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Re: New Releases-Saturday July 6th 2019
« Reply #25 on: July 08, 2019, 10:17:29 pm »
Kingdom of Lost Memories was brilliant. It anticipates what we think is going to happen in the story and then tweaks it just enough so that we're surprised in spite of ourselves (well, that was me reading it, anyway).

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Man, that was hot. Well done!

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Re: New Releases-Saturday July 6th 2019
« Reply #26 on: July 08, 2019, 10:29:44 pm »
And stop coming up with better versions of my screen name!  :D
I'm pretty sure the city in Ashes is not in Cuyahoga county. Heck, it's nowhere near Cleveland either.

So, maybe, 'kinky feller in north eastern ohio' instead?

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Re: New Releases-Saturday July 6th 2019
« Reply #27 on: July 09, 2019, 06:07:40 am »
Been reading a bit more than usual recently, which just means I'm disappointed I haven't read as much in the previous weeks. Anywho, let's just jump into it:

This was the first time I read something in Femdom Mind Control Flash Fiction. It's refreshing to read something that's so one-and-done. I'm not sure which of the three I liked the most. Bugs was probably the most creepily enjoyable. Winter and Summer probably had the hotter MC moment. I do wonder, though... the gum thing. I can't tell if he intentionally spit it out, or if it was an accident. I know he was intended to be shown as a creep, but even then I don't really see him doing that on purpose. Yet I also don't really see how one could accidentally spit gum into someone else's face. And come on, that line about six months is funny!

With Fit To Serve... with how little I read of any story these last few weeks, it's been awhile since I caught back up with this one. To the point that I wonder if maybe I accidentally skipped some chapters. I think I feel a bit too bad for Courtney to enjoy this as much as I used to. I do like some of the changes that are happening to her, though! Wondering what will come next.

Massaged by My Nerdy Brother was a great read, which I wouldn't expect anything less given the author. It was also another story that I fell behind on, but this time I definitely picked back up at the right spot. Alison's slow changes are expertly plotted out, and fun to boot. If I were to say one thing, though... I understand it fits with the story, but I can't help but roll my eyes at the "ugly, nerdy virgin resorts to hypnosis to get the hot girl" trope, anytime I see it. Doesn't ruin my enjoyment, though! And hey, at least it's not one panel of swinging a pocket watch, or showing a girl some phone, and then the rest just a fuck-fest. I'm looking at you, Japanese manga...

Lastly, The Interview. Really enjoyed this one up until the last portion. I liked the MC elements a lot, and particularly enjoyed the climactic moment between Helen and Bill. All the mentions of pregnancy weren't really my thing, but that's just personal issue. I think what kind of brought it down for me was the last two sections.
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Probably will have more later today/tomorrow. There are some longer series I've been wanting to dig into, but it's kinda daunting when I'm a few weeks/months behind. We'll see how that goes.

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Re: New Releases-Saturday July 6th 2019
« Reply #28 on: July 09, 2019, 08:33:31 am »
Thanks for the review, Shadra. I'm not sure if you feel that FtS is too dark for your tastes, but I am interested in knowing what elements appeal to you specifically. I'm putting together the last two chapters of Fit to Serve right now, so you won't have to wait too much longer for the conclusion.


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Re: New Releases-Saturday July 6th 2019
« Reply #29 on: July 09, 2019, 08:56:37 am »
I understand it fits with the story, but I can't help but roll my eyes at the "ugly, nerdy virgin resorts to hypnosis to get the hot girl" trope, anytime I see it.

I'm a huge huge fan of Pan's writing but I haven't opened up "Massaged By My Nerdy Brother" for this exact reason.

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Re: New Releases-Saturday July 6th 2019
« Reply #30 on: July 09, 2019, 09:07:00 am »
Thanks for the review, Shadra. I'm not sure if you feel that FtS is too dark for your tastes, but I am interested in knowing what elements appeal to you specifically. I'm putting together the last two chapters of Fit to Serve right now, so you won't have to wait too much longer for the conclusion.


Let me try to compose my thoughts on this, maybe glance back and get a refresher of what all has happened, and I'll give a proper response later.

I'm a huge huge fan of Pan's writing but I haven't opened up "Massaged By My Nerdy Brother" for this exact reason.

I think it was only a brief mention of his appearance once or twice in every chapter. Certainly doesn't focus on it that I recall. I can't speak for how much that would bother you, but I think the rest of the content certainly wonderful enough to give it a try.

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Re: New Releases-Saturday July 6th 2019
« Reply #31 on: July 09, 2019, 11:07:49 am »
And stop coming up with better versions of my screen name!  :D
I'm pretty sure the city in Ashes is not in Cuyahoga county. Heck, it's nowhere near Cleveland either.

I'm only about halfway through Ashes, and I must say it has a very Rust Belt feel.  The main character lives in a converted industrial building for one thing.  But the overall atmosphere has that comfortably decaying quality I associate with the region.

The Cuyahoga is of course the kinkiest of rivers, both in the sense that it is constantly bending and in the sense that it indulges in unnaturally perverse behavior for a river, such as bursting into flames.

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Re: New Releases-Saturday July 6th 2019
« Reply #32 on: July 09, 2019, 02:06:04 pm »
Part 2

Dick Picture Perfect

Thankfully no one has ever sent me a dick picture, even more thankfully this guy hasnt! :laugh: Mind, if he's seen my picture, he wouldnt want to! :P As always with Redsilver, the banter between characters is very good. Fun read
High end of definitely enjoyed

The Merger — Spirals

Note to Mr Card, my neck is available any time you wish! :-* Mind, he probably likes his blood a little younger, but anyway... Also, does he like willing victims, begging him to bite them? Oh goodness, where is this club, and how do I get a job? Story is great, and I just loved the method of getting the message delivered, that really is quite something. I will have to pass on bonus chapter, unfortunately
High end of definitely enjoyed. If Mr Card wishes to discuss, feel free to bite me, sorry, message me


Fun hypno piece, with a ball of string, and a mind that gets tied in knots. Sorry, couldnt resist. Is delightfully done, hypno lovers will love
Definitely enjoyed


I wouldnt have minded being a research subject on this, to be honest. Oh fine, I'd have loved it. Reggie could have his way with me, anytime. Loved the way it all played out at the end too.
High end of definitely enjoyed. If Reggie wants to make me give more, yes please! ;)

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Re: New Releases-Saturday July 6th 2019
« Reply #33 on: July 09, 2019, 02:41:21 pm »
I wondered why no one was commenting on the story! Yeah, the "super nerdy" aspect was directly from the story I'm adapting, so I felt like it was key to keep it in. Hopefully, as Shadra said, it's not enough to stop people from enjoying the tale as a whole. :)
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Re: New Releases-Saturday July 6th 2019
« Reply #34 on: July 09, 2019, 05:48:49 pm »

This was the first time I read something in Femdom Mind Control Flash Fiction. It's refreshing to read something that's so one-and-done. I'm not sure which of the three I liked the most. Bugs was probably the most creepily enjoyable. Winter and Summer probably had the hotter MC moment. I do wonder, though... the gum thing. I can't tell if he intentionally spit it out, or if it was an accident. I know he was intended to be shown as a creep, but even then I don't really see him doing that on purpose. Yet I also don't really see how one could accidentally spit gum into someone else's face. And come on, that line about six months is funny!

Thank you. I'm a big fan of flash fiction and an even bigger fan of micro-fiction which is truly a speciality of mine. In these snippets I go for different moods whenever possible. Bugs was inspired by my love of horror stories hence the creepiness factor. Winter and Summer is meant to be somewhat amusing and the gum thing is accidental. He chokes when she talks about mind-controlled slaves and spits it out, no Heimlich Maneuver required. He is indeed a bit of a creep but Summer isn't exactly a miss goody-two-shoes either. Her punishment is overkill but I had fun with the concept and the same goes for the invisible boobs in the other tale of this batch.

Thanks again.
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Re: New Releases-Saturday July 6th 2019
« Reply #35 on: July 09, 2019, 09:57:03 pm »
Thank you. I'm a big fan of flash fiction and an even bigger fan of micro-fiction which is truly a speciality of mine. In these snippets I go for different moods whenever possible. Bugs was inspired by my love of horror stories hence the creepiness factor. Winter and Summer is meant to be somewhat amusing and the gum thing is accidental. He chokes when she talks about mind-controlled slaves and spits it out, no Heimlich Maneuver required. He is indeed a bit of a creep but Summer isn't exactly a miss goody-two-shoes either. Her punishment is overkill but I had fun with the concept and the same goes for the invisible boobs in the other tale of this batch.

Thanks again.

It's certainly a commendable ability to be able to write so many contained shorts and keep them all fresh and unique. While male-sub isn't quite to my fancy, based on what I've read, I'll have to start going through the others at some point. I'd agree that Summer went a bit overboard, but it was still a fun thing to imagine!

I didn't get as much reading time today as I would have liked, but I did finish the latest chapter of Unholy Rites. Seeing her next meetup with the priest was just as good as the first one. The story is written really well, and is a joy to read. A bit more is revealed about the priest, but still leaves so many questions to be answered, which is nice. As for her home/love life... I can only hope something happens to a select few people to resolve some of the issues, because man is it a bit of a downer.

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Re: New Releases-Saturday July 6th 2019
« Reply #36 on: July 10, 2019, 11:31:41 am »
Dick Picture Perfect

Thankfully no one has ever sent me a dick picture, even more thankfully this guy hasnt! :laugh: Mind, if he's seen my picture, he wouldnt want to! :P As always with Redsilver, the banter between characters is very good. Fun read
High end of definitely enjoyed

Will isn't the best guy is he? I'm glad he sticks out and is so different from Leo and Gene. Thanks as always!

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Re: New Releases-Saturday July 6th 2019
« Reply #37 on: July 11, 2019, 06:17:30 pm »
Thank you so much, Cerebeus, Shadra, and 321 for your overwhelmingly generous words. I'm blushing over here. To receive praise from so many fronts really means a lot, and I'm happy you enjoyed my writing. Thanks again, and thank you also for the shout-out to Contract, Cerebus!

Concerning something that Shadra addressed:
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Re: New Releases-Saturday July 6th 2019
« Reply #38 on: July 11, 2019, 09:57:07 pm »
Thank you so much, Cerebeus, Shadra, and 321 for your overwhelmingly generous words. I'm blushing over here. To receive praise from so many fronts really means a lot, and I'm happy you enjoyed my writing.

It was a pleasure to read, and you deserve to know that! I think I can see why my suggestion wouldn't work with the story, but yeah... still would have been a great scene. You'll have to let me know if you use it in another story like you suggested!

Now that I've finished watching Stranger Things, I had some time to get some more stories in. First up, Deer Me. To be honest, transformation stories aren't really my thing, but it was still a short, fun read.

I really enjoyed the first chapter of Dick Picture Perfect, but I guess it's just a bit too much sex and not enough MC for me to really get into it. Don't get me wrong, it's really well written, and I'm impressed at how easy you make the conversations flow. Just not my style, so this will probably be the last chapter from me, sorry.

Upregulated was great. Part of this story reminded me of the movie Upgrade, though with a much less sinister plot. Story was paced very well, and it was fun getting into the head of the protagonist as all of the changes were made. I almost feel bad for the way things ended for two of the girls, but it was still amusing to see where the protagonist ends up afterwards.

The Word In Question. A lot of big paragraphs in this one, some of them containing dialogue between two different characters that made following along a tad difficult. I have to say, that line about your body ignoring the sensory input from the clothing you wear... kind of upset at the author because now I'm aware of it. Like when someone reminds you of the position of your tongue in your mouth, or that you are now aware of your own breathing. Okay, it wasn't really that frustrating to me, but did I get anyone else with that? Story had some interesting parts, but overall wasn't really my thing.

Lastly, I read X-Static. What a neat little mystery this was! Trying to imagine someone with those eyes is a bit chilling. And that reveal at the end was wonderfully... uh... revealed. Not to bring up another movie, but this reminded me of Blindness. Well... it was a book first, but both were good. Bit different than this story, but... if anyone's heard of that and read this, you'll probably understand the connection.

That's all for today!

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Re: New Releases-Saturday July 6th 2019
« Reply #39 on: July 12, 2019, 07:57:46 am »
I really enjoyed the first chapter of Dick Picture Perfect, but I guess it's just a bit too much sex and not enough MC for me to really get into it. Don't get me wrong, it's really well written, and I'm impressed at how easy you make the conversations flow. Just not my style, so this will probably be the last chapter from me, sorry.

Cool, thanks so much! I do like more subtler mind control and more sex so shame I'm not in your tastes but glad you liked what you did read.

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Re: New Releases-Saturday July 6th 2019
« Reply #40 on: July 12, 2019, 08:51:47 am »
Well I finally did read "Massaged By My Nerdy Brother" and it is in fact terrific.  The 'nerd' part I just glided past and the rest was up to Pan's very high standard.

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Re: New Releases-Saturday July 6th 2019
« Reply #41 on: July 12, 2019, 09:21:37 am »
Thanks for the review Shadra. I prefer transformation stories over other types of MC (it's what brought me here in the first place), so I understand it's not for everyone. I am trying to write different types of stories, though, so maybe something else I've already written or have coming up would be more in your area of interest.


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Re: New Releases-Saturday July 6th 2019
« Reply #42 on: July 12, 2019, 09:51:20 am »
The Word In Question. A lot of big paragraphs in this one, some of them containing dialogue between two different characters that made following along a tad difficult. I have to say, that line about [redacted]... kind of upset at the author because now I'm aware of it. Like when someone reminds you of the [redacted], or that you are now aware [redacted]. Okay, it wasn't really that frustrating to me, but did I get anyone else with that? Story had some interesting parts, but overall wasn't really my thing.

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Re: New Releases-Saturday July 6th 2019
« Reply #43 on: July 12, 2019, 12:03:14 pm »
Well I finally did read "Massaged By My Nerdy Brother" and it is in fact terrific.  The 'nerd' part I just glided past and the rest was up to Pan's very high standard.

Aw, thanks Gyrd! I'm super proud of this one, tbh. :D
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Re: New Releases-Saturday July 6th 2019
« Reply #44 on: July 12, 2019, 04:07:34 pm »
Properly Handled (mc mf ff md fd in) (1 new chapter)  by Extantelan
A brother and sister grow closer over a shared love of mind control and other various kinks and perversions.

I must admit, this installment was a bit slow to get going. It was really more about character development, and in some ways, character confirming. Things are still moving forward between the siblings, if albeit a bit slower than before. Kacy wanting to hypnotize Bubba is a very enticing development. Very much a tease of an installment.

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Re: New Releases-Saturday July 6th 2019
« Reply #45 on: July 12, 2019, 04:31:47 pm »
Last 4

Atonement (Half Shim)

Asking for a friend, does the mother have to care for the 'calf' our not? :laugh: Love the whole thing with Daisy, just love the way thats all played out. Kylie lost any sympathy which she didnt have by what she did to Eve. Seriously, I would love the cow makeover, and definitely love the whole milking thing, I must say. Oh, story is brilliant too.
Definitely enjoyed. Would have got high end but for length thing with me


OK, this ticks all my feelgood boxes, totally. Steff is adorable (regardless of the name), and I love her logic with the contract. Not complaining about the robot moment on there too. I love Tom, because he's trying to play this out in the best way possible for both of them. Its a lovely story line too.
Low end of much enjoyed, what the hell!

He Likes to Play With His Food

OK, fine, I wouldnt mind being his food too. I did feel the commands things towards the end were a bit lengthy, but that might just be a personal thing. Also, the way things ended up with Ashley, just hated that. So a real mixed feelings story for me.
Compromise mark, Low end of definitely enjoyed

Kingdom of Lost Memories

Oh fine, I loved this. Yes, if the queen wants an ancient, disabled slave, tell her to contact me. Sounds like she might be able to solve the disabled issue, anyway. As for the whole play of things of what happens to Irene, and not going down the most obvious route, loved it. Characters are all wonderfully written, as is the story
High end of definitely enjoyed

Thats it for this week. Thanks as always to all authors for their efforts, reviewed or otherwise
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Re: New Releases-Saturday July 6th 2019
« Reply #46 on: July 12, 2019, 07:15:46 pm »
Some thoughts on the handful of stories I've read so far...

He Likes to Play With His Food (mc mf md ds) (new)  by The Winged Scorpion
Bridget moved to a small town and took a waitress job there. Rent was cheap and the job paid really well. It’s almost as if she was drawn there to be sacrificed to a vampire or something...

I agree with lifmcs. This one is intense. I loved the first half of the story, when Bridget is falling under Fred’s thrall. It’s delicious and dark and, as lifmcs says, so well crafted. I also enjoyed the end, since I have a soft spot for stories that run relentlessly dark.

I think the nightclub can be tightened up. There came a point where I stopped reading and scrolled down to see I’d be rewarded once I got through a wall-o-italics (I was). I never did get through the text I scrolled past. I tried, but there came a point when I wasn’t getting anything out of it, so down to that delicious ending I went to revel in Bridget’s dehumanization.

I’ll be checking out Winged Scorpion’s next story!

Deer Me: A Christmas Spirits Story (mc ma) (new)  by Fortunato
A woman walks into an adult toystore that is only open one day a year.

So…reading this on the heels of “He Likes to Play With His Food” had me reading this through a pretty dark lens. I love how sudden the MC is here. Dana offers up a token protest when the shop owner sweetly insists she try out a butt plug but doesn’t acknowledge that it’s not at all normal to drop her pants in the middle of a store.

Nor is her transformation normal, except it is to her. Perfectly normal. As is her need to find the owner of that shop.

I love how unaware Dana was and how helpless she was to stop her transformation. Not that she wanted to.

I Hate My Master (mc mm) (new)  by maxrpotter
Mark moves in with a new roommate, and finds himself getting annoyed by a few small things about him, like when he leaves dishes in the sink, or when he leaves his clothes around the place, or when he gives Mark orders that he is unable to disobey.

Who doesn’t have an awful roommate story or two? I don’t know who’s the worse roommate here. Mark for bringing home “a few” chicks for some intentionally loud sex specifically so Chris would hear it, or Chris for turning Mark into his unwillingly-willing slave. (Just kidding. It’s Mark. Have some respect for thin walls and all that.)

Chris’s casual orders at the beginning of the story are hotter than they have a right to be given how non-sexual they are. I can safely say this is the first time an order to clean the bathroom got me all hot and bothered. I love how confident Chris is in his knowledge Mark will obey, no questions asked. (At least not until Chris lets him.)

I do not at all hate Mark’s master and am looking forward to future chapters.

Split Slave (mc ff ma bd ds hm) (new)  by Skaetlett
Delta, a non-binary, kidnapped sex slave with a protective alternate personality, gets auctioned off to a multimillionaire who seems to have more in store than they’re ready for. Their Mistress thinks she knows everything about them and is wrong.

So far, I’ve only read the prologue and first chapter. Skaetlett dropped the first 10 chapters in this update, and I’ll be going back to read more. This looks like it’s shaping up to be a story.

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Re: New Releases-Saturday July 6th 2019
« Reply #47 on: July 12, 2019, 07:53:39 pm »
I appreciate the review badpenny! I'm glad you liked it.


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Re: New Releases-Saturday July 6th 2019
« Reply #48 on: July 13, 2019, 07:52:09 am »
Thanks to Fortunato for pointing out I'd missing posting one section of review across. Yes, I'm blaming this on my brain issues, whether it was, or not! :P

Part 3

Fit to Serve

Is it wrong that I'd love to see someone buy the matching butlers uniform for Jay? Mindy, please...? Dont get me wrong, I still love what the maid outfits do to the wearer, and I'd love to wear one, but sometimes a guy can just get so much of a jerk, that...? Other than that, the story is as good as ever
High end of definitely enjoyed. Nearly marked it down a notch, but fine, being good


Oh fine, I loved this. Its not strictly Rom-MC, but its pretty close. Its very much fair to say that Sue was consenting to quite a degree here, for sure. Its well written, handled wonderful, and loved the build to the inevitable result.
High end of definitely enjoyed


Before we go further, let me just mention one thing, given Roberta is a character I created. I did not in any way interact in the writing of this, or read any of it before posting. Seriously, its another brilliant JD story, and fine I love that machine, though my interest in it is more in Machina's way of using it, I must say. So yes, I should feel sorry for poor Robbie, but I dont, yet, anyway.
High end of definitely enjoyed. I might feel more, but I know that would be bias!

X-Static Process

Loved this too, and how it all played out. It is a bit dark, but its very cleverly handled. Not sure if I'd want to be a victim, or not, but it would definitely be interesting. Useful high JB quality
High end of definitely enjoyed

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Re: New Releases-Saturday July 6th 2019
« Reply #49 on: July 14, 2019, 08:13:45 am »
Blink, Wink, Sink

A fun little hypno piece that I just about managed to avoid sinking into, lol. But yes, I could easily imagine some doing so, susceptible to such things, shall we suggest?
Definitely enjoyed

Wasn't sure what your take on this would be Merry, but glad it got a definitely enjoyed out of you. And glad you avoided sinking, lest someone like Sabrina would've had to come pull you out or something.

I suppose stories like Blink, Wink, Sink just aren't for me. That said, it was well written for what it was, I just didn't get anything out of it personally.

Thank you for the compliment Shadra, and since stories like this aren't your preference, thanks for giving it a shot.