’t supposed to know the family exists. Or families. When he uses it to defend himself and is seen without knowing who it was, his world turns upside down on him.

Binding Rings (mc mf md in) (1 new chapter)  by Sidia
A chance discovery changes a young man’s life—and not always for the better.

Creamer (mc mf md in la) (1 new chapter)  by ExodusRex
A brilliant young scientist creates a substance capable of allowing him the means to achieve his darkest desires.

Crossings (mc mf fd ft) (1 new chapter)  by MɛtaBob
Memory and reason restored, a man mastering magic journeys to new destinations, encountering ever more irresistible women.

Deep Undercover (mc mf md fd) (1 new chapter)  by 321
Paul is a private eye who dabbles in hypnosis. Cassie is his beautiful client. But there’s more to their relationship—and their case—than meets the eye.

Editing Reality Book Two: Sultry Fantasies Unleashed (mc mf gr in) (1 new chapter)  by mypenname3000
Steve gets a phone app that lets him edit other people.

Every Woman Has a Price (mc mf ff md) (1 new chapter)  by Redsliver
Owen inherits a set of silver coins from his grandfather that lets him buy anyone.

Family Vacation (Baerd) (mc mf ff in la) (new)  by Baerd
A family boating on vacation near a Virginia barrier island on the 4th of July are accidentally the victims of an unusual biological attack, with very deviant consequences.

Fission (mc mf ff md in) (1 new chapter)  by ExodusRex
A powerful attorney and dedicated family man discovers that life is not what it seems to be in his happy home.

The Further Adventures of Louis and Elle (mc mf fd) (1 new chapter)  by Argos
A continued look at the marriage of Elle and her hypnotically enslaved husband Louis.

He Broke Your Memory Last Night (mc ff md fd) (new)  by Jukebox
A young woman in a cafe is approached by a stranger who’s very pleased with her response to last night’s hypnosis session. The one she keeps insisting never happened.

Hostel (mc ff) (1 new chapter)  by 321
Rebecca’s trip to Berlin takes an interesting turn.

I Hate My Master (mc mm) (2 new chapters)  by maxrpotter
Mark moves in with a new roommate, and finds himself getting annoyed by a few small things about him, like when he leaves dishes in the sink, or when he leaves his clothes around the place, or when he gives Mark orders that he is unable to disobey.

Massaged By My Nerdy Brother (mc mf md in) (1 new chapter)  by BurroGirl18 and Pan
A few innocent massages with her brother goes too far.

Member Privileges (mc md fd gr) (new)  by William Pratt
Young, married couple Oliver and Marissa keep in touch through online video chat site while Oliver travels on business. When their current site suddenly changes ownership, the new owners bring some peculiar new rules.

Mind-Control Panties (mc mf md in) (1 new chapter)  by mypenname3000
A mysterious figure adds special items to the inventory of trendy clothing stores—panties with special phrases written on them.

My Neighbor, Soon to Be Lover (mc mf fd) (1 new chapter)  by Miss Tique
A teen reprograms her older neighbour to become the lover she imagined him to be.

Nanite Cluster (mc mf md gr) (new)  by banksie
Dan wants to use his father’s nanotechnology to save his friend Lucy, but he needs to test it out on his sister first.

The Ovalords (mc mf ff md in) (new)  by Chrysostomon
Life is different now for Kylie and her family now that the Masters have conquered Earth.

Princess (mc ff sf) (new)  by Kallie
Beck, a rebellious cyberhacker, falls into the clutches of Ms. Aurelia, an evil corporate CEO who plans to subject her to a radical personality shift

Reason (mc mf md) (new)  by Quiet Hypnotist
Amelia has a good reason for kneeling naked on the bed of a stranger. If only she could remember what is was!

Rebel with a New Cause (mc mf fd cb) (new)  by chris.lionofthenorth
A solo superhero attempts to infiltrate the lair of a notorious art thief.

Relaxation Therapy (mc mf md ds gr) (4 new chapters)  by Incubi
Lauren is upset that her husband spends all their money on his stupid inventions.

Slug Academy (mc mf fd sf) (new)  by Half Shim
Gothic Autumn is sent to a finishing school for young ladies.

Snaps to Clicks (mc fd) (new)  by me-chan
An American student gets another fascinating lesson in British English.

Split Slave (mc ff ma bd ds hm) (1 new chapter)  by Skaetlett
Delta, a non-binary, kidnapped sex slave with a protective alternate personality, gets auctioned off to a multimillionaire who seems to have more in store than they’re ready for. Their Mistress thinks she knows everything about them and is wrong.

Spy Games (HypnoticHarlequin) (mc ff) (new)  by HypnoticHarlequin
A group of spies finds that a corporation’s AI security system may be better than they anticipated.

Stratagem (mc ma md) (new)  by Meleva
One ship full of cargo, one ship full of pirates. Two magical navigators play their dangerous game, but only one will find out that the stories of sirens and their songs are much more than mere tall tales.

Submission Services (mc mf md in) (new)  by Chrysostomon
Max observes the latest enslavement tech from his firm.

Switch Fight (mc ff hm) (new)  by Skaetlett
Reina challenges her friend to a hypnosis switch fight, trying to see who goes into trance first. She doesn’t care that her friend is already a skilled hypnotist, either.

This Cannot Be Happening, Can It? (mc mf ff md fd in be) (1 new chapter)  by HB5211
Ashley was a successful young romance writer finding success incorporating eroticism and vampires into her novels.  Her latest novel was now a movie.  At the premier, the  budding novelist meets a couple right out of her family’s past.  Her life will never be the same.

Too Many Questions (mc mf fd) (new)  by S. B.
Josh and Monica talk about hypnosis. He doesn’t like answering questions but she knows how to ask all the right ones.

The Unholy Rites (mc mf md) (1 new chapter)  by Chrissy
A teenager begins to fall under the spell of a demonically possessed priest.

Upgrades (mc ma md fd cb) (1 new chapter)  by J. Darksong
After several years of adventure as the heroic Robotica, Roberta Bayport finally has the chance to regain her humanity and become a normal human again. It’s a dream come true. But while Robotica is a powerful and capable heroine, Roberta, as a human, is vulnerable. And when her nemesis catches her in the middle of the procedure, her perfect dream may become a nightmare...

Offline CerebusOne

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Re: New Releases - July 13 2019
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2019, 04:24:37 pm »
July 13th,

Where is summer going?


I will start the ever fecund 321's entries this week.

First off Deep Under Cover.

Ohhhh, this was a very tense chapter. Things are barrelling along and lives are at stake. Not just phyical lives, but mental ones. If the right side does not win, some people are going to end up totally different people forever.  The MC his is just great: You know just how to use it, twist it, make it count, make it so hot in description and application.

That reveal about Paul's background and father I found most interesting 321. Things that happen in childhood have effects of various degree. Did Paul find some fun and amusement in his con man father? Some laughs and good times? Yeah, probably did. It's that kind of life. There are good times when the times are good.

But what else? How did he feel deep inside knowing his father was crook, preying on people? Did the cops come to their home and roust him? Most likely over time. Was he arrested in front of his family, in front of little Paul? Most likely over time.

Would that have contributed to Paul being a detective and as he himself said, putting people like his father in jail?

As Paul knows, he has one shot at this. To miss that chance is the end of everything, himself and woman he loves and so many others who are ensnared in vile Avery's clutches. The stakes couldn't be higher now.

Hostel. Wow, this chapter really has broken it all open in a huge way. Rebecca is now in full fight mode, not flight and by the end of this chapter she all too aware of everything. She is determined to save not only herself but others. Not just those who are under Alice's control but one who is not but on the hit list. Rebecca is a fighter and damn good woman. Smart too. You can't help but root for her.

She is laying out plans that we are not totally privy to but you can make some guesses. Emily and Celeste are going to be a surprise to Alice in this clandestine battle that is now fully engage....or will they? Alice man, she is tough and intelligent. Be careful Rebecca least you get a big surprise.

I really liked how Rebecca used something Alice taught her, the Master, in her plans against her.

The chapter ends with Rebecca making the final discovery and going to confront it, her, head on and start to engage that piece into the game. You think back on her much earlier entrancing of good friend friend Emily....

How will it work out? Boy, can't wait to see. This is all so very well done and thrilling to read.

The terrific writer Kallie comes through with another very good story in Princess about a future hacker who makes a bad mistake going after the wrong target. This kind of story has been done a few time before, many to very good effect, once in a very long masterpiece with a mind blowing plot and twist and blood pressure blowing MC a while back whose name I can't remember because I have no memory left, sorry about author because your story was AMAZING. One of the all time best stories on the site IMO.

Anyway back to this one, because Kallie is such a good writer it is a worthy addition to the genre. Done nice and slow, burning up underneath as it begins to work its way to the MC conflagration. And long they way yeah, you can feel the temperature rise till it gets burning hot. Really terrific MC here and very sophisticated, subtle, long induction. The very best kind.

Chrissy's Unholy Rites continues apace in a very interesting way. The evil Father James actually does her a favor in exiting Alicia's very nasty ex-boyfriend because of what he did to her.

In light of that event I would caution her father, lay off the booze and the hitting or....

I really like the unhurried buildup of this story, the interesting plot, varied story lines and characters. Chrissy is in for the long haul and so am I.

Exodus Rex's Fissionhas a very mysterious, so far intriguing plot. Not sure yet how I will feel about it but the writer has me wondering about this mystery that is set up and I want to see where it goes.

Relaxation Therapy by Incubiis a good, long, slow Taming of the Shrew story. Very nice MC here.

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Re: New Releases - July 13 2019
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2019, 05:58:56 am »
I have a love/hate relationship with the AnimeCon Harem fic.  I love the main trio of the story, and I love the attention to detail the trio is getting as far as how each of their relationships are developing.  I absolutely hate the antagonist, it's one of those situations where I feel like the author wants me to hate her but she's such a caricature I almost feel like it swivels back around to being a negative for me. 

As far as why it's love *and* hate... It's hard to put into words, I like this story, and I feel it's well crafted, but it veers into territory with Chloe that makes me feel uneasy.  I think I have a very thin skin for misogyny in these stories, and I worry about how much of the characterization is 'Look at this evil character' and how much is 'Ha ha, aren't Feminists stupid?'    I know that's more me than anything, but in a story I otherwise enjoy wholeheartedly it does bug me a bit.  But that's less of a 'criticism' and more of a 'this story has elements that aren't necessarily for me but I like the rest of it SO much' issue.

One thing that worries me about the story is that it's titled 'Harem' and it has a... *ton* of girls floating around.  Which is fine and true to the title, but at the pace of one chapter a year I'm worried about the pacing of this one.  Not trying to guilt the author into writing faster or anything, but the story seems intent to take its time, and combined with the release schedule that makes for a VERY slow burn.

Beyond that I'm really trepidatious about the cliffhanger, the story is potentially going down a dark turn.  Definitely one of my red lines, but there's still plenty of time for a save.   I guess I'll just have to wait a year to find out.  ;)

Whenever an update publishes, it goes to the top of my must read, and that's honestly the highest compliment I can give.  I just hope it stays in territory that's more in my wheelhouse than out.

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Re: New Releases - July 13 2019
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2019, 07:24:21 am »
Thank you for sticking with the story through all this time! Chloe's written as my hate sink character, but I intended the part of the story where she arrives at the convention to solidify with readers that she's in no way an actual feminist--she's psychotic and uses anything and everything she can to justify doing... well, whatever she wants. Starting on Part 8 today!
Regular updates to AnimeCon Harem will be here.

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Re: New Releases - July 13 2019
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2019, 09:00:20 am »
The Further Adventures of Louis and Elle continue to be one of my favorite running storylines to follow, mostly because so much has been given to the characters, and though I'm mostly a femdom hypno guy, I can like when Louis presents Elle with the opportunity to sink. I love how he uses his writing to trigger things, how soft he consistently is with Elle, as if still submissive though in control (considering Elle, totally understandable), and after following their whole saga, the interactions are growing more symbiotic and romantic, as if they're convincingly always on the same wavelength. Sorting through old memories of Elle was fun, as how he observed/played with them. And given the ending, I'm looking forward to what's being set up for the next chapter.

He Broke Your Memory Last Night might be my favorite Jukebox story in a while. I love the setup the Woman in Green establishes with Christine. She has such an exuberance of assertive charm to her that I wasn't entirely convinced that Trevor was real, let alone the one that broke her memory. I love everything Christine was taken through, and it ended perfectly with the sub left to her own devices, whispering a scaldingly-hot trigger for herself.

Princess was something I wasn't sure about, but Kallie has surprised me before with stories I wasn't sure about before getting into. Love how long and drawn out Miss Aurelia's seduction of Becky is, using practically rudementary means to convert the hacker into the title character. The transformation is detailed in a way that really helps me appreciate every step and tactic the authoritative hypnotist uses, chipping away at Becky until Miss Aurelia's creation is all that's left.

Rebel With a New Cause I found enjoyable. Very detailed in the setup, though the hypno was briefer than expected, and towards the end like it was setting itself up for another chapter. And though it I could see where Selene's seduction was going, I appreciated it ended where I thought. Stripping Ronin down to his arousal was probably the smartest, and most fun conclusion for this one.

Spy Games was another I wasn't totally sure about, and Hypnotic Harlequin has surprised me in the same way too. It was hard not to think of MOTHER from 'Alien' when imagining the A.I., but how Spy Games' MOTHER operated was scary good. Smart hypnotic traps all around, a lovely domination of each and every spy. A.I. with trance abilities has always been a frightening idea to me, but leave it to a great author to make me think that "MOTHER (could) know what's best for me".

Too Many Questions was a wonderful read as someone that likes reading and writing dialog-only stories occasionally. I love how crafty S.B.'s female characters are with their word choice, and Monica is no exception, carefully leading Josh all the way to exactly where she wanted him, no matter how many roadblocks his mind threw up, even using some of them to her advantage. Definitely a fun story to re-read a few times with its length and writing, and fun every time.

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Re: New Releases - July 13 2019
« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2019, 09:25:52 am »
I gave up on anime convention harem for a lot of the same reasons.  Too much time spent on the awfulness of the ex, who is basically a big ball of nasty stereotypes.  Off putting in itself but also makes me see the protagonist as dumb for being upset they broke up.

In fairness I have met a few people who are as awful as she is irl.

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Re: New Releases - July 13 2019
« Reply #6 on: July 14, 2019, 10:25:36 am »
Princess was a solid read and had a nice, slow descent for Beck. I was maybe looking forward to a bit more "princess" style talking or acting once she was converted, but that didn't quite happen because the story ended right at the point where I'm most interested to see what her life would be like now.

Slug Academy was pretty damn good, too. I actually expected it to be a goth-to-prep style transformation and while that happens in a sense, it also completely subverts that expectation once Hans gets involved, too. I think the only thing that some reviewers might jump on here is the fact that Autumn is tasked with a mission of such importance immediately upon her conversion. To me, it seems that the story does a good job of showing that the conversion process is completed pretty quickly, which would mean that there's little resistance left on the part of the victim to screw up whatever plans the masters have for them.


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Re: New Releases - July 13 2019
« Reply #7 on: July 14, 2019, 12:01:16 pm »
The more we encounter the ex the more I really hate her, good job in writing that, but be careful with threading that needle of having a villain that heinous and having them overshadow the rest of the story. Unfortunately this chapters cliffhanger just left me angry not anticipating what comes next

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Re: New Releases - July 13 2019
« Reply #8 on: July 14, 2019, 12:44:25 pm »
Getting started

Deep Undercover

Oh fine, I love this. Mind, if I do get back to LAX next year, I must be careful who meets me at the airport! :laugh: Think I'm too old for Avery's interests, but otherwise... Great story, great characters, just about great everything. Oh, and it helps I know a lot of the locations too! Yes, what interest could Avery find in a disabled 60 something, lol? ;)
Low end of much enjoyed, why not?

He Broke Your Memory Last Night

In truth, this was a great batch as a whole. Loved the way the whole scene at the diner plays out, why cant I find a woman like her to control me? Its great fun, as Christine fails to put 2 and 2 together, and come up with any answer at all!
High end of definitely enjoyed

Switch Fight

This I loved, and now I want to try and read that other marathon offering from this author. The play off between the two girls is just great, and what a result!
High end of definitely enjoyed

Too Many Questions

Talking of fun hypno contests, here is another, though in this case, only one ever stood a chance of winning. These chat things dont do an awful lot for me, but the way it plays out between them is fun. Fine, I love the way Monica plays it out with him
High end of definitely enjoyed

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Re: New Releases - July 13 2019
« Reply #9 on: July 14, 2019, 12:48:01 pm »
Really liked the latest chapter of deep undercover.  Won't say anything too spoilers but the reveal worked well.

Liked Princess more than I would have expected.  I generally dislike total personality destruction, but this was good.

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Re: New Releases - July 13 2019
« Reply #10 on: July 14, 2019, 02:07:36 pm »
Thanks, CerebusOne, Merry, and CuyahogaKingKong!

Merry, you’ve given me a good story idea about being met at the airport (perhaps set in the cult-ridden LAX of the 1970s?)

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Re: New Releases - July 13 2019
« Reply #11 on: July 14, 2019, 02:41:08 pm »
Any week with a 321 posting is a good week on the Archive.  Two stories from him marks a great one.  He continues to stretch his narrative muscles with “Deep Undercover”, and with “Hostel” he consumes to show how to layer complexities and build to mini-cliffhangers each chapter.
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Re: New Releases - July 13 2019
« Reply #12 on: July 14, 2019, 03:50:00 pm »

Too Many Questions was a wonderful read as someone that likes reading and writing dialog-only stories occasionally. I love how crafty S.B.'s female characters are with their word choice, and Monica is no exception, carefully leading Josh all the way to exactly where she wanted him, no matter how many roadblocks his mind threw up, even using some of them to her advantage. Definitely a fun story to re-read a few times with its length and writing, and fun every time.

Thank you. I honestly wasn't quite sure about this one when I wrote it. Glad you enjoyed it.

Too Many Questions

Talking of fun hypno contests, here is another, though in this case, only one ever stood a chance of winning. These chat things dont do an awful lot for me, but the way it plays out between them is fun. Fine, I love the way Monica plays it out with him
High end of definitely enjoyed.

My thanks to you as well. Yeah, Monica knew what she was doing unlike Josh. The poor guy was doomed from the start but he did ask for it so no biggie, I guess.
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Re: New Releases - July 13 2019
« Reply #13 on: July 14, 2019, 04:59:17 pm »
Massaged by My Nerdy Brother

I've been enjoying this one a lot. Not exactly the twistiest story ever, and it is taking its time a bit, but that's fine. I like the writing, and it's been quite enjoyable watching her slowly taken by the influence.

Member Privileges

Not a ton here, but that was a fun start. Looking forward to seeing more.


This was great. I enjoyed the slow transformation that was forced on her. Could have used a bit more effective resistance on the initial hypnosis, but the slow descent was still nicely done. Though with that said, complete memory wipe is always a huge turn off for me, so it was a shame the story ended there. Would have much rather seen Beck acknowledge and embrace her change into Princess than simply have her get erased.

« Last Edit: July 14, 2019, 05:05:54 pm by strikeThree »

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Re: New Releases - July 13 2019
« Reply #14 on: July 14, 2019, 11:04:06 pm »
Princess was a solid read and had a nice, slow descent for Beck. I was maybe looking forward to a bit more "princess" style talking or acting once she was converted, but that didn't quite happen because the story ended right at the point where I'm most interested to see what her life would be like now.

Slug Academy was pretty damn good, too. I actually expected it to be a goth-to-prep style transformation and while that happens in a sense, it also completely subverts that expectation once Hans gets involved, too. I think the only thing that some reviewers might jump on here is the fact that Autumn is tasked with a mission of such importance immediately upon her conversion. To me, it seems that the story does a good job of showing that the conversion process is completed pretty quickly, which would mean that there's little resistance left on the part of the victim to screw up whatever plans the masters have for them.



The slightly odd 'first mission' was a bit of a hazard of more or less writing the story backwards from the end. I realized when writing the middle that it didn't make a lot of sense to throw a newbie at such an assignment, but it does more or less work out since the masters are pretty confident in their means of control.

They've remained hidden for a very long time, after all. They're not anticipating a slip up. They got lucky this time, though I imagine if I write a story in this universe in the future it may not work out exactly as planned for them.

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Re: New Releases - July 13 2019
« Reply #15 on: July 14, 2019, 11:43:28 pm »
I get it, Half Shim. I write stories in chunks, too, grouped into scenes and tied together with attempts at maintaining continuity. Granted, the stories I'm writing right now are being rushed a little in order to meet my own self-imposed deadlines to get another fifteen stories written before October, so the quality isn't quite what I want it to be in every case.

All that said, I don't see a narrative problem with what you've done. It's internally consistent enough as science fiction mind control to convince me that she has no (significant) will of her own left, even if elements of her original personality are being used by her masters.


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Re: New Releases - July 13 2019
« Reply #16 on: July 15, 2019, 12:20:43 am »
I don't have a lot of time for reading (I'm trying to squeeze out enough time for a little writing) but I am currently reading and very much enjoying two stories that were updated this week and a new one from last week (I'll put a comment on that Update post, too.) I look forward to more chapters of these!

Ashes (mc mf ff md) (2 new chapters)  by Blackie
The family raised him not to use his ability on those without the ability. The world isn’t supposed to know the family exists. Or families. When he uses it to defend himself and is seen without knowing who it was, his world turns upside down on him.

Binding Rings (mc mf md in) (1 new chapter)  by Sidia
A chance discovery changes a young man’s life—and not always for the better.
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Re: New Releases - July 13 2019
« Reply #17 on: July 15, 2019, 01:48:03 am »
Holy crap, a new Geo story that’s NOT a comic book? Awesome!
I loved it (Member Privileges). Not too long but I enjoyed seeing both the husband and wife toyed with in different ways. I’d love to read more but suspect that was it.
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Re: New Releases - July 13 2019
« Reply #18 on: July 15, 2019, 10:04:50 am »
Massaged by My Nerdy Brother

I've been enjoying this one a lot. Not exactly the twistiest story ever, and it is taking its time a bit, but that's fine. I like the writing, and it's been quite enjoyable watching her slowly taken by the influence.

I'm so glad you're enjoying it! I got totally obsessed by the original, and rewriting it is one of the most fun things I've done in my entire career.

I've lined up a few more rewrites, just because of how much I enjoyed this one. :D
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Re: New Releases - July 13 2019
« Reply #19 on: July 15, 2019, 10:37:05 am »
Members Privileges

Just wanted to post a correction...Buenos Ares is not in Brazil and you will upset some Brazilians saying so as it is the capital of Argentina and in my experience (being married to a Brazilian) they hate Argentina. Based on the story as written it states he is traveling to Brazil for business but the only city mentioned from South America is Buenos Ares....

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Re: New Releases - July 13 2019
« Reply #20 on: July 15, 2019, 12:36:24 pm »
AnimeCon Harem by FortySixtyFour

Dynamite stuff. I actually went to the author's Patreon page last Friday after months without checking just to preview what might be coming (I started a new piece this past weekend and was looking for inspiration from other writing I've particularly enjoyed), and seeing this latest chapter published the very next day, after a full year of silence here, was a wonderful surprise!

As for Chloe, even as the villain it might help some readers if they had more reason to identify with her. Or, failing that, at least finger the most hateful elements of her dogma as such. An idea for the author: if you haven't done this already you could have Emily and/or some other important character(s) point out that Chloe isn't at all what she represents herself to be even if the concept that Chloe is a terrible person has already come up several times. And even if you *have* already done that, it might not hurt to do it again every so often.

The way this chapter ended is a horrifying cliffhanger build to what I'm sure will be more great story to come, and as ever I eagerly anticipate it ... it sounds like you already have two more chapters in draft, with more in development.

My Neighbor, Soon to Be Lover by Miss-Tique

Really nicely done, in every possible way, flipping a familiar trope on its head. I'm enjoying this very much.

Many thanks to both authors I cited here, as well as to every other writer who contributes to Simon's wonderful archive!
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Re: New Releases - July 13 2019
« Reply #21 on: July 15, 2019, 01:41:53 pm »
Holy crap, a new Geo story that’s NOT a comic book? Awesome!
I loved it (Member Privileges). Not too long but I enjoyed seeing both the husband and wife toyed with in different ways. I’d love to read more but suspect that was it.
I assumed the title word choice was a buried reference, especially with the gr tag and wasn't wrong.

Will be interesting to see where it goes, even though I'm not generally into gr, a little too much suspension of disbelief for me, even as an MC fan.  ;-)

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Re: New Releases - July 13 2019
« Reply #22 on: July 15, 2019, 01:47:41 pm »
Members Privileges

Just wanted to post a correction...Buenos Ares is not in Brazil and you will upset some Brazilians saying so as it is the capital of Argentina and in my experience (being married to a Brazilian) they hate Argentina. Based on the story as written it states he is traveling to Brazil for business but the only city mentioned from South America is Buenos Ares....

Not only that, but it's Buenos Aires, the capital city of Argentina. 

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Re: New Releases - July 13 2019
« Reply #23 on: July 15, 2019, 02:26:11 pm »
Holy crap, a new Geo story that’s NOT a comic book? Awesome!
I loved it (Member Privileges). Not too long but I enjoyed seeing both the husband and wife toyed with in different ways. I’d love to read more but suspect that was it.
I assumed the title word choice was a buried reference, especially with the gr tag and wasn't wrong.

Will be interesting to see where it goes, even though I'm not generally into gr, a little too much suspension of disbelief for me, even as an MC fan.  ;-)

The title for that one was actually crowd-sourced - there's a thread around here that was canvassing for title ideas.
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Re: New Releases - July 13 2019
« Reply #24 on: July 15, 2019, 06:34:36 pm »
Any week with a 321 posting is a good week on the Archive.  Two stories from him marks a great one.  He continues to stretch his narrative muscles with “Deep Undercover”, and with “Hostel” he consumes to show how to layer complexities and build to mini-cliffhangers each chapter.

Thanks, fumanchu! I guess I am partial to the mini-cliffha-
(to be continued...)

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Re: New Releases - July 13 2019
« Reply #25 on: July 15, 2019, 08:53:10 pm »
Members Privileges

Just wanted to post a correction...Buenos Ares is not in Brazil and you will upset some Brazilians saying so as it is the capital of Argentina and in my experience (being married to a Brazilian) they hate Argentina. Based on the story as written it states he is traveling to Brazil for business but the only city mentioned from South America is Buenos Ares....
Oh wow. Will fix. Marissa's not supposed to be a bimbo. Yet.
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Re: New Releases - July 13 2019
« Reply #26 on: July 16, 2019, 10:39:28 am »
Part 2

Every Woman Has a Price

These coins are quite something for sure. I might even manage to get a wealthy man to look after me with one of those! :laugh: Fun events, and great characters make for an entertaining read
High end of definitely enjoyed


Might be a blessing not being young, pretty, and desired by men, lol? :laugh: The play as to why she is doing everything is entertaining for sure. As for where he was going to go to work, priceless.
High end of definitely enjoyed

Snaps to Clicks

Ah, the joys of English v American English lol, had so much of this in my life, from the other perspective. Loved the way it played out, and especially with the 'little treat' for Ashley towards the end.
High end of definitely enjoyed


Oh my, thats a robot upgrade and a half, and yes, I'd love it, for sure, far more than Roberta would! Seriously, if Machina wants a robot bodyguard, why she doesnt just give me a call, no idea? Loved the play off between everyone, and cant wait to see where it goes from here.
High end of definitely enjoyed

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Re: New Releases - July 13 2019
« Reply #27 on: July 16, 2019, 05:33:49 pm »
I'm finally back from vacation! The one bad thing about the EMCSA is that you can't really bring your laptop to the shore (well, you CAN, but I imagine getting the sand out is quite a chore). Anyway! Stuff!

The Further Adventures of Louis and Elle is always a fun read, and this chapter is no exception. I love how Louis improvised on the spot to deal with Elle's "wall"- and I'm not sure if I've ever seen such a creative solution! Some fun interactions here and I enjoyed the callbacks to previous chapters. So helpful!

Kallie is one of my favorite authors at the moment, and Princess is a fantastic example as to why. The hacker who stumbles onto a nefarious mind-control conspiracy is an old story idea, and I like the fresh spin that Kallie puts on it:

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(More to come!)

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Re: New Releases - July 13 2019
« Reply #28 on: July 17, 2019, 08:46:21 am »
Every Woman Has a Price

These coins are quite something for sure. I might even manage to get a wealthy man to look after me with one of those! :laugh: Fun events, and great characters make for an entertaining read
High end of definitely enjoyed

The characters are turning out to be more fun than I had hoped. Glad you enjoyed it!

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Re: New Releases - July 13 2019
« Reply #29 on: July 17, 2019, 11:32:42 am »
Part 3


Huge fan of this wonderful story. Suspect I'm the only one who adores Alice, and the methods she uses, but anyway... and I'm too old to concern her, anyway. Loved the twists with Rebecca, both with Elke, and Emily, cant say more without spoilers. Seriously, if you're not reading this, why not? And thats before Alice puts me in that Brainwashing chair (oh, please...)
High end of definitely enjoyed

Member Privileges

Always a treat to see a story from Mr Karloff, I must say. All the usual bits, as body parts grow dramatically, and demure people become sexual animals, and oh, a great story too. I wont bother to join the group, there is only so much you can do with disabled 61 year old's. lets face it? :laugh: Other than that, sounds great fun
High end of definitely enjoyed

Nanite Cluster

Needs a huge edit,thats for sure. Ignoring that fact, it started off as a promising, kind of sweet story, but then the level of growth went way beyond the grounds of sanity. I might have stuck with it, but it was so hard to read, I was looking for a reason to pull out, and that fitted the role. Might be promising, if more readable, but impossible to know
No rating, obviously

Spy Games (HypnoticHarlequin)

Oh god, loved this, just a matter of which method I'd love used on me, principally of the last 2. Play off between the characters is great too, all in all. How do I get a job, or a break in opportunity at that place?
Low end of much enjoyed

In truth any of 3 of these could have got it with a bit of push, but...

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Re: New Releases - July 13 2019
« Reply #30 on: July 17, 2019, 11:33:54 pm »
Thank you very much, Merry. For that I promise to not exterminate the human race. This week.
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Re: New Releases - July 13 2019
« Reply #31 on: July 18, 2019, 08:56:43 am »
Thank you very much, Merry. For that I promise to not exterminate the human race. This week.

You do realise I'd love the Elsa Lanchester treatment lol
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Re: New Releases - July 13 2019
« Reply #32 on: July 18, 2019, 01:10:32 pm »
Thanks, me-chan! It means a lot to know people are reading about our fictional couple. I write the stories and my boss, L, approves or disapproves.


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Re: New Releases - July 13 2019
« Reply #33 on: July 18, 2019, 11:36:16 pm »
Thank you very much, Merry. For that I promise to not exterminate the human race. This week.

You do realise I'd love the Elsa Lanchester treatment lol
She was the bomb in Murder By Death.
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Re: New Releases - July 13 2019
« Reply #34 on: July 19, 2019, 08:21:19 am »
Thank you very much, Merry. For that I promise to not exterminate the human race. This week.

You do realise I'd love the Elsa Lanchester treatment lol
She was the bomb in Murder By Death.

I was thinking more Bride of Frankenstein!
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Re: New Releases - July 13 2019
« Reply #35 on: July 19, 2019, 09:28:38 am »
Thank you very much, Merry. For that I promise to not exterminate the human race. This week.

You do realise I'd love the Elsa Lanchester treatment lol
She was the bomb in Murder By Death.

I was thinking more Bride of Frankenstein!

I simply can't watch the old Frankenstein movies, thanks to Mel Brooks.

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Re: New Releases - July 13 2019
« Reply #36 on: July 19, 2019, 09:38:16 am »
Last batch is a bit brief, due to thinking I'd give Meleva's story a swing, just to see if I was more in the mood, but seemingly not. HB's story, I missed the be tag when adding it to list, and didnt read the first chapter, so no point. So...


Oh fine, that dress, I want it! I could act feisty princess type to wear that! Both characters are great, the transformation is delightfully paced, and oh, that dress! Unfortunately I couldnt hack a door lock, let alone that, but...
High end of definitely enjoyed. Willing to discuss more with dress option! :laugh: :angel:

Relaxation Therapy

I know, too old strictly to continue, but hey, I gave it a much enjoyed, it wasnt lengthy, so... :angel:
Oh goodness, not hard to see why I did, and the 4 new chapters didnt disappoint, or make me any less inclined to want to try that machine for myself. For those who love tech-MC, you must read. Oh fine, given she needed the makeover, I loved it more, but seriously...Please, can I be the next guinea pig?
Low end of much enjoyed

I'm going to give Split Slave a try, given I've got the time, and liked the authors piece this week. Being in chapters does help. I will add review, if I complete.

Thats it for this week, thanks as always to authors this week, reviewed, or not
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Re: New Releases - July 13 2019
« Reply #37 on: July 19, 2019, 10:21:08 am »

Relaxation Therapy

I know, too old strictly to continue, but hey, I gave it a much enjoyed, it wasnt lengthy, so... :angel:
Oh goodness, not hard to see why I did, and the 4 new chapters didnt disappoint, or make me any less inclined to want to try that machine for myself. For those who love tech-MC, you must read. Oh fine, given she needed the makeover, I loved it more, but seriously...Please, can I be the next guinea pig?
Low end of much enjoyed

Thank you for reading, and for the lovely review. I actually completely forgot to upload the second half of the story here so it sat half finished. It wasn’t until someone wrote to ask that I remembered. I will be adding relaxation therapy 2 over the next few weeks which I hope you enjoy just as much. (I’m midway through writing the third) as for being the next guinea pig well your welcome to come chat ideas, I like to work people into my stories.
See you in dreams, Incubi.

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Re: New Releases - July 13 2019
« Reply #38 on: July 19, 2019, 04:56:54 pm »
Feel free to work this old busted crock into something, if you wish, but I was thinking more for real, lol. Seriously, at the moment it doesnt feel like you could do damage to the mind anyway, more than there already is :laugh:

Edited to add, I have got through 8 chapters (of 11) of Split Slave, will definitely be getting reviewed, just saying... ;)

OK, now finished the 11 chapters prior to the new chapter this week, and god, what a roller coaster ride that is. Let me say, I know its the non binary thing, I guess, but I hate all the they usage for Delta. Probably how it should be for the author, but from a reader perspective, it does throw me out. But other than that, the characters are great, though I find Mistress a total mixed bag, but thats the idea I guess. It is long already, but as long as non binary, and transgender stuff isnt a turn off for you, its quite a story.
Not going to rate standard, but yes, I've liked what I've read
« Last Edit: July 20, 2019, 10:45:13 am by Merry Brooks »
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Re: New Releases - July 13 2019
« Reply #39 on: July 20, 2019, 12:02:55 pm »

Huge fan of this wonderful story. Suspect I'm the only one who adores Alice, and the methods she uses, but anyway... and I'm too old to concern her, anyway. Loved the twists with Rebecca, both with Elke, and Emily, cant say more without spoilers. Seriously, if you're not reading this, why not? And thats before Alice puts me in that Brainwashing chair (oh, please...)
High end of definitely enjoyed

Thanks, Merry! I suspect that a lot of people are rooting for Alice to come out on top,. After all, the girls do enjoy their stay! And the beds are so comfy!