Author Topic: Old Admins never die, they just fade away.  (Read 46560 times)

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Offline Bobwhite

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Old Admins never die, they just fade away.
« on: August 12, 2018, 12:19:19 pm »
I’ve been an Admin here for over 10 years now. And in that time, we’ve all had some laughs. But, all things come to an end, and I’m stepping down as an Admin here at the MCF.

I used to be a lot more involved here, but I’m not anymore. For one thing, I’ve lost the desire to write this stuff, although I do have some half-fleshed-out ideas floating around in my increasingly inappropriately titled “Works in Progress” folder. As the world of mind control erotica has shifted toward online sales of e-books (something that wasn’t even a thing back in the day), I feel like the spirit that was among us back in the early ‘aughts has also shifted. Not that people shouldn’t be able to make some money writing mind control erotica, mind you. More power to you if you choose to do that! But things are different now, and honestly, I’m just not interested enough in it all to change with the times.

I don’t even get a thrill out of telling MCF members who are being shitheads “STOP IT!!” anymore. How long’s it been since I did one of my “That’ll be just enough of that” posts? Weren’t those great? I mean, unless you were the target of one, weren’t those just the best? When pissing off one or two people to keep the peace among the masses stops being enjoyable, then it’s time to hang up the ol’ boots.

And yes, there are admin boots, but honestly, I never wore them. The first pair I got were from Chase, who talks a good game about how awesome America is and how much he loves it, but the boots he sent me were from some company called “CHINESE DEMOCRATIC PETROCHEMICAL, NUCLEAR SHIELDING, AND BOOTS MFG” and were... inexpensively made. The second set of boots I got were from someone who wasn’t an admin. They were very nice boots that I personally couldn’t afford to splurge on, and although they looked great, that person and I were fighting at the time, and I’m pretty sure I know whose poop it was that I found in those boots.

In any event, I’m not going to be an admin anymore. I may pop in from time to time, as logging into this place is practically muscle memory at this point. But, that’s about it. So, don’t send me requests to change your account name or any other account-related requests; I won’t even forward them. Soon, the admin team will figure out a way to get my email address out of the 27 places in the software it seems to have embedded itself into. That means I won’t get the constant emails indicating problems with the server and/or replies to PM notifications made from email clients. (Seriously, people. Learn how PMs work.)

Well, it wouldn’t be a Bobwhite post unless it were far longer than it needed to be, so I hope the above stuff was long enough for you to realize that, no, I wasn’t hacked. And none of you are the cause of this, so don’t worry that you hurt my feelings, causing me to take my ball and go home. Also, don’t pat yourself on the back, thinking that it was you who finally got rid of me, your unknowing archenemy. Trust me when I say this, and mark it down in your journals, because what I’m about to say has been said before, but until now, it was always a lie.

It’s not you. It’s me.

Yours truly,

is a silly thing to still put at the end of letters. Which I still send through the mail, because I’m an idiot.
I heard that Martin Freeman, of Hobbit fame, and Andy Serkis, from LotR and Hobbit, were the only major actors who weren't of color in the new Black Panther film. Yep--this movie has gone full-SJW, and is so woke that it only included two Tolkien white guys.

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Re: Old Admins never die, they just fade away.
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2018, 12:59:11 pm »
You've done a wonderful job, for a long while, Joe, and its been appreciated. Enjoy your time post Admin role

Best wishes, from the 1920's.

And no, I'm still not allowed to tell you how I get on here from that era, Mr Mayer says it has to remain a secret! :angel:
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Offline Chrystal Wynd

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Re: Old Admins never die, they just fade away.
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2018, 02:37:36 pm »
Sorry to hear it, Joe, but I do get where you're coming from. The ambiance of this corner of the Internet has changed somewhat with the ebook thing.

You'll definitely be missed. For me, at least, your posts were an intrinsic part of what made the MC Forum the Forum and what separated it from other forums. You're one of the best and most entertaining informative/post writers I've ever come across. I don't know if post-writing is considered a genre, but if it is, you've achieved master status.

Enjoy your post-admin standing. Just one question: It wasn't because of me, was it?
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Offline wcw43921

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Re: Old Admins never die, they just fade away.
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2018, 03:11:32 pm »
"The last one I wrote was about Okies in the dust bowl. You'd never know, because when it reached the screen, the whole thing played on a torpedo boat."--Joe Gillis, Sunset Boulevard

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Re: Old Admins never die, they just fade away.
« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2018, 09:37:34 pm »
"Of all the admins I have encountered in my travels, his was the most... human."

Enjoy your admin retirement, Joe.

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Re: Old Admins never die, they just fade away.
« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2018, 01:28:09 am »
We'll always have boobs, Joe.
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Offline Mudak

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Re: Old Admins never die, they just fade away.
« Reply #6 on: August 13, 2018, 07:51:48 am »
Thank you for your service!   

Offline br0adband

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Re: Old Admins never die, they just fade away.
« Reply #7 on: August 13, 2018, 11:06:17 pm »
May your future endeavors fill your soul with glee, and thanks. ;)
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Offline Nab

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Re: Old Admins never die, they just fade away.
« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2018, 03:18:19 pm »
We'll always have boobs, Joe.

LOL!  :P
Have fun with MC!

Offline Chase the Wind

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Re: Old Admins never die, they just fade away.
« Reply #9 on: August 14, 2018, 05:05:39 pm »
I've told Joe elsewhere, but I'd be remiss if I didn't say so publicly- you will be missed! Words can't really express how we've had about fourteen years of association, at times closer than others, and the online friends (co-inhabitants? acquaintances? etc...) come and go. I do hope you'll stick around, as you say, out of muscle memory, if nothing else. There will always be baseball to talk about, and movies, and all the other stuff. I myself only read a modicum off MC stuff anymore, and haven't written a word of it in a few years.  But, there's always something that will draw  folks in, and hope we'll be around to cater to the fetish, since fact is, the idea of control and the loss of it (and the giving of it) is as old as time.

Fair journeys, Joe, and as mentioned, hope they bring you back around the bend now and then. ;)
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Offline JRParz

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Re: Old Admins never die, they just fade away.
« Reply #10 on: August 26, 2018, 04:18:33 pm »
May your retirement be both enjoyable and financially rewarding!  Now, go make some money with your writing prowess at Amazon!  You're an incredible talent and outstanding writer. 


Offline flibinite

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Re: Old Admins never die, they just fade away.
« Reply #11 on: December 21, 2018, 04:52:57 pm »
Wow, and gahh, I never saw this thread, Joe.  Not sure what to say, even as a past Admin myself of a like forum, and considering the differences in, um... departure.  However, I will say, as Chase has, that I hope you still pop in someplace from time to time to let us know how you and yours are doing out there.  I will also say, as others have, that I wish you the best in anything you do online and in the MC community in general (I've always wished you the best for all the rest of the things in your life).  And finally, you and I have always had our ups and downs (especially all those time when you were just so adamant about being dead wrong... :P), but there were far more ups than downs in our relationship... certainly IMO... and you were always one of the funniest posters and PM'ers on the forums, and that's always meant a lot to me.

I pretty much know exactly where you're coming from in terms of the "feel" of the current MC community and MC writing and all and why you've stepped away from your position, too, and am happy you got to leave on your own terms and at the time of your own choosing.  But again, here's hoping you'll still be around some, as it just wouldn't be remotely the same without you being around here some, as I've been reading/hearing your, um... dulcet tones (and tomes) around these parts for what... maybe 17 years?  That's a long time in today's world.

Ya done good, have been a big part of our community(s) for a long time, thanks for the memories, and good luck to you.  :-*

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