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New Releases-Saturday July 6th 2019
« on: July 06, 2019, 01:58:35 pm »
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Ashes (mc mf ff md) (1 new chapter)  by Blackie
The family raised him not to use his ability on those without the ability. The world isn’t supposed to know the family exists. Or families. When he uses it to defend himself and is seen without knowing who it was, his world turns upside down on him.

Atonement (Half Shim) (mc ff ft gr la) (1 new chapter)  by Half Shim
Morgan is sent to the Farm to atone for her crimes.

The Audition (mc mf md) (new)  by Chrysostomon
Blair thinks she’s auditioning for a movie, but actually she’s auditioning to be a slave.

Blink, Wink, Sink (mc fd) (new)  by me-chan
A shared gesture centers a fun, weekly session.

Camilla Tales — New Blood (mc ff) (new)  by Chrysostomon
A vampire is awakened in 1930s Germany.

Camilla Tales — The Beginning (mc ff) (new)  by Chrysostomon
Camilla is turned into a vampire by her mother.

Crossings (mc mf fd ft) (1 new chapter)  by MɛtaBob
Memory and reason restored, a man mastering magic journeys to new destinations, encountering ever more irresistible women.

Crutch (mc mf md ma) (1 new chapter)  by CuyahogaKingKong
A college student wants to help a classmate who just knee surgery, and ends up hypnotizing her to be his slave.

Deer Me: A Christmas Spirits Story (mc ma) (new)  by Fortunato
A woman walks into an adult toystore that is only open one day a year.

Dick Picture Perfect (mc mf ff) (1 new chapter)  by Redsliver
Will sends a dick pic to a girl, knowing that she would hate it. But it turns out that every woman who sees that picture needs more of it.

Editing Reality Book Two: Sultry Fantasies Unleashed (mc mf gr in) (1 new chapter)  by mypenname3000
Steve gets a phone app that lets him edit other people.

Femdom Mind Control Flash Fiction (mc mf fd) (3 new chapters)  by S. B.
A collection of short writings focusing on various aspects of Femdom Mind Control.

Fit to Serve (mc mf md ma ft) (3 new chapters)  by Fortunato
Jay gets his girlfriend a maid’s outfit for Christmas, just like the one that Tyrone got his wife.

Ghost Boy (mc mf ff md fd in la hm) (new)  by MindSpark
Kyle has the ability to leave his body and become an invisible, ghost-like apparition. When he’s in this ‘ghost form’, he can influence the minds of anyone he touches. But, as he soon discovers, there’s far more to his power than just that.

Good Boy (Chrysostomon) (mc fd be) (new)  by Chrysostomon
Beth gets angry at the man who accidentally ran over her dog.

He Likes to Play With His Food (mc mf md ds) (new)  by The Winged Scorpion
Bridget moved to a small town and took a waitress job there. Rent was cheap and the job paid really well. It’s almost as if she was drawn there to be sacrificed to a vampire or something...

I Hate My Master (mc mm) (new)  by maxrpotter
Mark moves in with a new roommate, and finds himself getting annoyed by a few small things about him, like when he leaves dishes in the sink, or when he leaves his clothes around the place, or when he gives Mark orders that he is unable to disobey.

The Interview (Chrysostomon) (mc mf md in) (new)  by Chrysostomon
A psychiatrist interviews a patient who says she wants to return to her master.

Kingdom of Lost Memories (mc ff) (new)  by nevermind
When the Queen demands her tribute, a peasant girl is carried off to the far-away capital. In the royal castle, she learns of the terrible truth behind the regent’s rule, and of her own power.

The Mask Becomes You (mc ff mf fd) (1 new chapter)  by Carefully Random
Two college students discover a strange mask that makes the words of the wearer irresistible. They soon discover that it’s even hard to resist using the mask, and that the wearer’s thoughts may no longer be their own...

Massaged By My Nerdy Brother (mc mf md in) (1 new chapter)  by BurroGirl18 and Pan
A few innocent massages with her brother goes too far.

The Merger — Spirals (mc mf ff fd md) (1 new chapter)  by Sleepy Hypno
Mysterious players move to take ownership of the Spirals Nightclub, while Midnight acclimates to her new surroundings in New Chicago.

Muscle Bimbo (mc ff) (1 new chapter)  by Kallie
The nerdy, plain, shy Alex asks goth girl Winter out on a date, only to be told she’s not her type. But after that, Alex finds herself changing.

My New Salon (mc mf fd) (1 new chapter)  by Robert Towers
Madeleine is convinced by her roommate to try several new things.

Nighthawks (mc mf md) (new)  by scifiscribbler
Susan and Alec rekindle a hypnotic relationship that she had moved past.

The Priest (mc mm ft) (new)  by potentialsinner666
A man keeps dreaming about his priest’s emerald green eyes.

Properly Handled (mc mf ff md fd in) (1 new chapter)  by Extantelan
A brother and sister grow closer over a shared love of mind control and other various kinks and perversions.

Skeinbound (mc ff) (1 new chapter)  by Meleva
Three young women set out on a winter’s journey, to prove their new adulthood or perish in the process. One trying to keep them fed, one trying to keep them safe, and one who’ll try anything to keep them all together.

Split Slave (mc ff ma bd ds hm) (new)  by Skaetlett
Delta, a non-binary, kidnapped sex slave with a protective alternate personality, gets auctioned off to a multimillionaire who seems to have more in store than they’re ready for. Their Mistress thinks she knows everything about them and is wrong.

Stop Watch (mc mf md in ts) (1 new chapter)  by Sidia
A power that is too good to be true becomes a corrupting influence on a man and leads him into temptations he’d never thought possible.

String (mc ff) (new)  by MoldedMind
Angie has a very special induction for her girlfriend, Jill.

The Unholy Rites (mc mf md) (1 new chapter)  by Chrissy
A teenager begins to fall under the spell of a demonically possessed priest.

Upgrades (mc ma md fd cb) (new)  by J. Darksong
After several years of adventure as the heroic Robotica, Roberta Bayport finally has the chance to regain her humanity and become a normal human again. It’s a dream come true. But while Robotica is a powerful and capable heroine, Roberta, as a human, is vulnerable. And when her nemesis catches her in the middle of the procedure, her perfect dream may become a nightmare...

Upregulated (mc ff sf) (new)  by If I Was Not You
A woman tells her date about her experiences as a research subject.

The Word In Question (mc mf md) (new)  by Quiet Hypnotist
The stranger sitting next to Ray has some interesting questions to ask her.

X-Static Process (mc mf md) (new)  by Jukebox
Melanie’s bank is robbed by a strange woman with no eyes, and something is beginning to happen to her that she doesn’t understand. The Process is beginning... and it will transform Melanie forever.

The Yoga Instructor (mc mm) (1 new chapter)  by potentialsinner666
A yoga instructor who takes advantage of his female students is instead taken advantage of by one of his male students.

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Re: New Releases-Saturday July 6th 2019
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2019, 02:20:10 pm »
The Mask Becomes You returns with an incredibly hot chapter that finally shows us what happens after that amazing cliffhanger from the previous chapter... only to leave us with an even better, and perhaps more sinister, cliffhanger!

Loved every nail biting moment of it.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2019, 05:06:23 pm by Shadra »

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Re: New Releases-Saturday July 6th 2019
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2019, 03:26:02 pm »
EEEEEEEEEeeeeeee new things! Shiny new things!

I've been looking forward to more than a few of these stories...

Offline TheWingedScorpion

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Re: New Releases-Saturday July 6th 2019
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2019, 04:19:16 pm »
Long time reader (most of my years reading the EMCSA was still green), first time poster (on here and to the EMCSA). If you happen to read my debut story, I'd love to know what you think of it. My initial reaction when I first typed it down was, "my God, what have I done?" Hopefully some of you will enjoy it, but if not I'm not going to be easily hurt by some harsh criticism. I'd like to write some more in the future and I'll be lurking around these forums for feedback. Cheers!

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Re: New Releases-Saturday July 6th 2019
« Reply #4 on: July 06, 2019, 05:05:18 pm »
Long time reader (most of my years reading the EMCSA was still green), first time poster (on here and to the EMCSA). If you happen to read my debut story, I'd love to know what you think of it. My initial reaction when I first typed it down was, "my God, what have I done?" Hopefully some of you will enjoy it, but if not I'm not going to be easily hurt by some harsh criticism. I'd like to write some more in the future and I'll be lurking around these forums for feedback. Cheers!

OK I only read the first 5 or 6 paragraphs, this is what I noticed.

PoV starts Third person limited then moves to omniscient, as we are informed things by the narrator Bridgette cannot possibly know at first glance.  Some word repetition. Small town near the woods.. so the town is near the woods? We don't need to know she got a job as a waitress, you could just say waitress (or better) show her taking someone's order ((when possible show, don't tell)). She sees someone get jumped and ignores it to watch the guy? This might even be explained (like he's using some MC ability on her by then, but if so describe it.)

Suggestions. When you write, before you type you visualize the scene you don't have to describe anything at all (up to you) but always give the narrative from some consistent point of view (consider it the camera the reader uses to 'see' what you are writing.))

There is a lot of jumping around in those first paragraphs, like you are in a rush. Take your time, especially here. This is the part that will either hook the reader or ward them off. Being that this is erotica think of it as you trying to seduce the reader, think more sensory and less expository.

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Re: New Releases-Saturday July 6th 2019
« Reply #5 on: July 06, 2019, 05:06:44 pm »
Long time reader (most of my years reading the EMCSA was still green), first time poster (on here and to the EMCSA). If you happen to read my debut story, I'd love to know what you think of it. My initial reaction when I first typed it down was, "my God, what have I done?" Hopefully some of you will enjoy it, but if not I'm not going to be easily hurt by some harsh criticism. I'd like to write some more in the future and I'll be lurking around these forums for feedback. Cheers!

Its the 2nd longest of the 17 on my list this week, so will be a few days, but I will get there, I promise.
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Offline CerebusOne

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Re: New Releases-Saturday July 6th 2019
« Reply #6 on: July 06, 2019, 07:05:44 pm »
Haven't been feeling too hot this week but there are two stories I managed to go through that I need to mention.

Neverminds Kingdom of Lost Memories is so well written, so clever and very unique. Everything done here, the world building, the history of that world, the plot, the mystery, the two imperiled girls, Marigold and Irene, both of whom Nevermind really makes the reader care about so much is just so spot on perfect. I dare anyone not to have their heart ache for Irene and Marigold when you learn their story.

And with any great MC story, this story is HOT. This story lacks nothing. If you don't read it it's your loss and I'm serious when I say that.

This is not Nevermind's first story to catch my attention. The last one was just a few weeks ago, Contract which was totally different but also just top shelf. Not only is Nevermind such a terrific writer but very versatile.

The other is Chrissy's The Unholy Rites.  Poor Alicia, she is so nice, trying to keep her family together under the terroristic shadow of her abusive alcoholic dad.

But it gets worse. He has three devils in her life, Dad, her so called boyfriend Josh who is a slime ball inside and of course the demonic good Father James who had plans for her.

In this chapter we find out just how horrific Dad and Josh can be. Dad explodes in full out violence, over the choice of dinner. Yep, drunks do that. Josh uses a girl, a mean rival of Alicia's to prod her along the sex road threatening to break up with her and go with that other girl if Alicia doesn't start putting out more. This guy is the worst.

Chrissy is so good at describing the dynamics of the drunk dad and predatory boy friend. This stuff is just spot on and so well and intelligently executed.

And of course, good old Father James gives Alicia her second dose of control. Wow, where is this poor, sweet girl going to turn for help?

You can't go wrong with this story either.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2019, 03:13:55 am by CerebusOne »

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Re: New Releases-Saturday July 6th 2019
« Reply #7 on: July 06, 2019, 07:10:19 pm »
Going to start with The Mask Becomes You, in which, hmm, let’s see... well...

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Okay, that’s not even a spoiler. HOLY COW WHAAAAAAAT???

Hot, amazing, sinister, wonderful. I need to borrow a time machine and get myself to August 2019 for future chapters!

Crutch continues with a new chapter! It opens with our hero spending a lot of time trying to work through what happened in Chapter 1, and honestly, who wouldn’t? Maybe it’s just me- everyone else would have her in a trance and dressed as a French maid by now- but I love the slow burn here between two very enjoyable, realistic characters.

(The careful, cautious, almost scientific hypno-play here is endearing and hot!)
« Last Edit: July 06, 2019, 07:51:53 pm by 321 »

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Re: New Releases-Saturday July 6th 2019
« Reply #8 on: July 06, 2019, 07:48:45 pm »
Long time reader (most of my years reading the EMCSA was still green), first time poster (on here and to the EMCSA). If you happen to read my debut story, I'd love to know what you think of it. My initial reaction when I first typed it down was, "my God, what have I done?" Hopefully some of you will enjoy it, but if not I'm not going to be easily hurt by some harsh criticism. I'd like to write some more in the future and I'll be lurking around these forums for feedback. Cheers!

I have your story open and look forward to reading it when I make my wordcount goal for the day. Welcome to the Forum and congrats on your first story! That's always an accomplishment worth celebrating. Even if this one isn't to my tastes (though an MD vampire story is, ah, well positioned to align with my EMC tastes), I hope you keep writing and sharing!

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Re: New Releases-Saturday July 6th 2019
« Reply #9 on: July 06, 2019, 10:25:02 pm »
He Likes to Play With His Food  by The Winged Scorpion

That was pretty intense, almost too much so for my tastes, but Briget's initial descent was well crafted. Though after she says "Thy will be done," things got a little rougher. I have trouble with stories where someone seems utterly broken, and then it just keeps going. I suppose the answer is in the title to a degree, but at some point things got gratuitous. Specifically, the long section of nothing but him switching her thoughts around. And then after all that, she has enough sense of self remaining to beg him to put his psychic dick back in her mind? The math didn't quite work out on that. Overall though, I quite enjoyed the read. Nice debut, yo.

The Mask Becomes You  by Carefully Random

"Playtime's over, my pretties."

Nighthawks  by scifiscribbler

That was beautiful. And really hot.

String  by MoldedMind

Symbols! And Patterns! And Metaphor!

The Word In Question  by Quiet Hypnotist

This is the sort of clever wordplay I really appreciate.

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Re: New Releases-Saturday July 6th 2019
« Reply #10 on: July 07, 2019, 06:52:53 am »

Crutch continues with a new chapter! It opens with our hero spending a lot of time trying to work through what happened in Chapter 1, and honestly, who wouldn’t? Maybe it’s just me- everyone else would have her in a trance and dressed as a French maid by now- but I love the slow burn here between two very enjoyable, realistic characters.

(The careful, cautious, almost scientific hypno-play here is endearing and hot!)

Thanks.  I tried to visualize this scenario playing out, and as far as realistic reactions "Shit, she's gone insane, I should get her to a hospital before things get worse" seemed like one of the most likely.  Personally I don't like stories where "nice guy" controllers jump straight into using their accidentally acquired sex slaves without showing concern for their well being.  I prefer the openly predatory controllers to that sort of thing.  So Tom spends the lions share of this one making sure Steff is going to be ok.

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Re: New Releases-Saturday July 6th 2019
« Reply #11 on: July 07, 2019, 08:22:54 am »

The other is Chrissy's The Unholy Rites.  Poor Alicia, she is so nice, trying to keep her family together under the terroristic shadow of her abusive alcoholic dad.

But it gets worse. He has three devils in her life, Dad, her so called boyfriend Josh who is a slime ball inside and of course the demonic good Father James who had plans for her.

In this chapter we find out just how horrific Dad and Josh can be. Dad explodes in full out violence, over the choice of dinner. Yep, drunks do that. Josh uses a girl, a mean rival of Alicia's to prod her along the sex road threatening to break up with her and go with that other girl if Alicia doesn't start putting out more. This guy is the worst.

Chrissy is so good at describing the dynamics of the drunk dad and predatory boy friend. This stuff is just spot on and so well and intelligently executed.

And of course, good old Father James gives Alicia her second dose of control. Wow, where is this poor, sweet girl going to turn for help?

You can't go wrong with this story either.

Thanks for the description. I know that wont be my thing, so have removed it from my list
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Re: New Releases-Saturday July 6th 2019
« Reply #12 on: July 07, 2019, 08:50:52 am »
Re the most recent chapters of Editing Reality Book Two: Sultry Fantasies Unleashed...

Seth Myers, eh? This story is going to end with reality being edited so that he's a late-night talk-show host, isn't it?

(Yes, I know the spelling mypenname3000 is using isn't quite the same, but that's all I can think about when I see that character name.)

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Re: New Releases-Saturday July 6th 2019
« Reply #13 on: July 07, 2019, 12:36:09 pm »
Getting started

Blink, Wink, Sink

A fun little hypno piece that I just about managed to avoid sinking into, lol. But yes, I could easily imagine some doing so, susceptible to such things, shall we suggest?
Definitely enjoyed

Deer Me: A Christmas Spirits Story

I dont know, you clearly have to watch these Steph's, especially ones with deer natures :laugh: This is a fun transformation story, with a sweet ending, so yes, all in all, I loved it. So yes, if I'm offered the chance to put in a butt plug, in a shop, well...?
High end of definitely enjoyed

Femdom Mind Control Flash Fiction

I must be getting less submissive in my old age, as I loved all three Dominatrix tricks here, willing, or otherwise. Fine, Bugs amused me the most, probably for the ending, but all are very good
High end of definitely enjoyed

The Word In Question

The second hypno piece here, which I probably enjoyed more, because of the convoluted logic surrounding it. I must be careful if I sit next to a stranger on a train clearly, though I doubt I'd make as attractive a victim as Ray?
Definitely enjoyed

More tomorrow
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Offline CuyahogaKingKong

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Re: New Releases-Saturday July 6th 2019
« Reply #14 on: July 07, 2019, 01:57:31 pm »
I swear I named my Steff after a college friend of mine.  I had no idea that naming subjects that was so common.

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Re: New Releases-Saturday July 6th 2019
« Reply #15 on: July 07, 2019, 03:34:25 pm »

Femdom Mind Control Flash Fiction

I must be getting less submissive in my old age, as I loved all three Dominatrix tricks here, willing, or otherwise. Fine, Bugs amused me the most, probably for the ending, but all are very good
High end of definitely enjoyed

Yeah, that's it. You're definitely getting less submissive and embracing the inner hypnotic vixen you were always meant to be...  ;D Glad you had fun though I was almost certain Bugs would creep you out somehow. Don't mind being proven wrong though. Thanks, dear.
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Re: New Releases-Saturday July 6th 2019
« Reply #16 on: July 07, 2019, 04:01:26 pm »
Ah, but this is Seph, Merry, one of the identities of the enigmatic Princess Persephone, a member of the Damned who is converting people into their own personal menageries of mind-controlled slaves.


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Re: New Releases-Saturday July 6th 2019
« Reply #17 on: July 07, 2019, 05:14:15 pm »
I swear I named my Steff after a college friend of mine.  I had no idea that naming subjects that was so common.

I'm sure you did, but if you look back the Deer Me story is based on one of my old stories :laugh:

Ah, but this is Seph, Merry, one of the identities of the enigmatic Princess Persephone, a member of the Damned who is converting people into their own personal menageries of mind-controlled slaves.


Oh fine, I'll believe you, though I will remind you who the inspiration was! :P
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Re: New Releases-Saturday July 6th 2019
« Reply #18 on: July 07, 2019, 05:53:28 pm »
Indeed. It was not a coincidence the way I set that up, but that's entirely metatextual.


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Re: New Releases-Saturday July 6th 2019
« Reply #19 on: July 07, 2019, 10:57:07 pm »

Crutch continues with a new chapter! It opens with our hero spending a lot of time trying to work through what happened in Chapter 1, and honestly, who wouldn’t?

So Tom spends the lions share of this one making sure Steff is going to be ok.
It's superb so far, CuyahogaKink guy. I look forward to more. Love the sweet romantic aspect too.

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Re: New Releases-Saturday July 6th 2019
« Reply #20 on: July 08, 2019, 12:47:32 pm »
Mostly just going to reiterate what others have said about Crutch. While I generally prefer the I guess... less romantic stories, this one is still quite enjoyable with how pleasant everything is. Was a joy to read. The revelation of why she became that way was great.

I suppose stories like Blink, Wink, Sink just aren't for me. That said, it was well written for what it was, I just didn't get anything out of it personally.

I have a bit of a soft spot for new authors, and based on the other reviews, I decided to check out He Likes To Play With His Food. Vampire stories aren't strictly my thing, but if the MC contained within is done well enough, I can still certainly enjoy it. I loved the scene between Bridget and the two girls outside. Probably my favorite part of the story. Unfortunately, piercings are a squick to me, as well as some of the later abuse that was shown. I also think the mantra section went on much too long, and admittedly I scrolled past most of it. And personal impression... Fred just seems like a strange name for the character shown in the story. Still enjoyed it, as I'm sure others will as well, and I encourage the author to continue writing.

Kingdom of Lost Memories was such a lovely tale. I mirror the things everyone else has already said about it. I thought the transition of memories near the end was just so wonderful. Quite a well-told story. If I were to give one gripe, it was that
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That's all I had time for yesterday, which is surprising considering I had the worst headache of my life just prior to reading.

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Re: New Releases-Saturday July 6th 2019
« Reply #21 on: July 08, 2019, 07:45:46 pm »

It's superb so far, CuyahogaKink guy. I look forward to more. Love the sweet romantic aspect too.

That means a lot coming from you.  And stop coming up with better versions of my screen name!  :D

Quote from: Shadra
Mostly just going to reiterate what others have said about Crutch. While I generally prefer the I guess... less romantic stories, this one is still quite enjoyable with how pleasant everything is. Was a joy to read. The revelation of why she became that way was great.

Your proofreading and feedback has been invaluable.  I'm kind of surprised to hear you say that about romantic stories, because i'd say Following Her Dream is very romantic at points.  Until the last half of the last chapter completely undercuts that, but I won't go down that rabbit hole again.  :D

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Re: New Releases-Saturday July 6th 2019
« Reply #22 on: July 08, 2019, 08:16:19 pm »
Your proofreading and feedback has been invaluable.  I'm kind of surprised to hear you say that about romantic stories, because i'd say Following Her Dream is very romantic at points.  Until the last half of the last chapter completely undercuts that, but I won't go down that rabbit hole again.  :D

Always glad to help =)

I think I didn't explain it well earlier. I'm fine with romantic stories. If anything I'm kind of a softy for happy endings. I just prefer some drama, even some sinister elements, in stories I read. Hence Violet. I can enjoy a story without them, of course. Just a personal preference, but it doesn't really affect my opinion of Crutch. I still think it's great. =D

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Re: New Releases-Saturday July 6th 2019
« Reply #23 on: July 08, 2019, 08:44:50 pm »
Your proofreading and feedback has been invaluable.  I'm kind of surprised to hear you say that about romantic stories, because i'd say Following Her Dream is very romantic at points.  Until the last half of the last chapter completely undercuts that, but I won't go down that rabbit hole again.  :D

Always glad to help =)

I think I didn't explain it well earlier. I'm fine with romantic stories. If anything I'm kind of a softy for happy endings. I just prefer some drama, even some sinister elements, in stories I read. Hence Violet. I can enjoy a story without them, of course. Just a personal preference, but it doesn't really affect my opinion of Crutch. I still think it's great. =D

I actually considered introducing a violet-type character to try and steal Steff away.  Maybe a psych professor Tom would go to for advice on a "hypothetical" scenario.  Felt too contrived, and really the story is all about these two people.  The conflict is in their heads, not against anyone else.

In general I need to start being willing to be meaner to my characters so there can be some proper drama, but it probably won't be in either story I started so far.

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Offline Shadra

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Re: New Releases-Saturday July 6th 2019
« Reply #24 on: July 08, 2019, 09:20:07 pm »
I actually considered introducing a violet-type character to try and steal Steff away.  Maybe a psych professor Tom would go to for advice on a "hypothetical" scenario.  Felt too contrived, and really the story is all about these two people.  The conflict is in their heads, not against anyone else.

In general I need to start being willing to be meaner to my characters so there can be some proper drama, but it probably won't be in either story I started so far.

Yeah, I don't think it would really serve this story very well to have something like that. Though... I wonder if I would have thought the same of my story if I asked myself before Ch5. Granted, I had been planning on some drama from the beginning... but this isn't about my story.

There's still plenty of ways you can go with the story that could involve the two main characters as they try to figure things out. I don't want to color your plan for it by offering any examples, though.