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New Releases-Saturday May 25th 2019
« on: May 25, 2019, 09:54:13 am »
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The next update will be the weekend of 8 June 2019.

Ashes (mc mf ff md) (3 new chapters)  by Blackie
The family raised him not to use his ability on those without the ability. The world isn’t supposed to know the family exists. Or families. When he uses it to defend himself and is seen without knowing who it was, his world turns upside down on him.

Bind Date (mc mf fd) (new)  by ZTV25
Rick goes on a first date with a succubus.

The Body Stocking (mc ft) (new)  by Gettoman
Clair puts on a body stocking that she loves so much she never wants to take it off.

The Crystal’s Slave (mc mf md) (1 new chapter)  by Dr. HypnoD
A man walks into a jewelry store to try out his special crystal. He gets some new toys, but what happens when the police take notice?

Deep Undercover (mc mf md fd) (new)  by 321
Paul is a private eye who dabbles in hypnosis. Cassie is his beautiful client. But there’s more to their relationship—and their case—than meets the eye.

Dick Picture Perfect (mc mf ff) (new)  by Redsliver
Will sends a dick pic to a girl, knowing that she would hate it. But it turns out that every woman who sees that picture needs more of it.

Editing Reality Book Two: Sultry Fantasies Unleashed (mc mf gr in) (1 new chapter)  by mypenname3000
Steve gets a phone app that lets him edit other people.

Enthralled (mc ff mf fd) (new)  by Chrysostomon
Ellen is bored in her relationship with Sean, but she meets a new friend Camilla.

Exposed (mc mf ff md fd) (new)  by Greyscribbler
Christine has to deal with an urge she’s never felt before.

Hell’s Daughter (mc mf fd be) (new)  by Chrysostomon
A daughter of a demon is born to give torment to men on Earth.

Hierarchy of Needs (mc mf md in ex) (1 new chapter)  by Pan
Behind a small door in Jacob’s house, there’s four filing cabinets—one for each member of his family.

Hostel (mc ff) (1 new chapter)  by 321
Rebecca’s trip to Berlin takes an interesting turn.

I Have No Idea (mc mf ff md) (1 new chapter)  by Redsliver
Tanner wakes up from a blackout, and discovers that he started a billion dollar pharmaceutical company and created a slave paradise with a prototype mind control drug.

I Married a BrothelBot from Outer Space (mc ff rb sf) (1 new chapter)  by Roboman127
Aliens abduct women for use as BrothelBots and Agents.

In a Glance (mc ff cb ds ex) (1 new chapter)  by Madam Kistulot
Heart learns what it means to be a part of Chronos, and learns more about herself thanks to an appointment with The Lady.

In Your Memory (mc mf ff md) (new)  by Jukebox
Jessica has the very important differences between memory and truth explained to her.

Just Fiona (mc) (new)  by sleepygirlsometimes
Fiona finds her true self.

Laser Tag Party (mc ff) (1 new chapter)  by Scalar Seventh
Sam Miller just wants to have a fun bachelorette party with her friends. And what could be more fun than ordering pizza, renting out the local laser tag business for the day, and getting everyone Altered to boot?

Level Ten (mc mf md in) (1 new chapter)  by Pan
Lisa’s brother learns that she’s extremely susceptible to being hypnotized. Can he resist the temptations this discovery offers?

The Mask Becomes You (mc ff mf fd) (1 new chapter)  by Carefully Random
Two college students discover a strange mask that makes the words of the wearer irresistible. They soon discover that it’s even hard to resist using the mask, and that the wearer’s thoughts may no longer be their own...

Master Owner Daddy Me (mc mf md) (new)  by Limerick
Edward and Rose have to figure out their marriage now that Rose is unquestionably obedient to him.

The Merger — Spirals (mc mf ff fd) (1 new chapter)  by Sleepy Hypno
Mysterious players move to take ownership of the Spirals Nightclub, while Midnight acclimates to her new surroundings in New Chicago.

Mind-Control Panties (mc mf md in) (new)  by mypenname3000
A mysterious figure adds special items to the inventory of trendy clothing stores—panties with special phrases written on them.

My Neighbor, Soon to Be Lover (mc mf fd) (1 new chapter)  by Miss Tique
A teen reprograms her older neighbour to become the lover she imagined him to be.

The New You Spa and Tanning Salon (mc ff rb) (1 new chapter)  by Roboman127
Robberies, kidnappings and Assassinations are being done by strange shiny white latex clad women.  Is there a connection to the new spa in town?

One Chance to Impress Her (mc mf fd) (new)  by S. B.
Jason is trying to write a story to impress an online Domme, but when Mistress Veronica suddenly appears in his office to turn him into her puppet, things get hotter before he has the chance to realize what’s going on, and his downfall may prove to be more than he can handle.

Orgonomy (mc mf md in) (new)  by Chrysostomon
A professor harvests the sexual engergy from a mother and son.

Poetry & Blood (mc ff) (1 new chapter)  by Trixie Adara
Laura gets a new job for a strange romance writer that seems to be too good to be true.

Research and Development (Captain Dunsel) (mc mf ff md) (new)  by Captain Dunsel
A new employee of the BoozeMart Research and Development division discovers that the company uses a variety of cutting-edge techniques to help her acknowledge and embrace her innate, hard-wired desire to get wasted and screw.

Return of the Armored Warrior (mc ff md fd cb) (1 new chapter)  by J. Darksong
Erika Patrick, daughter of Tina Patrick, has moved to River City to make a new life for herself. She soon learns that things are a lot rougher in River City than back home in New York, but when Shining Paladin runs into trouble, she finds a mentor, someone who will take her under his wing, and together, they might not only rekindle an old legacy, they might even surpass it.

The Ring (Chrysostomon) (mc mm in) (new)  by Chrysostomon
Two brothers watch a video called ‘The Ring’, but it’s not the horror movie they were expecting.

Role Reversal (mc mf fd in) (1 new chapter)  by MindSpark
After seeing hypnosis in action, a daughter with a crush on her father comes up with a plan to usurp her mother’s place in the family.

61 Days in River City (mc mf cb) (1 new chapter)  by Betsy Leohtar
SureShot has a contract to kill Alicia. Sonia intends to stop him, even if she has to kill him, because she wants to kill Alicia herself. All the supers in River City are no help to Sonia at all.

Skeinbound (mc ff) (1 new chapter)  by Meleva
Three young women set out on a winter’s journey, to prove their new adulthood or perish in the process. One trying to keep them fed, one trying to keep them safe, and one who’ll try anything to keep them all together.

Stop Watch (mc mf md in ts) (1 new chapter)  by Sidia
A power that is too good to be true becomes a corrupting influence on a man and leads him into temptations he’d never thought possible.

Teacher (GiantNut) (mc mf md in) (1 new chapter)  by GiantNut
A college student uses classified government information to reprogram his teacher.

Thief (whatlookslike) (mc ff ma) (new)  by whatlookslike
Treasure hunting thief Samantha finds a strange tiara while plundering a forgotten ruin.

Uplink (mc ff mf ma sf) (2 new chapters)  by nevermind
The promised future has arrived. Mankind has outgrown old Terra and lives peacefully among the stars. But when junior engineer Kyra Warner of the TSS Argo picks up the wrong item from an alien planet, the rest of her crew must soon find out that not everything in this universe is willing to coexist.

Whatever Gets You Through The Night (mc ma) (1 new chapter)  by T.MaskedWriter
A movie shoot in San Finzione is interrupted by a real-life murder.

Yew and Me (mc ff) (1 new chapter)  by Writer345
Lilith Yew, powerful leader of the Martian colonization movement, faces more threats to her efforts to establish human colonies on Mars.

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 25th 2019
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2019, 11:01:19 am »
Yay! Shiny new things!  :grin:

Off to make coffee and then read!

(Although if I owned a certain Mask, I could simply order people to make me coffee, freeing up more time for reading... hmm....)

Offline Carefully_Random

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 25th 2019
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2019, 11:41:13 am »
Urgh, doesn’t help when you lose your mask though... gotta be more careful with these things!

I’m gonna jump in early and beat the crowd this week: the latest instalment of Hostel was excellent as usual. Every interaction with Alice is a particular delight, I love the special interest she’s taking in Rebecca. Highly recommended from me :)

Offline Shadra

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 25th 2019
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2019, 12:28:10 pm »
And here I was, anxiously waiting until break, hoping to be the first to comment, and then you beat me to it. You know what? I'm not even going to read Mask today! How about that?

But yes, Hostel was exceedingly hot. I just love how 321 is able to incorporate so many trances into each and every chapter, so many inductions and triggers. It's incredible, and almost doesn't seem possible. And to do it while still creating such delightful characters, and an engaging story? Downright masterful.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2019, 12:50:16 pm by Shadra »

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 25th 2019
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2019, 01:29:58 pm »
And here I was, anxiously waiting until break, hoping to be the first to comment, and then you beat me to it. You know what? I'm not even going to read Mask today! How about that?

But yes, Hostel was exceedingly hot. I just love how 321 is able to incorporate so many trances into each and every chapter, so many inductions and triggers. It's incredible, and almost doesn't seem possible. And to do it while still creating such delightful characters, and an engaging story? Downright masterful.

This week's Mask is certainly delightful, whether you read it now or next week.  :)  I like how Tara is forced to think- really think- about where she stands, alignment-wise. Is she bad? Is she good? Is she evil? Can she be some or all of those things at once?

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I'm really glad that you both liked this week's chapter of Hostel! Alice has been a fun character to write for, and all of these Berlin scenes are making me reconsider my fall 2019 travel plans. :-)

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 25th 2019
« Reply #5 on: May 25, 2019, 02:39:16 pm »
321's 'Hostel' is living up to its early promise!  Well thought out and well written.
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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 25th 2019
« Reply #6 on: May 25, 2019, 05:33:23 pm »
Plenty of shorter stories to continue the day with, which is in no way a complaint.

Despite my earlier message, I gave The Mask Becomes You a read and, well... it was all right.

Moving on, just wanted to say one more thing about Hostel. It's almost off-putting how sweet Alice is. Who could ever suspect just what sort of malevolent nature was hidden behind her kind demeanor? Not that any of the patrons will get to know or remember, but it's astonishing to hear her speak so blasé about her actions with such a cheery disposition. Surely 321 has more twists in store for this lady, and I can't wait to see what they are.

Glad to see the next chapter of Level Ten in this update! It wasn't hard to figure out where the main meat of this story was heading, even from the first chapter, but the journey there, and what's likely left to come of it, was certainly enjoyable in its brevity. That said, the other plot thread involving the girlfriend DID catch me by surprise! I don't want to spoil it here, but kudos for that little twist. I'm still amusing myself with the knowledge Lisa may very well be back to eating pizza, however =P

It's been awhile since I read The Crystal's Slave. Perhaps I should have gone back to read the previous entries (or at least skim them.) I think I recall the main plot points well enough, but would help to maybe get a refresher on the nuances of the power of the crystal. It seemed to vary slightly at times, but perhaps that's just my understanding. I mostly enjoyed what was done with the store owner, though in all honesty her name kinda takes me out of the story at times. Either way, short chapter, and will continue reading.

While that has been all I've managed to read thus far today, just before typing this out, I noticed that 321 has posted his Deeper Undercover story! I'm beginning to feel like a broken record every time I review his work, but there's only so many ways I can find to compliment it. This one is definitely worth a read, and the twist in chapter 4 is so frustratingly both tantalizing, sexy, and anxiety-inducing... the worst of which is not knowing when the next chapter will even be!

Okay fine, I wasn't actually going to mention Mask without giving an actual review. It's no secret how much I enjoy this story. To see the aftermath of Tara losing the mask is fascinating, but also has me hoping for her to get it back quickly and without fuss, but the less instinctual part of me knows that while I still hope to see her win out in the end, it's probably going to be a hell of a fight. Loved the exchange with Alicia, to see her fight back the way she did. It does make me wonder how the power will last now that the mask is no longer in Tara's hands. I think even Tara had wondered that herself? And then the issue with Mary... so many characters being juggled around, and CR seems perfectly capable of keeping track of them all. Quite an impressive feat. I'm sure the next chapter will be intense, though if history is to say anything, next submission will be from Algorithm. Though with how good that story is... I can't say I'd be disappointed!

Anyways, I have dinner to make. May get another story or two in before the end of the day!

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 25th 2019
« Reply #7 on: May 25, 2019, 07:00:08 pm »
Yay! Shiny new things!  :grin:

Off to make coffee and then read!

(Although if I owned a certain Mask, I could simply order people to make me coffee, freeing up more time for reading... hmm....)

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 25th 2019
« Reply #8 on: May 25, 2019, 08:57:08 pm »
Probably the last two from me for today. If I end up reading any more, I will have to save the reviews for a later time.

I honestly think it was both the title and synopsis of Dick Picture Perfect that caught my attention. A clever title that made me chuckle. Admittedly, I doubt I'll ever see this story idea without thinking of Bible Belt by Pan, though that's in no way a bad thing. I think I ended up enjoying this a bit more than I expected. Will's reaction once things get underway is entertaining in an entirely believable way, and I'm very happy to see the story didn't make a running dash towards cliche hypno sex in the first 5 paragraphs, to be a bit exaggerate. Certainly has me looking forward to the moment he realizes just why all these girls are trying to get into his pants!

Last one for today is Teacher by GiantNut. Fairly straightforward addition to the story, with a safe progression. Admittedly, the whole Daddy thing doesn't really do much for me, but just personal taste. Same with the use of drugs as the catalyst for mind control. That said, still enjoyed it. There were a few hints of potential trouble in the story, so I hope to see more resistance in one way or the other, or just anything really to challenge the main character.

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 25th 2019
« Reply #9 on: May 26, 2019, 07:33:26 am »

321’s recent output has been remarkable, and the latest chapter of “Hostel” certainly continues this phenomenal run.  From the attention to detail (the popularity of Turkish food in Berlin, for example), to the hot blast of the final kitchen scene....all come together.  Rebecca’s moral misgiving set against the her chance to live a dream many Hypno-fetishists share create a fascinating tension.
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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 25th 2019
« Reply #10 on: May 26, 2019, 08:19:06 am »
I honestly think it was both the title and synopsis of Dick Picture Perfect that caught my attention. A clever title that made me chuckle. Admittedly, I doubt I'll ever see this story idea without thinking of Bible Belt by Pan, though that's in no way a bad thing. I think I ended up enjoying this a bit more than I expected. Will's reaction once things get underway is entertaining in an entirely believable way, and I'm very happy to see the story didn't make a running dash towards cliche hypno sex in the first 5 paragraphs, to be a bit exaggerate. Certainly has me looking forward to the moment he realizes just why all these girls are trying to get into his pants!

Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it. Love knowing the title and synopsis are great lures. I plan to make more jumps to the hypno sex than I do in most of my stories as the plot progresses. I hope I keep Will reacting in entertaining and believable ways. Thanks for the comments!

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 25th 2019
« Reply #11 on: May 26, 2019, 01:17:18 pm »
Getting started

In Your Memory

A deliciously wicked, but evil hypno piece from JB here. Fine, poor Jessica, but its delightfully done. Yes, I'm sure she's happy now its all been explained
Definitely enjoyed

Just Fiona

Maybe Fiona finds herself, and maybe I could find more with a good edit, but as written, I found it hard to get very involved.
Going to go no rating, mainly because I found it hard to show interest, but concept might yet prove interesting, especially with a good edit

The Merger — Spirals

Alright, I found it amusing reading this on World Vampire Day, but anyway... If Kelli wants to come round for a bite of food (groan), and to discuss, I'd be happy to do so. But yes, definitely intrigued to see where this goes from here
High end of definitely enjoyed

Return of the Armored Warrior

Lovely tying up of loose ends here, and yes, loved the shower scene, laughed a lot at that. As long as Gene isnt planned to fit Robbie with Windows 10 (joke), be interesting to see what happens next. (Fine, I have some idea what he has planned, but nothing clarified). Another session of great fun
High end of definitely enjoyed

61 Days in River City

Oh fine, Mr Lounicks, Clara, Stephanie, Harlean and Merriadoc, plus a Unit 16? I think Betty (deliberate) is trying to wind me up, maybe? :laugh: Poor Sonia and Vicky, think they've got more than 1 issue to be concerned about now, in the climax, which could be fun? Usual mix of mischief, and mayhem here, for sure
High end of definitely enjoyed

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Offline Betsy

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 25th 2019
« Reply #12 on: May 26, 2019, 03:28:32 pm »
61 Days in River City

Oh fine, Mr Lounicks, Clara, Stephanie, Harlean and Merriadoc, plus a Unit 16? I think Betty (deliberate) is trying to wind me up, maybe? :laugh: Poor Sonia and Vicky, think they've got more than 1 issue to be concerned about now, in the climax, which could be fun? Usual mix of mischief, and mayhem here, for sure
High end of definitely enjoyed

Thank you Merry. If a thing's worth doing then it's worth overdoing. That's what I always say. And it's not a Unit 16, it's the Unit 16. The one from the end of Three Fingers. You know, the one that was going to take over the world. It might have been outside this story's scope, but Betsy (with an 's') saved everybody. Sorry, but she's too busy to get back to River City. And why do you think this is the climax?
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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 25th 2019
« Reply #13 on: May 26, 2019, 04:13:10 pm »
Now facing a long time without an update to "Binding Rings".  Very sad.

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 25th 2019
« Reply #14 on: May 26, 2019, 04:32:19 pm »
Mind Control Panties needs a proofread. There's at least one humorous misspelling in the text. That said, though, it's a nice reality-warping incest story (at least this initial offering) and I really like the fact that everyone is totally okay with dad and daughter having a quickie before her date. It's hot, funny, and a bit unpolished like its virgin protagonist and I can dig it.

I'm looking forward to more of this story/collection as it's posted.


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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 25th 2019
« Reply #15 on: May 26, 2019, 04:55:17 pm »
61 Days in River City

Oh fine, Mr Lounicks, Clara, Stephanie, Harlean and Merriadoc, plus a Unit 16? I think Betty (deliberate) is trying to wind me up, maybe? :laugh: Poor Sonia and Vicky, think they've got more than 1 issue to be concerned about now, in the climax, which could be fun? Usual mix of mischief, and mayhem here, for sure
High end of definitely enjoyed

Thank you Merry. If a thing's worth doing then it's worth overdoing. That's what I always say. And it's not a Unit 16, it's the Unit 16. The one from the end of Three Fingers. You know, the one that was going to take over the world. It might have been outside this story's scope, but Betsy (with an 's') saved everybody. Sorry, but she's too busy to get back to River City. And why do you think this is the climax?

Well, I might be a blonde, with some brain damage, but even I can work out that if we are well through day 60, on a story that is about 61 days in River City, it must be somewhere near the end! :P
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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 25th 2019
« Reply #16 on: May 26, 2019, 09:44:38 pm »

Let's see. First I read Hostel and think it's the better of the two stories 321 has on tap....but..

Then I read Undercover and one is better...

And finally I realize, I love them both, am so glad to reading them and 321 writing them and this is one of the greatest double story entries at the same time I have ever read on the site. Not a single great entry, but a double!!!

So we have our heroines Emily and Rebecca in the clutches of happy, talkative Alice who I loath with a passion. Yes dearie, I sure the hell do hate that monster masquerading as everyone's friendly aunt or grandma. And that friendly old gal is running an empire of controlled girls who cater to her ever growing coffers. She even has them as prostitutes. And I can't help but wonder...what else does she have them do? Even worse things?

By the way, 321, what a great villain Alice is!

And across town we have the brilliant and so confident Tara trusting in her abilities and Paul's and teams to keep her safe in there very dangerous controlled investigation of Avery.

But is she smart enough this time? Is the team good enough? This last chapter didn't go so well for your very brave and confident heroine.

But it went well for me because I got to read both and will get to read both.

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 25th 2019
« Reply #17 on: May 27, 2019, 04:47:18 pm »

Let's see. First I read Hostel and think it's the better of the two stories 321 has on tap....but..

Then I read Undercover and one is better...

And finally I realize, I love them both, am so glad to reading them and 321 writing them and this is one of the greatest double story entries at the same time I have ever read on the site. Not a single great entry, but a double!!!

So we have our heroines Emily and Rebecca in the clutches of happy, talkative Alice who I loath with a passion. Yes dearie, I sure the hell do hate that monster masquerading as everyone's friendly aunt or grandma. And that friendly old gal is running an empire of controlled girls who cater to her ever growing coffers. She even has them as prostitutes. And I can't help but wonder...what else does she have them do? Even worse things?

By the way, 321, what a great villain Alice is!

And across town we have the brilliant and so confident Tara trusting in her abilities and Paul's and teams to keep her safe in there very dangerous controlled investigation of Avery.

But is she smart enough this time? Is the team good enough? This last chapter didn't go so well for your very brave and confident heroine.

But it went well for me because I got to read both and will get to read both.

Thanks, CerebusOne! Alice does have a nasty streak, doesn't she? She may indeed have more on her plate than just brothels and bartending.

As for Tara, let's just hope that Avery isn't familiar with the term "reverse engineering." There's a lot of personal data, trigger phrases, and more hiding in that brilliant mind of hers.

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 25th 2019
« Reply #18 on: May 27, 2019, 05:20:22 pm »
Part 2

The Crystal’s Slave

Maybe she wanted to have fun with Alison, and Kate? :laugh: Well, thats one amusing way to solve the issue of the theft, anyway. I know I shouldnt love him, but I do!
High end of definitely enjoyed

Dick Picture Perfect

No, I've never had the delight of a dick pic in my life. Maybe because I'm not young, and attractive, or maybe because I just dont 'do' male jerks? OK, this has promise, as chaos threatens to explode here, for sure. I suspect his attitude to the girls is going to decide things for me, oh, and any pregnancy count! :laugh: Looking promising at present
High end of defiinitely enjoyed


Oh goodness, just loving this. Such a shame Alice wouldnt find me an attractive target! I just love the wonderfully casual, but precise way she runs the hostel. Oh fine, I'd love the brainwashing too, whats left of my brain at least!
Oh fine, love it too much, low end of much enjoyed, the last line just tipped it

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I Have No Idea

Goes looking for my pretty mermaid outfit! :P Sort of chaotic, mixed up ended I was half expecting, and no, I have no idea if I got the whole story, in truth. Been a fun read, would have been better with less pregnancies, but thats just me!
Definitely enjoyed

Thief (whatlookslike)

Yes, fun story, where Samantha ends up getting pretty much what she deserves. Fine, I'm a good girl, and would love that done to me by Goddess, but anyway... The play off between the 2 main characters was great, before the inevitable happened.
High end of definitely enjoyed

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Offline Betsy

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 25th 2019
« Reply #19 on: May 28, 2019, 08:06:56 am »

Well, I might be a blonde, with some brain damage, but even I can work out that if we are well through day 60, on a story that is about 61 days in River City, it must be somewhere near the end! :P

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 25th 2019
« Reply #20 on: May 28, 2019, 09:34:23 am »
Betsy, I've known you personally for far too long to ever doubt you might cheat! :-*
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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 25th 2019
« Reply #21 on: May 28, 2019, 11:43:52 am »
Thief (whatlookslike)

Yes, fun story, where Samantha ends up getting pretty much what she deserves. Fine, I'm a good girl, and would love that done to me by Goddess, but anyway... The play off between the 2 main characters was great, before the inevitable happened.
High end of definitely enjoyed

Thank you for reading! Wasn't sure if you'd enjoy this one, but I'm glad you did! I'm way more likely to be submissive and begging to be hypnotised, but writing troublesome girls who need to be punished is much more fun : p

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 25th 2019
« Reply #22 on: May 28, 2019, 12:03:35 pm »
Really enjoyed Master Owner Daddy Me.  Could have done without the Daddy tbh.  But I like how the main characters husband reacts like a human being to the whole Obedience virus situation.  He's genuinely concerned for her, and initially hopes to just ride things out until someone comes up with a cure.  He has to get acclimated to the new ideas of what relationships between men and women are like post-virus.

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 25th 2019
« Reply #23 on: May 28, 2019, 12:11:18 pm »
Dick Picture Perfect

No, I've never had the delight of a dick pic in my life. Maybe because I'm not young, and attractive, or maybe because I just dont 'do' male jerks? OK, this has promise, as chaos threatens to explode here, for sure. I suspect his attitude to the girls is going to decide things for me, oh, and any pregnancy count! :laugh: Looking promising at present
High end of defiinitely enjoyed

That's the first time I've heard dick pics called a delight. I may steal that. I'll promise you two things: exploding chaos and a 0 pregnancy count. I plan the story to last at most a month of in universe time and if there are pregnancies no one'll know. Glad you liked it.

I Have No Idea

Goes looking for my pretty mermaid outfit! :P Sort of chaotic, mixed up ended I was half expecting, and no, I have no idea if I got the whole story, in truth. Been a fun read, would have been better with less pregnancies, but thats just me!
Definitely enjoyed

I'm happy to get it out of my system. Mermaid outifits are at The Globe and in The Dungeon, but if you want to bring them to The Waterfront or the big fountain on The Strip I think the rules allow it. Thanks for reading!

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 25th 2019
« Reply #24 on: May 28, 2019, 04:52:47 pm »
"My Neighbor, Soon to be Lover" Chapter 2

really liked this one, though there were no major moments or payoffs, just a lot of setting up future narrative points, but this seemed secondary to expanding character flaws and revealing a more complicated relationship between some characters.

Thematically I think there is something archetypal going on and (if I'm right) the real joy, for people like myself, is in seeing that get thrust in to the light.

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 25th 2019
« Reply #25 on: May 28, 2019, 05:11:18 pm »
Dick Picture Perfect

No, I've never had the delight of a dick pic in my life. Maybe because I'm not young, and attractive, or maybe because I just dont 'do' male jerks? OK, this has promise, as chaos threatens to explode here, for sure. I suspect his attitude to the girls is going to decide things for me, oh, and any pregnancy count! :laugh: Looking promising at present
High end of defiinitely enjoyed

That's the first time I've heard dick pics called a delight. I may steal that. I'll promise you two things: exploding chaos and a 0 pregnancy count. I plan the story to last at most a month of in universe time and if there are pregnancies no one'll know. Glad you liked it.

I Have No Idea

Goes looking for my pretty mermaid outfit! :P Sort of chaotic, mixed up ended I was half expecting, and no, I have no idea if I got the whole story, in truth. Been a fun read, would have been better with less pregnancies, but thats just me!
Definitely enjoyed

I'm happy to get it out of my system. Mermaid outifits are at The Globe and in The Dungeon, but if you want to bring them to The Waterfront or the big fountain on The Strip I think the rules allow it. Thanks for reading!

The use of the word delight may have had a large element of sarcasm involved, just saying... :angel:
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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 25th 2019
« Reply #26 on: May 28, 2019, 10:49:51 pm »
More reviews!

This week's edition of 61 Days in River City is full of great twists and turns. Vicky and Sonia have planned for everything... haven't they? Well, they should probably practice their interrogation techniques a little more, but no one is perfect.

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whatlookslike's Thief is a fun story about a treasure hunter who comes across the wrong sort of trophy in her search for good loot. Loved the ending, as well as the subtle "Duck Tales" reference (although a touch more realistic, lol):
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More to come...

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 25th 2019
« Reply #27 on: May 30, 2019, 10:11:00 am »
Batch 3

Deep Undercover

Those who loves undercover spy stories, go read this. Hey, just go read it anyway, its brilliant. But yes, if you can work out all the double dealing here, good luck to you! Yes, I'd love tom be brainwashed by Avery, no great shock!
Low end of much enjoyed. Hoping that someone might brainwash me here, Avery? Doubt he's interested in disabled 60 somethings, mind? :laugh:

Stop Watch

Did give this one more read, hoping it might not be as incestuous as I feared, but it is, so end of road. Liked the technique, but father/daughter incest is a big squick for me
No rating, obviously, taste reasons


Talk about a few interesting twists and turns, this has plenty. Yes, the obvious happens in the end, but not in as straightforward a way as you might expect.
High end of definitely enjoyed

Whatever Gets You Through The Night

I dread to think what the film budget would be for this 'scene' lol. It is wonderfully done, and the baddies do end up getting their just desserts too, in a crazy set up. As for the ending, well that should add to the fun!
High end of definitely enjoyed

Yew and Me

I loved the scene where they go after the new Mistress on the block. Its wonderfully done, delightfully thought through, and no innocent drone was hurt in the entry, great stuff. I have a feeling Karpova might be in for a surprise too. Shame, as I'd love my brain 'sorted out' by her droning method. Of course, I suspect things might get interesting on that front yet. Author does say she has something lined up for me, that might be fun!
Low end of much enjoyed

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 25th 2019
« Reply #28 on: May 30, 2019, 11:06:05 am »
Bind Date (mc mf fd) (new)  by ZTV25
Rick goes on a first date with a succubus.

A blind date with a succubus? Well, the conclusion to this might be clear! :D Anyway, this certainly came off as a rather lighthearted and ridiculous. It was an interesting juxtaposition to have traditionally "evil" beings just out for a date -- not the kind of switch I am ever opposed to, but it have might felt too much of a stretch the way it was done. This was perhaps related to this being the first part. The guy also came off as a genuine idiot at the end, too. Probably intentional, but given the mind control happening here, not sure how much sense it made. Ultimately did not grab me personally.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2019, 02:18:23 pm by mr potestas »

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 25th 2019
« Reply #29 on: May 30, 2019, 12:01:47 pm »

Yew and Me

I loved the scene where they go after the new Mistress on the block. Its wonderfully done, delightfully thought through, and no innocent drone was hurt in the entry, great stuff. I have a feeling Karpova might be in for a surprise too. Shame, as I'd love my brain 'sorted out' by her droning method. Of course, I suspect things might get interesting on that front yet. Author does say she has something lined up for me, that might be fun!
Low end of much enjoyed

Last 4 to follow

Thank you for your kind words, Merry, I really look forward to your reviews because they prove that at least one person is reading my story...  We aim to please as well as confuse!
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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 25th 2019
« Reply #30 on: May 30, 2019, 07:03:11 pm »
Master Owner Daddy Me was insanely good. I loved it best of the three Obedience Virus stories I've read (btw, are there more apart from Limerick's three?). Lots of room for a sequel.

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 25th 2019
« Reply #31 on: May 31, 2019, 12:10:49 am »
Master Owner Daddy Me (mc mf md) (new)  by Limerick
Edward and Rose have to figure out their marriage now that Rose is unquestionably obedient to him.

I have to agree with 1zaza1, this is my favorite of Limerick's stories in this universe. I'm sure there are a few stories that have influenced Limerick in developing the Obedience Virus cycle, but I see these 3 stories as a) a natural development of his interest in virus stories in general ("The Virus" by The Joker is probably the ur-story for us here), b) a pure distillation of how dom-sub/man-woman dynamics usually work in his stories, and, probably most of all, c) products of his interest in experimentation to keep writing interesting. I think Limerick is still toying around a little here, but he definitely seems to have found his groove to the point that this feels like a "normal" Limerick story. Which means it's well written and hot throughout, and if you write, you'll spend half the story in awe of just how effortless he makes it all look.

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 25th 2019
« Reply #32 on: May 31, 2019, 09:47:13 am »
Its the one story I've got left to read this week, and yes, I'm looking forward to it
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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 25th 2019
« Reply #33 on: May 31, 2019, 03:12:45 pm »
It's funny how a work can be strictly formula and work really well.  "Master Owner Daddy Me" is basically the exact same story as "Everything's OK".  But it's just as good as the first one.

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 25th 2019
« Reply #34 on: May 31, 2019, 05:01:32 pm »
It's funny how a work can be strictly formula and work really well.  "Master Owner Daddy Me" is basically the exact same story as "Everything's OK".  But it's just as good as the first one.

It probably is, but thanks to fate, I was looking at it with a different brain set, so...

Last 4


GS knows how to build a story in a delicious way, this is no exception to that rule. How far this build is going to go, who knows, but I'm looking forward to finding out
High end of definitely enjoyed

Laser Tag Party

Maybe the game was a little too complex for my poor busted brain, or maybe there was so much trying to work out exactly what everyone else was up to here, or something else, but this chapter didnt really do anything for me. Thats not saying I wouldnt love to experience Adjustment, because I'd love to, but this chapter just missed for me.
Also getting the length markdown, so highly end of enjoyed, and that might be a notch high? But yes, I'd love to know how its done, and have it doone, so mustnt be mean!

Master Owner Daddy Me

OK, I'll admit it, it was different reading this idea for the first time since my brain went weird, even if it wasnt a virus in my case. I'll probably say more on that to the author directly, and then see how he wants to react. Its a great story, I loved Rose, and I liked the way for a while at least that Edward really didnt want to do anything to her. The rest of the story plays out really well too. Go read, if you havent
Definitely enjoyed, mark down for length, obviously

One Chance to Impress Her

OK, I roared with laughter at the ending! And no, I dont get the boot worship stuff, just saying. I had some fun with it, fem domme lovers will get far more, obviously.
Definitely enjoyed. Probably would have been low end, but for the ending!

Thats it for this batch, thanks as always to all the authors involved. I've no doubt I'm not going to enjoy the size of the next batch, but until then...have fun!
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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 25th 2019
« Reply #35 on: May 31, 2019, 05:41:07 pm »
Thanks for the review Merry, otherwise I wouldn't have even noticed the title...

"Exposed"  GreyScribbler please tell me I provided at least a tad of inspiration for this(assuming you even read my stuff) .. I am reading your story now and it is a mixture of sublime and superb. I was going to complain about how fast the narrative turns after her bra comes off but you return to it, noting clearly that the fetish is not just in the act of revealing but also in the appreciation of what is revealed (and not just by the viewer/reader). The delay (brought about through textured descriptions/ the narrative structure) mirrors the tease before the payoffs of the exposure. This is awesome so far.

Thanks for writing this.

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 25th 2019
« Reply #36 on: May 31, 2019, 11:09:43 pm »
It's funny how a work can be strictly formula and work really well.  "Master Owner Daddy Me" is basically the exact same story as "Everything's OK".  But it's just as good as the first one.

Thanks reviewers. I have another story done, e-mail me if you want it. The next one is a very straightforward bimbofication, no bells and whistles.

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 25th 2019
« Reply #37 on: June 01, 2019, 01:00:58 am »
Thanks reviewers. I have another story done, e-mail me if you want it. The next one is a very straightforward bimbofication, no bells and whistles.
Would you consider a sequel to Master Owner Daddy Me? I loved Edward and Rose's loving yet unequal relationship and Rose's slow burn downward spiral, though there was less Daddy action than what was on the tin. There are also some loose ends.
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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 25th 2019
« Reply #38 on: June 01, 2019, 09:36:39 am »


GS knows how to build a story in a delicious way, this is no exception to that rule. How far this build is going to go, who knows, but I'm looking forward to finding out
High end of definitely enjoyed

Thats it for this batch, thanks as always to all the authors involved. I've no doubt I'm not going to enjoy the size of the next batch, but until then...have fun!

Thanks Merry, glad you enjoyed it.  As to the build, it's a three part story, which is short for me.

The next update?  I'm tipping 50+ entries.

« Last Edit: June 01, 2019, 04:54:58 pm by greyscribbler »

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 25th 2019
« Reply #39 on: June 01, 2019, 10:45:53 am »
Congratulations dear. I'll look forward to the other 2 sections of this

All things permitting I have one more double entry into an anthology, but then that will be it, due to my health problems.
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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 25th 2019
« Reply #40 on: June 01, 2019, 11:52:42 am »
due to my health problems.
sympathy and wishes for easing your issues with health that cause you such problems. May there be relief in your very near future.

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 25th 2019
« Reply #41 on: June 01, 2019, 11:59:36 am »
due to my health problems.
sympathy and wishes for easing your issues with health that cause you such problems. May there be relief in your very near future.

Thank you. Its only amusing for me around here that its my brain that is my issue, though not in a nice, mind controlled sense
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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 25th 2019
« Reply #42 on: June 01, 2019, 02:02:12 pm »
Thanks reviewers. I have another story done, e-mail me if you want it. The next one is a very straightforward bimbofication, no bells and whistles.
Would you consider a sequel to Master Owner Daddy Me?

I don't think direct sequels work in these kinds of stories. The girl is fully bimbo or slave or whatever, ergo, the story is done. So usually I do stories in the same universe with a new set of girls and maybe a guest cameo by a past character. 

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 25th 2019
« Reply #43 on: June 01, 2019, 02:15:22 pm »
As for the loose end
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Actually I had an idea in this world, though not one I'd necessarily be interested in reading erotica of.  A woman who was scared of being turned into a brainless fuckdoll seeks out her closest gay friend.  Would that work?  Could he keep dominance and ownership of her non-sexually?  Or would any straight guy be able to rustle her away?  Fun thought experiment.

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 25th 2019
« Reply #44 on: June 01, 2019, 03:49:23 pm »
This week's edition of 61 Days in River City is full of great twists and turns. Vicky and Sonia have planned for everything... haven't they? Well, they should probably practice their interrogation techniques a little more, but no one is perfect.

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Thank you 321. I'm glad your still enjoying it and I hope you like the rest.

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« Last Edit: June 01, 2019, 05:11:29 pm by Betsy »
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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 25th 2019
« Reply #45 on: June 01, 2019, 04:24:20 pm »

Dick Picture Perfect (mc mf ff) (new)  by Redsliver
Will sends a dick pic to a girl, knowing that she would hate it. But it turns out that every woman who sees that picture needs more of it.

In Your Memory (mc mf ff md) (new)  by Jukebox
Jessica has the very important differences between memory and truth explained to her.

Level Ten (mc mf md in) (1 new chapter)  by Pan
Lisa’s brother learns that she’s extremely susceptible to being hypnotized. Can he resist the temptations this discovery offers?

I have not read much recently.

Dick Picture Perfect: I liked the story, although I expected something different. I was left with the desire that the element 'photo' was more exploited. And maybe it would have been satisfying to know why the photo exerted that attraction on the girls.

In Your Memory: This story is impressive. The transitions are pretty good. The story is not revolutionary, but the MC narrative style is very enjoyable.

Level Ten: I need to give a rereading to this story, when Pan uploads the next chapter. To have a better panorama of the events.
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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 25th 2019
« Reply #46 on: June 01, 2019, 04:48:39 pm »
Exposed was incredibly hot. I am VERY much looking forward to future chapters. Greyscribbler is an absolute master at depicting the mental state and internal struggle of mind-controlled characters, and this chapter showcases that.


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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 25th 2019
« Reply #47 on: June 02, 2019, 02:29:46 pm »

Dick Picture Perfect: I liked the story, although I expected something different. I was left with the desire that the element 'photo' was more exploited. And maybe it would have been satisfying to know why the photo exerted that attraction on the girls.

Thanks for reading. True, we don't know why the picture works, but I can't reveal all of the secrets on page one. We'll get there. With SCIENCE!!!!

(SCIENCE!!!! The narrative eureka version of discovery not, science, the ongoing rigorous one step back, two steps forward working version.)

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 25th 2019
« Reply #48 on: June 02, 2019, 04:24:20 pm »
Thanks for the review Merry, otherwise I wouldn't have even noticed the title...

"Exposed"  GreyScribbler please tell me I provided at least a tad of inspiration for this(assuming you even read my stuff) .. I am reading your story now and it is a mixture of sublime and superb. I was going to complain about how fast the narrative turns after her bra comes off but you return to it, noting clearly that the fetish is not just in the act of revealing but also in the appreciation of what is revealed (and not just by the viewer/reader). The delay (brought about through textured descriptions/ the narrative structure) mirrors the tease before the payoffs of the exposure. This is awesome so far.

Thanks for writing this.

Thanks ExtantElan.  Glad you enjoyed.  I can't say that there were any direct inspirations fir the story, but anything I've read will have been bubbling away.  It's always hard (or at least I find it is) in stories like this to get the balance right.  Too quick and the richness isnlt there, too slow and it becomes laboured.  Hopefully the balance is about right.


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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 25th 2019
« Reply #49 on: June 02, 2019, 04:29:03 pm »
Exposed was incredibly hot. I am VERY much looking forward to future chapters. Greyscribbler is an absolute master at depicting the mental state and internal struggle of mind-controlled characters, and this chapter showcases that.

Thanks Midori.  Not sure I deserve all the praise, but I'll take it. ;-)
I do like to write from the victim's point of view.  Doesn't work all the time, but it seems to here.


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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 25th 2019
« Reply #50 on: June 02, 2019, 04:40:17 pm »
Exposed was incredibly hot. I am VERY much looking forward to future chapters. Greyscribbler is an absolute master at depicting the mental state and internal struggle of mind-controlled characters, and this chapter showcases that.

Thanks Midori.  Not sure I deserve all the praise, but I'll take it. ;-)
I do like to write from the victim's point of view.  Doesn't work all the time, but it seems to here.


Nah dude, its deserved. that build up was excellent, good pro level stuff. I believe the word is, exquisite. :p

Also quite artful how you described the protagonist in such a way as us dogs get the details we crave without turning off the ladies reading. I wouldn't even know where to start with doing that.  :)

Edit to add: My guess would be the chicks resonate with the need, the fellas with the details. That's just my theory. Anyway, loved it, looking forward to chapter 2.

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 25th 2019
« Reply #51 on: June 02, 2019, 05:57:32 pm »

One Chance to Impress Her

OK, I roared with laughter at the ending! And no, I dont get the boot worship stuff, just saying. I had some fun with it, fem domme lovers will get far more, obviously.
Definitely enjoyed. Probably would have been low end, but for the ending!

Glad you had some fun though I'm not sure he did. This piece was written a while back and I'm almost certain I was responding to a post-hypnotic suggestion at the time but the details are sketchy to say the least. Thank you, dear.
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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 25th 2019
« Reply #52 on: June 02, 2019, 06:26:54 pm »
Exposed was incredibly hot. I am VERY much looking forward to future chapters. Greyscribbler is an absolute master at depicting the mental state and internal struggle of mind-controlled characters, and this chapter showcases that.

Thanks Midori.  Not sure I deserve all the praise, but I'll take it. ;-)
I do like to write from the victim's point of view.  Doesn't work all the time, but it seems to here.


Nah dude, its deserved. that build up was excellent, good pro level stuff. I believe the word is, exquisite. :p

Also quite artful how you described the protagonist in such a way as us dogs get the details we crave without turning off the ladies reading. I wouldn't even know where to start with doing that.  :)

Edit to add: My guess would be the chicks resonate with the need, the fellas with the details. That's just my theory. Anyway, loved it, looking forward to chapter 2.

Something I really enjoyed about Exposed is how it artfully plays with the old "a character stares into a mirror and describes herself" trope.

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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 25th 2019
« Reply #53 on: June 03, 2019, 02:31:12 pm »

Dick Picture Perfect: I liked the story, although I expected something different. I was left with the desire that the element 'photo' was more exploited. And maybe it would have been satisfying to know why the photo exerted that attraction on the girls.

Thanks for reading. True, we don't know why the picture works, but I can't reveal all of the secrets on page one. We'll get there. With SCIENCE!!!!

(SCIENCE!!!! The narrative eureka version of discovery not, science, the ongoing rigorous one step back, two steps forward working version.)

Science! In this case good chapter Redsliver, I look forward to the next, luck!
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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 25th 2019
« Reply #54 on: June 04, 2019, 03:59:50 pm »
My guess would be the chicks resonate with the need, the fellas with the details. That's just my theory. Anyway, loved it, looking forward to chapter 2.

Chapter 2 has been sent to Simon, so you should see it in the next update.


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Re: New Releases-Saturday May 25th 2019
« Reply #55 on: June 04, 2019, 04:02:44 pm »

Something I really enjoyed about Exposed is how it artfully plays with the old "a character stares into a mirror and describes herself" trope.

Thanks 321.  I'm fond of featuring mirrors in my stories.

Been enjoying Hostel.
