I've been so behind on everything (including my own writing!), but here are some reviews, perhaps set to the tune* of "The Tomfoolery of Professor John Frink":
Algorithm continues to be great (my efforts to correctly spell 'algorithm' on the first try, on the other hand, do not).
Here, Tiffany gets to deal with The Aftermath, Part 2, as well as a well-meaning but very annoying flatmate. If only the machinery were portable, ha! Erin and Tiffany's meeting was full of tension and suspense, with a surprising ending. And then we get a second surprising ending heaped on top of that to close the chapter!
(Future me chimes in with: "I called it! For once I actually called it!")
Son of Sleep continues its twin-story structure to great effect, especially when the two plot lines merge again at, of all places, a gym? I guess you have to pump a lot of iron to have the body of a Greek god, even if you
are a Greek god!

I'm not a big fan of incest scenes, but the one in this week's update made sense in the story, so no worries there.
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Wildwood offers a
diabolical mind control conspiracy? Ooh, count me in! There's plenty here to like, and I'm looking forward to reading the next chapter.
(Future me chimes in with: "Actually,
two chapters!"
Now to dive into this week's stories!
*Professor Frink, Professor Frink.
He'll make you laugh, he'll make you think.
He likes to run and then the thing with the.. person...