Had to work this weekend so time has been limited.
Yep, I liked
Thrusby Manor too. The plot and characters were just terrific with some really sweet curve balls thrown in. Loved that 50's setting too. Sam Smith was a cracker jack heroine detective and her little unexpected helper was really a fireball. I'm not surprised you like it. I thought you might. I actually was wondering about that as I was reading it.
Oh, and that's one way to quit smoking.
Shadra's terrific
Following Her Dream came to an end with all the class, style, plotting and brilliance that it showed all the way through. I am proud to say I was talking about this story right when it came out and it proved to be everything I thought it would be. Am I bragging about that? Yep.
I found the ending very interesting and very unexpected in certain aspects. And I liked it all the more for it. Great job Shadra! You pulled it off from start to finish.
The next chapter of
Mordred's sublime
Paperback is here to enchant any young reader of comics who has a certain fetish. And once again it hits on all cylinders. Man, if I had found that comic when I was a kid I would have been living in my bedroom for a loooong time.

. Door locked of course.
The narrator continues with his amazing life story as he has ups and downs on his way to......
The line of the story: By 2013, it was my organization. CHILLING. And a portent of things to come.
In the comic Mordred does the opposite of chilling and instead turns the temperature up with Stella thinking of how she lusted for young Lindsey from the time they met and then seduced her. Not really what happened, Stella. Followed not long after with, “I’m glad it made you happy....I love you Laura....I belong to you.....body and soul." Then a quick sequel into another diabolical Lindsey induction of Stella. Man, that's three burning fast balls right at the readers head. Not fair Mordred.
But to show us he has no mercy at all, a bit later one veteran agent Stella is whining and begging to her understudy how much she needs her. Just so fucking steamy and so damn good.
Pant....pant...pant....Does it seem hot in this room?
The evil Lindsey is giving Stella a series of ever increasing dark missions to carry out now and Stella is very happy to comply. Does it seem real hot in this room?
Mordred brings the end of this chapter with a very vital revelation from the narrator and a very surprise visitor to Stella and Lindsey that brings a whole new twist to what was an already multi-layered beautifully intelligent story.
Way to leave us hanging Mordred. You know exactly when to break it off.
Excuse me now while I go lock the door.